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The Classless Carl Crawford

Baldimore, hon

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'm pretty surprised by this particular story though.. I was at a Rays game two years ago, and the entire section in LF I was in was letting Carl have it all night. Some pretty bad stuff too. He didn't say a word, or even look back at us the entire game.

I might have been at that same game, though I'm sure Carl's been heckled at Camden his fair share. The entire LF section was giving him crap and he didn't even turn around to look.

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When it's that light-hearted, I wouldn't exactly call it heckling. It's more joking around in the frame of heckling. In that case, yes, that can be in good taste and in good fun.

On the other hand, I will never understand people who heckle in a mean-spirited way in an attempt to get a reaction from a player.

I agree. Goofing around with your friends is a lot different than the nature of the typical heckler of baseball players at games.

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Maybe it's not a rule, but did you ever think that not only are you bothering the players but all of the people around you who don't complain or speak up only because they don't want to get into it with a dumbass who is being loud and obnoxious?

So I am not allowed to speak and should sit in my seat like a church mouse and whisper politely to the opposing players? Get real. People like you are reasons I don't even bother going to the park anymore. If you don't want to be "bothered" by people razzing opposing players then stay home.

It is my job as a fan to make the opposing team and players feel as uncomfortable as possible when they are in OUR ballpark, as long as I do it without any foul language or break any rules.

Again, if you can show me any rule that I am breaking go ahead. But we know you can't.

Would you like the fans to stop cheering after we score too? Does that bother you? Are we making the Red Sux fans "uncomfortable"? Poor things.

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One guy is doing his job, at which he is highly skilled, and consequently highly paid for, and the other guy is acting like a jerk because he can't do that same job at all, and doesn't make nearlly as much money. Seems fair to me.:rolleyestf:

There are several reasons why I actually heckle while at a ball game and none of them have anything to do with me being jealous of the baseball players. Let me preface this with the fact that I don't curse or say anything vulgar in nature. My main, number 1 goal, is to fluster the opposing players. Maybe some of you don't remember playing baseball growing up, but if someone was heckling me or would exchange words on the field (for example, The Sandlot), it could make me lose focus for a few moments. In a MLB game, those few moments if you get in a players head could have an effect on the game.

My other goal is to simply have fun with heckling and watching the game. One example of this was some buddies of mine a few years ago were in the CF bleachers yelling to the Rays dugout heckling David Price for being in the bullpen and not in the rotation (he was up a September call-up). He actually responded to us with the WWE Generation X cross-armed hump. It was absolutely hilarious, got our whole group and the entire Rays dugout cracking up. Another example is when and friend and I went to an Angels game and yelled in spanish to Bobby Abreu "you play ball like a girl". Simple, but we got a laugh out of Abreu.

Heckling is apart of baseball and is an advantage to the home team but it should be good mannered and not vulgar.

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Good natured, unoffensive heckling is practically a tradition, I see nothing wrong with it. Besides, you wouldn't believe the crap I've heard Sox fans yell at our players in our park. I think the Sox can handle a little ribbing.

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So I am not allowed to speak and should sit in my seat like a church mouse and whisper politely to the opposing players? Get real. People like you are reasons I don't even bother going to the park anymore. If you don't want to be "bothered" by people razzing opposing players then stay home.

It is my job as a fan to make the opposing team and players feel as uncomfortable as possible when they are in OUR ballpark, as long as I do it without any foul language or break any rules.

Again, if you can show me any rule that I am breaking go ahead. But we know you can't.

Would you like the fans to stop cheering after we score too? Does that bother you? Are we making the Red Sux fans "uncomfortable"? Poor things.

I think there is a large middle ground between church mouse and drunken AH. As long as you are not profane and standing up, continually blocking the view, spilling beer on everybody around you, have at it. As to breaking rules, what is the legal definition of public nuisance?
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I think there is a large middle ground between church mouse and drunken AH. As long as you are not profane and standing up, continually blocking the view, spilling beer on everybody around you, have at it. As to breaking rules, what is the legal definition of public nuisance?

