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Still think O's were wrong on Balfour?


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Wrong for trying to sign him? I haven't seen anything on down velocity or injury, which was all that kept him out of Baltimore, right?
Exactly, the official word is he failed his physical, not that the FO suddenly noticed he was a candidate for regression.

I don't think that one is necessarily mutually exclusive of the other.

If the Orioles refused to honor their original offer to Balfour because he failed the physical, wouldn't one of the next logical presumptions be (on the part of the Orioles) that since he failed the physical, then there is at least a decent chance that he won't be able to pitch well because of his failure of the physical? In fact, isn't that essentially what the Orioles are/were saying by nixing the contract? Something along the lines of, "He failed the physical, he is damaged goods, so therefore we are not willing to part with a good deal of money for said player who very well might not be able to perform up to (or close to) his expected capabilities."

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If he DOES come back hurt, how does that not make the O's doctors right?

I mean that pretty much proves the point, he didn't pass the physical.

If they knew he was injured, then why did they offer him millions of guaranteed dollars and presumably the closer's role?

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They figured the risk/reward was reasonable for a one year deal but not for a two year deal.
The physical revealed something they didn't like. They wanted to renegotiate the deal. He didn't. The end.

So they were wrong.

If they knew he was going to be injured/ineffective now they shouldn't have offered him anything.

But they did.

Because they were wrong.

They got lucky. Great. Let's not start acting like this was some genius FO decision.

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So they were wrong.

If they knew he was going to be injured/ineffective now they shouldn't have offered him anything.

But they did.

Because they were wrong.

They got lucky. Great. Let's not start acting like this was some genius FO decision.

The Drs. were right. that's why they took the offer away. It wasn't genius. It was science. Not rumor. Innuendo. Talk radio. Science. The Orioles trio of Doctors was correct. He was not going to be able to pitch effectively.

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Clearly, they were wrong.

They wanted to sign him.

They wanted to sign him for this:

Last 3 years: 2.53 ERA, ~200 IP in 202 games. 9.2 SO/9, 6.0 H/9. All very good numbers.

What they didn't sign up for is a possible injury. And his control has gone to complete crap and his velocity is down. And he's getting hit.

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So they were wrong.

If they knew he was going to be injured/ineffective now they shouldn't have offered him anything.

But they did.

Because they were wrong.

They got lucky. Great. Let's not start acting like this was some genius FO decision.

You can not prove or disprove if they were wrong, especially not at this juncture.

It is very possible that this bad stretch has nothing to do with health.

They also didn't "know" he was going to be injured/ineffective. They saw something that changed the risk/reward baseline.

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You can not prove or disprove if they were wrong, especially not at this juncture.

It is very possible that this bad stretch has nothing to do with health.

They also didn't "know" he was going to be injured/ineffective. They saw something that changed the risk/reward baseline.

Which is all that is required to fail a physical.

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You can not prove or disprove if they were wrong, especially not at this juncture.

It is very possible that this bad stretch has nothing to do with health.

They also didn't "know" he was going to be injured/ineffective. They saw something that changed the risk/reward baseline.

I don't understand why that is. Hard concept to grasp.

Sent from my XT1030 using Tapatalk

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