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Can the Orioles still "out opportunity" other teams?


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For a few seasons now, Buck has been fond of saying that the Orioles were able to sign your better borderline players because they could "out opportunity" other organizations. Steve Pearce is the shiniest example of that.

But now the Orioles have more players in search of positions than BWI has aircraft waiting to take off.


- Ryan Webb, who signed a two-year deal before last season spent much of the year in AAA and has been DFA because there is no place to hide him

- The glut of relief pitchers without options leaves the bench thin

- There are now five catchers on the Norfolk roster (according to the team website). Someone has to go

- Even with Hardy and Paredes on the DL, there is no room for Navarro (who is on the 40-man roster), Janish, or Nix

- There are 38 players on the Tides roster, which must be pared down to 25. Plus, there will be three or four more coming when Lough, Hardy, Paredes, and Wieters come off the DL

Depth is good, no question, and DD is the roster master. My question here is, will the O's become a less popular destination among borderline players seeking an opportunity as the Orioles have fewer legitimate opportunities?

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Termporarily, no.

But half the team is a free agent after this year. We'll have plenty of roster spots available in 7 months to accept the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free from other organizations.

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For a few seasons now, Buck has been fond of saying that the Orioles were able to sign your better borderline players because they could "out opportunity" other organizations. Steve Pearce is the shiniest example of that.

But now the Orioles have more players in search of positions than BWI has aircraft waiting to take off.


- Ryan Webb, who signed a two-year deal before last season spent much of the year in AAA and has been DFA because there is no place to hide him

- The glut of relief pitchers without options leaves the bench thin

- There are now five catchers on the Norfolk roster (according to the team website). Someone has to go

- Even with Hardy and Paredes on the DL, there is no room for Navarro (who is on the 40-man roster), Janish, or Nix

- There are 38 players on the Tides roster, which must be pared down to 25. Plus, there will be three or four more coming when Lough, Hardy, Paredes, and Wieters come off the DL

Depth is good, no question, and DD is the roster master. My question here is, will the O's become a less popular destination among borderline players seeking an opportunity as the Orioles have fewer legitimate opportunities?

Not if they keep winning.

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I think by the very nature of the number of names listed in the OP (Nix, Paredes, Lough, Navarto, Janish) the Os have identified a lot of guys who could see major league playing time with an injury or two. The Os have a track record of getting guys at bats and there are clearly a lot of depth guys who prefer to be in our system.

DD put together a full year roster w very few guys who contributed negative WAR. Quality depth can go along way and I expect several teams to ramp up efforts to identify such guys going forward.

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Termporarily, no.

But half the team is a free agent after this year. We'll have plenty of roster spots available in 7 months to accept the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free from other organizations.

That is terrifying.

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Can the Orioles still "out opportunity" other teams?

Perhaps not, and you make a good case as to why they may not be able to.

However ...... as long as Dan Duquette is at the helm, I am not going to necessarily assume that he will not be able to find a way to pull a few rabbits out of hats, as he has consistently done (both in the off-season and during the regular season) since taking over the Orioles' G.M. position in November of 2011.

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Plenty of opportunity. It's up to the players to seize it. If Webb had pitched better last year, he'd still be here. Brach did what Webb was supposed to do. There are chances for guys like Parmele, Navarro to get a chance this year or put themselves in the running for a job in 2016. The only players whose jobs are truly secure are Machado, Hardy, and Jones. If Pearce goes into a horrid first half slump, he would lose playing time, if not his job.

Opportunity is reduced because the roster is less flexible. There are fewer guys with options, so the club needs to be more sure before getting the turnstyle going.

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Termporarily, no.

But half the team is a free agent after this year. We'll have plenty of roster spots available in 7 months to accept the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free from other organizations.

Must spread rep, but boy, is that an image that does not inspire confidence.

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