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What did Curt Schilling say?

Dark Helmet

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It was nontraditional, sure. But it would have been a great moment in Camden Yards history and it was worth breaking with tradition.

If Red Sox players, fans, former players, fans masked as journalists have a problem with it, they should take a moment to think about the last decade and a half, and whether they enjoyed all the taunting their fans and players were permitted at this ballpark. Manny Ramirez slapping high fives with guys in the stands and the whole dugout getting a kick out of it watching the replay comes to mind.

You dont like it them watching 30 seconds of another game on the field with playoffs on the line? You don't like it? Then win.

Give us our moment, dammit. The world does not revolve around the Boston Red Sox.

Agree with this 100%. They were sharing a moment with the fans. It was a packed house (packed full of O's fans) and they wanted to have a special moment. Excuse me for not feeling oh so sorry for the Red Sox and their feelings. They have two championships in the last decade to cheer them up and keep them warm at night.

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If Texas had hold on, I think Gammons would have tweeted:

"How awesome is it to see the Orioles watching on the field as they clinch a playoff spot?"

He was talking about the situation, not the outcome.

I could certainly be wrong. But he's never been a guy to write something like that.

This. I can take or leave Gammons, but this isn't Dan Shaughnessy we're talking about.

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Honestly, I don't know how you can interpret it any other way. It was clearly a swipe at the O's for last year.

Hey, Gammons... our hearts were mended about 5 hours later.

I have always thought Gammons has been very fair, even generous, in his coverage of the Orioles when he was at ESPN and MLB-TV. I tend to take the charitable interpretation of what he said, i.e., that it was cool to see the players out there watching with the fans. Maybe he will clarify.

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I have always thought Gammons has been very fair, even generous, in his coverage of the Orioles when he was at ESPN and MLB-TV. I tend to take the charitable interpretation of what he said, i.e., that it was cool to see the players out there watching with the fans. Maybe he will clarify.

I would agree if he didn't throw in the "getting their hearts broken" portion. When you throw that part in, I don't see how anyone can interpret it as a comliment.

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I would agree if he didn't throw in the "getting their hearts broken" portion. When you throw that part in, I don't see how anyone can interpret it as a comliment.

Jones certainly didn't and I have to think he knows Gammons better then the rest of us. (Unless Roy chimes in)

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I have always thought Gammons has been very fair, even generous, in his coverage of the Orioles when he was at ESPN and MLB-TV. I tend to take the charitable interpretation of what he said, i.e., that it was cool to see the players out there watching with the fans. Maybe he will clarify.

I feel the same way too. I watch him on NESN and his comments towards the O's have been nothing short of complimentary.

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I caught a tidbit on the fan, that Curt Schilling did'nt like the O's standing on the field watching the big screen after the game yesterday. What did he have to say?

They also mentioned Gammons tweeted something along the lines.." Loved seeing the O's dissapointed after Angels pulled out win", or something like that.

I can't stand Gammons. If your going to be a national baseball reporter, shouldn't you have to show some bias, to atleast appear proffesional? I stopped watching baseball tonight for the most part, now MLB Network is starting to bring in these type of guys too. Gammons, and Bethume from ESPN. Dan Plesac can't stop talking about the Yankees peaking at the right time. It mut suck to be one of the "experts", that were all wrong about the O's.

Not sure you know what bias means. Gammons has plaenty of that for the SUX. That's his MO.
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I'm going to give Gammons the benefit of the doubt on this one.

While occassionally he may subtly let his loyalties seep into his analysis, I doubt he would be so unprofessional to say something so obviously jerkish. Unless I hear otherwise, I'll just rack it up to a poor word choice and leave it at that.

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I'm sorry, but there is no way to interpret that as anything but him being a douche. He's a writer for crying out loud. If he meant it differently, I'd think he could form a sentence to reflect that.

Well, to be fair, it is Twitter, which has the uncanny ability to make even Rhodes Scholars come off sounding like brain-damaged alcoholics.

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