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Prince Fielder or Bust


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Paul Konerko? Yeah, right. Derek Lee? Steady, but a bit grizzled. Adam LaRoche? I guess.

We all know all these answers are just place holders(besides Konerko) and old heads(besides Adam), and none of them are a gurantee to produce going forward(No, not even Konerko).

The only real answer is whats being reported here:


And here:


And about 4 other places.

Prince Fielder is the only thing that can make us believe we can contend this year.

Give up Britton, give up Tillman, give up Waring and whoever else isnt named Matusz. Will it hurt? Yes. But if we get an exstention window like the Sox did with Adrian Gonzalez, we can rename the Flag Court Prince's Court and make a decade out of it.

Andy knows this.

Buck knows this.

We all know this.

An 8 year $150million dollar deal for a guy who can play first base the first 5 years and DH the next three may sound steep and risky to some- but its completely worth it it when your team plays in the AL East.

There are only about 9 hitters in the league better then Prince Fielder and all of them are locked up except one (Uncle Albert).

As a delusional Leo Mazzone once said, "The Time is now. The Place is now."

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Giving up Britton and Tillman for Fielder would be stupid.

So there's that.

Then you say you would sign him to a 8 year, 150 million dollar deal. 8 years?? Really? That sounds horrible.

And beyond all of that nonsense, you think Fielder will actually agree to any kind of extension. Which he won't, because Boras definitely will shop him on the open market when he is most likely the only big time 1B on the market (assuming Pujols gets extended).

But yeah, beyond that, great idea.

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Funny, but in the 5+ years that Fielder has been on the Brewers, his team is exactly .500 and has made one wild card appearance in a year when his team won 90 games. So why would anyone think that he is going to carry the Orioles by himself to the extent that we can trade away Britton + Tillman + others, pay him a boatload not to become a free agent, and have that deal make any sense?

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Giving up Britton and Tillman for Fielder would be stupid.

So there's that.

Then you say you would sign him to a 8 year, 150 million dollar deal. 8 years?? Really? That sounds horrible.

When your reply is "would be stupid" or "sounds horrible" then whats the point of a message board? Theres absolutely no opinion in that its just trash.

You're trying so hard to be cool and I'm just trying to talk baseball.

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When your reply is "would be stupid" or "sounds horrible" then whats the point of a message board? Theres absolutely no opinion in that its just trash.

You're trying so hard to be cool and I'm just trying to talk baseball.

You are trying to start a new discussion on something that has been talked ad naseum on this board.

If you give up Britton and Tillman, you have no depth at SP for at least two years. Waring has no value.

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