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Potential Rain Out on Thursday


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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>With rain in forecast Thurs told all will be done to play Jeter?s final home game. So expect possible long delay <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Yankees?src=hash">#Yankees</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/orioles?src=hash">#orioles</a> (cont)</p>— Joel Sherman (@Joelsherman1) <a href="
">September 24, 2014</a></blockquote>

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This is exactly what I was afraid of. Wouldn't surprise me if they start game after midnight. Ridiculous.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>With rain in forecast Thurs told all will be done to play Jeter?s final home game. So expect possible long delay <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Yankees?src=hash">#Yankees</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/orioles?src=hash">#orioles</a> (cont)</p>? Joel Sherman (@Joelsherman1) <a href="
">September 24, 2014</a></blockquote>

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Yeah because that's exactly what fans want. To wait until 9 pm for a ceremony.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>But in case Thurs game is rained out contingencies being discussed today. Hard to convince <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Orioles?src=hash">#Orioles</a> to play Mon if AL home field not in play</p>? Joel Sherman (@Joelsherman1) <a href="
">September 24, 2014</a></blockquote>

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Even if home field advantage is at stake, is it worth losing the off day before the playoffs?

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>But in case Thurs game is rained out contingencies being discussed today. Hard to convince <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Orioles?src=hash">#Orioles</a> to play Mon if AL home field not in play</p>— Joel Sherman (@Joelsherman1) <a href="
">September 24, 2014</a></blockquote>

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Obnoxious they would even think that's an option. Better go today.

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Even if home field advantage is at stake, is it worth losing the off day before the playoffs?

To me, it wouldn't be worth it. I'd rather have the team just take the # 2 seed, and not have to travel to and from New York City on what would have been a day off.

It's not up to me, though. :o

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Davis is suspended for 25 games. If we miss out on the game tomorrow due to rainout, it will mean one more playoff game that he has to sit out from what we were originally planning. I kind of hope we get the game in tomorrow just for that reason, and also to put one more "L" on the Yankees this year. I also hope we get far enough in the playoffs that this remains significant. :thumbsup1:

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Maybe it's just me but I find it hard to believe Davis will be in play this year. I can't believe Buck will put him on the ALCS roster if we get there and play a man short until Davis becomes eligible. And if we get to the World Series, it means we're playing great ball. So at that point, do we really upset the apple cart and send home someone who was likely a valuable contributor and replace him with someone who is batting .196 and who hasn't seen live major league pitching in over a month??

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Let me see if I can phrase this properly. If it is rained out and at the end of the season we are 1/2 game behind LAA, the game is to be played, according to MLB rules? Can Buck just call up and forfeit the game without having to travel? Would that count as a game towards Davis' suspension? If we cannot forfeit, Buck can just send the "B" squad, correct? What if it's rained out, but it does not affect playoff seeding? Can Buck request to play the game anyway, just to take one more game off of Davis' suspension?

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Let me see if I can phrase this properly. If it is rained out and at the end of the season we are 1/2 game behind LAA' date=' the game is to be played, according to MLB rules? Can Buck just call up and forfeit the game without having to travel? Would that count as a game towards Davis' suspension? If we cannot forfeit, Buck can just send the "B" squad, correct? What if it's rained out, but it does not affect playoff seeding? Can Buck request to play the game anyway, just to take one more game off of Davis' suspension?[/quote']

If half game behind LAA, the game would be played.

Regarding forfeit, IN THEORY, Buck could just have the team not show up, but he wouldn't do that because he respects the game. According to the MLB rulebook, it would count as a game, with the Orioles losing 9-0.

A FORFEITED GAME is a game declared ended by the umpire-in-chief in favor of the offended team by the score of 9 to 0, for violation of the rules.
4.15 A game may be forfeited to the opposing team when a team—(a) Fails to appear upon the field, or being upon the field, refuses to start play within five minutes after the umpire-in-chief has called “Play” at the appointed hour for beginning the game, unless such delayed appearance is, in the umpire-in-chief’s judgment, unavoidable;

If we do play the game, Buck could use anyone on the 40 man roster due to September call-ups.

If the game does not affect playoff seeding, Buck can't request we play it. This would be MLB's call I believe.

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the Yanks will have mailed it in at that point. they probably already have plans to go home for that day.......they would need to come back to NY to play one last day? I would have to assume we have tiebreaker over Angels.

you don't play again until Thursday.


if homefield isn't at stake...then awww hell nooo.

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If half game behind LAA, the game would be played.

Regarding forfeit, IN THEORY, Buck could just have the team not show up, but he wouldn't do that because he respects the game. According to the MLB rulebook, it would count as a game, with the Orioles losing 9-0.

If we do play the game, Buck could use anyone on the 40 man roster due to September call-ups.

If the game does not affect playoff seeding, Buck can't request we play it. This would be MLB's call I believe.[/quote

Thanks so much howboutthoseos

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The Yanks will have mailed it in at that point. They probably already have plans to go home for that day ....... they would need to come back to New York to play one last day? I would have to assume we have the tiebreaker over the Angels.

You don't play again until Thursday.


If homefield isn't at stake .. then awww, hell nooo.

I wasn't aware that Game One wouldn't be played until Thursday.

In that case, maybe you're right.

Perhaps Showalter could start Ubaldo Jiminez, and wing it with him ....... hope that he has a good day, and we win.

If we do win, great, then we will get the # 1 seed.

If Jimenez has a bad game and we lose, that's OK also, because in starting Jimenez, we won't be using a pitcher that is scheduled to start a game in the postseason.

In addition to "winging it" with Jimenez as the starting pitcher, I would also "wing it' with the bullpen. I wouldn't use any of the pitchers that I was planning on being on the postseason roster, unless I felt that one of them needed the work (not more than 1 inning and/or 25 pitches, though.)

The position players should be fine, since (as you pointed out) they have off until Thursday, anyway.

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