Pretty ridiculous assumption that every heckler is drunk, profane and spilling beer all over everyone don't you think? Holy steroetypes Batman!

I can honestly say that I rarely (if EVER) have heard a heckler yelling F this and F that. Why? because most people have respect for people around them, and know it is inappropriate to yell that stuff when kids are around. If they are yelling that stuff then they should be thrown out, and are.

I was at the game Friday and was yelling at the LF'er the whole game from row 2 behind the outfield wall. All in good fun. No foul language. And everyone around me was laughing, which describes about 99.9% of the heckling scenarios that you see at the park.

And LOL at the "public nuisance" angle. That is a good one. Maybe they should the whole park arrested on a technicality.

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Last night, I was attending the game (sitting three rows behind the visitor's on-deck circle). Carl Crawford comes up for his third at-bat and the 4 guys behind me, who are admittedly a little drunk, start asking him how it feels to have Josh Reddick batting ahead of him and playing his position when he's making 20 million dollars. They were also talking about how he makes $20 million and has a tattoo on his neck. Crawford actually turns around and says "What you worrying about my money for?" I was a little surprised that he would do this and merely thought, I guess he's not focused which is why he is not hitting well right now. He makes an out and the guys behind me get up and clap at him saying "good job, Carl" and while he's climbing in the dugout, he yells "F#@% You" to the guy behind me. I was extremely surprised that he did this. I've sat in those seats a bunch of times and I've said much worse than what was said to Carl Crawford to yankees players and the most I've ever gotten was a glare. Terry Francona then calls upstairs and says that he's got some guys who are being jerks and if they do one more thing he's going to have them thrown out. I didn't watch sportscenter or anything, but I would be a little surprised if this made it. Crawford plays on the Red Sox and since he was playing the Orioles, there wasn't enough coverage of it. But, should he get suspended for doing that? What should happen? Nothing? I don't know. I just couldn't believe that he did that.

I was expecting much worse for you to call him classless. I'm fine with heckling, but at least make it funny. These were just witless attacks and he responded. Deal with the consequences.

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Pretty ridiculous assumption that every heckler is drunk, profane and spilling beer all over everyone don't you think? Holy steroetypes Batman!

I can honestly say that I rarely (if EVER) have heard a heckler yelling F this and F that. Why? because most people have respect for people around them, and know it is inappropriate to yell that stuff when kids are around. If they are yelling that stuff then they should be thrown out, and are.

I was at the game Friday and was yelling at the LF'er the whole game from row 2 behind the outfield wall. All in good fun. No foul language. And everyone around me was laughing, which describes about 99.9% of the heckling scenarios that you see at the park.

And LOL at the "public nuisance" angle. That is a good one. Maybe they should the whole park arrested on a technicality.

Pretty stupid to infer that I was saying anything like that. But maybe you've had a little too much to drink? Or maybe you failed 1st grade reading, and have never caught up?
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People like you are reasons I don't even bother going to the park anymore.

You cannot be serious about this. You don't bother going to the park because people like me don't act like idiots? Good luck getting anyone to feel bad for you for that one.

Again, if you can show me any rule that I am breaking go ahead. But we know you can't.

I just said it wasn't a rule. You can't make someone be a good, considerate person but it doesn't mean you shouldn't be because no one can make you.

Would you like the fans to stop cheering after we score too? Does that bother you? Are we making the Red Sux fans "uncomfortable"? Poor things.

I know you can't possibly think anything I said should make you think this.

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You cannot be serious about this. You don't bother going to the park because people like me don't act like idiots? Good luck getting anyone to feel bad for you for that one.

I just said it wasn't a rule. You can't make someone be a good, considerate person but it doesn't mean you shouldn't be because no one can make you.

I know you can't possibly think anything I said should make you think this.

Can't we all just get along....:)

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