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Roch: Dylan Bundy - Dominating


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Or Papelbon!

Would you have done it for Lester last year knowing that we were going to make the ALCS? We probably win game 1 with Lester starting. It changes a lot. Considering I was like 30 days old the last time we won a WS I'm kinda 60/40 we should've done it.

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Would you have done it for Lester last year knowing that we were going to make the ALCS? We probably win game 1 with Lester starting. It changes a lot. Considering I was like 30 days old the last time we won a WS I'm kinda 60/40 we should've done it.

Certainly worked for the A's. Plus, imagine the fun when Lester walked and signed with the Cubs. If Miller gets a 75-page thread the Lester-for-Bundy plus playoff exit plus Angleos-hates-winning-and-the-fans-by-extension thread might have melted the servers.

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Does he go to Norfolk at all, or straight to BAL from Bowie?

Additionally, when does he get to Baltimore? We're obviously not just going to cut ties with Norris, but I doubt anybody wants him, either. I don't get the feeling that he has the best reputation around the league.

I'd like our chances moving forward with Gausman in the rotation and Bundy in KG's 2014 role (instead of Norris) from June 1 forward, but I'm sure that's not happening for a variety of reasons. Also too bad we have to keep this Rule 5 pick around all year eating up a roster spot on a dinged up major league club.

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Certainly worked for the A's. Plus, imagine the fun when Lester walked and signed with the Cubs. If Miller gets a 75-page thread the Lester-for-Bundy plus playoff exit plus Angleos-hates-winning-and-the-fans-by-extension thread might have melted the servers.

Two things here.

1. I'm assuming you've been alive and able to enjoy the experience of the O's winning a WS.

2. It did work out for the A's. It wasn't Lester's fault that the catcher injured his hand and the guy they brought in was a glorified DH. He picked off Hosmer in the first inning and Aoki stole in the 1st inning. Injury happens in the 3rd then every base runner was a double basically. http://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/KCA/KCA201409300.shtml

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Two things here.

1. I'm assuming you've been alive and able to enjoy the experience of the O's winning a WS.

2. It did work out for the A's. It wasn't Lester's fault that the catcher injured his hand and the guy they brought in was a glorified DH. He picked off Hosmer in the first inning and Aoki stole in the 1st inning. Injury happens in the 3rd then every base runner was a double basically. http://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/KCA/KCA201409300.shtml

Lester cannot throw to first. Until the Cubs made him try this season, he hadn't made a throw to first to hold a runner since April 2013. No matter how good a catcher is, he can't control the running game by himself.

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Maybe once he is allowed to go more innings he will be able to pump it up a little bit. Dylan might get completely loose until after 3 or 4 innings like Tillman and Verlander have shown to do. Sitting at 92-93 or 94 is pretty good when you can touch 96 or 97 to give them a little change of speed.

Was he really hitting 100 and 101 in HS like i read on some sites (maybe here not sure) or was that a product of a fast gun for scouts?

I remember hearing 98 or 99.

But I don't think he was ever sitting there. Sitting in the mid 90's and touching the high 90's is what I recall. Seems like he is starting to regain his former velocity.

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I remember hearing 98 or 99.

But I don't think he was ever sitting there. Sitting in the mid 90's and touching the high 90's is what I recall. Seems like he is starting to regain his former velocity.

Word was he had hit 100 in bullpen sessions, in a controlled environment. Never in a game.

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2. It did work out for the A's. It wasn't Lester's fault that the catcher injured his hand and the guy they brought in was a glorified DH. He picked off Hosmer in the first inning and Aoki stole in the 1st inning. Injury happens in the 3rd then every base runner was a double basically. http://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/KCA/KCA201409300.shtml

So, no, it did not work out for the A's. The success of a trade isn't determined by the individual player's performance, but by the team performance as a result of the trade.

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This is not only extremely hyperbolic, but borderline trolling.

I thought it was funny. And if that's trolling, then what are the dozens, if not hundreds, of posts I had to slog through of the form "Stupid Orioles always wait too long to trade their suspects. They never develop anyone so they're idiots if they don't trade their Bundys for whatever they can get."? Not to mention the substantial fraction of the board willing to trade Ubaldo last year for anything ranging from 10 cents on the dollar salary relief to PTBNLers.

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So, no, it did not work out for the A's. The success of a trade isn't determined by the individual player's performance, but by the team performance as a result of the trade.

The original post was mulling over trading the future for Lester because he would have increased the odds of winning in the playoffs right then. I was just pointing out that the A's did exactly that and more, and exited October as quietly as possible.

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This is not only extremely hyperbolic, but borderline trolling.

Nothing wrong with some call-backs to things some of us were off or wrong about, or possibly overreacted on, whether positive or negative. I am the first to point out that I really wanted us to sign Hamilton at 5/125.

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