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This is A Mess (Mega RANT Thread)


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Uh oh - reverse jinx alert! As his brother in arms BRob did, and Brandon Snyder, and lowly TOR OF Adam Loewen did before him when facing their former team, Kakes will hit his second bomb of this year against his former squad* - book it! Will Ryan Lavarnway also? Stay tuned!

*however, in a losing cause




:P Wouldn't surprise me.

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Herman and MSK are real men of conviction. During the best stretch of the year from June 24-28 culmintating in the O's sweeping a DH from Cleveland and being 7 games up, they either had nothing to say. or stuff like this.

See, their rhetoric gets toned down real fast when the team is winning. All of a sudden they aren't quite as sure about all the crap they are spewing. Now the team is down again, and boy are these guys tough now. LOL

We aren't allowed to call them names but boy it sure would be easy!

I've been around in game threads and I WANT the Orioles to win. I cheer for them when they do well, and I pull for them when they are having a rough stretch.

God forbid I care about the team's fortunes during the year. Most fans tend to ride a rollercoaster (particularly Orioles fans) during a baseball season. I just refuse to pretend that there's nothing wrong when there's clearly some problems.

Name calling is the refuge of the unimaginative and cowardly. It's SO easy to trash people from behind the comforts of the anonymous internet.

Cherry picking statements of my support for the team has nothing to do with my feelings about the GM and FO.

Learn the difference.


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It is certainly difficult to understand how Snider can have the positive WAR he currently holds. My advice would be to take WAR as simply one indicator of several and I would caution not to use it to freely in the middle of a season.

I haven't watched Nick play at all this year. He certainly has a good OBP but pretty much everything else appears to be about a zero and his average is slowly falling to the expected 275-285 range from over range. At 275 with virtually no power, he can't be bringing much to the team even with a good OBP. And I'm a huge Nick fan.

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Everyone of a certain age remembers when callng someone a .300 hitter meant something. I would ask the WAR skeptics to treat it the same way, just new and improved. No metric captures everything but WAR at least is a systematic, consistent starting point for the discussion. When you say "six win player" its shorthand for MVP candidate. That's where you start talking about the details.

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Why is it assumed that DD wanted to go to TOR and didn't want to stay here. Just because he wanted to interview for a better paying job with more responsibility doesn't mean it was a slam dunk he would have taken it. I was happy in my teaching job at an Ivy League college in NYC, but interviewed for a better paying position with more responsibility at a Mid West college. Ultimately I decided to stay in NYC because I enjoyed my work there and wasn't comfortable with the people in the Mid West.

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When the team was 7 games over, where were all of the remarks about how Duquette had screwed up the offseason? This team has shut you up numerous times over the last 3 years. You only come out from underneath your rock when the team is losing. Everyone knows it. Yeah, when the team is winning your are just bogged down with work and don't have time to post in the main board. Funny how your work schedule seems to ease up when the team is losing. LOL

When going is good, MSK is quiet as a mouse. When the going gets rough, he's the first rat off the ship.

Game threads dude. That's all I'm going to say. I don't need to defend my fandom to you.

When I've posted positive things none of you have anything to say. You had nothing to say when I flew from LA to Baltimore for the 2012 playoff run. You had nothing to say when I commented on the 2012 DVD and the pleasant feelings it gave me and other fans. You had nothing to say when I shared news of the sabermetric conference last year.

No, you and your ilk only pounce on critiques of the FO as if your existence depended upon it. I've never in my life seen FANS defend a MLB front office when they've only won 3 seasons out of the last 17. It's astonishing really.

Then you guys have the unmitigated gall to question me just because I don't fall for the horrible managing of the team. Sure DD has done a few decent things over the last few years except:

1) Build up the farm.

2) Adequately replace Cruz, Markakis and Miller.

3) Reveal a plan for long-term success.

I've been an Orioles fan since the early 1980s. I spent most summers of the 1980s at Memorial Stadium.

Don't question me or my fandom.


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3) Who do you want him to real his plan for long term success to? What GM even attempts to do this? You're a funny guy.

2) Adequately replace Cruz (40 homers), Markakis, and Miller (shut down reliever)? If you live in the real world you knew they wouldn't be able to get a player to do what Cruz did last year. Everyone knew it but you expected it.

1) He has not built up the farm. He also is peforming on a shoestring budget compared to most teams internationally. He also made trades of minor leaguers to help the team make the playoffs in 2012 and 2014. He's also been a bit unlucky with the injuries to Bundy and Harvey.

Duquette has been the GM since 2012, right? You hold the prior 14 seasons against him too? Last but not least, many posters on here criticize and question the moves the team makes. Only a blind person would be unable to read that on here on an almost daily basis. Most though, have the ability to move on to the current reality. Unfortunately, you are still stuck back in November-December of 2014. Give it a rest already. Your schtick is so old it's starting to smell really bad.

You are not the martyr you are making yourself out to be. Just a really, really, annoying poster because you have nothing constructive to add to any discussion. Too bad. Maybe watching the 2012 DVD and flying in for games is your strength as a fan. It surely isn't adding anything of substance to this site.

This site, which I believe you dissed the other day by saying your'e sure glad you don't have to get your Orioles information here. You genarlize anyone who uses facts to back up there arguments as "saber guys", while you wouldn't know a fact if it smacked you in the nose. Funny stuff.

A couple of days ago I posted a list of links of GMs discussing and implementing their plans for their franchises. It's not a top secret, hidden kind of thing.

As I said then, no one expects an inter-departmental memo, but some kind of direction for the future of the club. There doesn't seem to be a plan for the Orioles.

I don't hold the previous years before DD arrived against him.

That's ridiculous.

I do feel that the Orioles haven't been creative nor have they moved from their hyper-conservative nature and their way of thinking tends to cripple clubs instead of improving them. DD has limitations but he could also be more imaginative in ways to improve the team.

That has not occurred.

I didn't diss the site, I said that I'm glad this isn't my only source of info because I would get nothing but useless saber info that goes against the common sense nature of the majority of the fanbase. Listening to MLB Network, ESPN, 105.7 and WBAL, you hear much of the same kind of stuff I discuss. THE GREAT MAJORITY of the people discussing the Orioles in media generally agree that DD dropped the ball this past offseason, but on here, you guys come up with nonsense formulas to suggest Snider is better than Markakis.

Again, the blind defense of the FO is arrogant and pathological.

I have a lot of cool stuff to discuss. I'd love to have some real conversations on here, but when I watch the team lose because of DD's distractions, I'm not going to be happy. Whenever I try to discuss anything, I get hit with snark. Which I can handle, but don't act as if anything I'm saying is unsubstantiated just because you prefer to communicate via algebra formulas.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Time to drop the curtain on this lame act, who has done little or nothing to build on the foundation laid down by Andy MacPhail. Tired of seeing the results from a nothing offseason, over $10 million dollars wasted in DFAd personnel, and constant shuffling of AAAA players with mediocre results on the field. Bring in a bright young executive like New Hampshire native Ben Cherington, who has a world championship on his resume and knows what it takes to build a productive minor league system. The thought of Duquette in charge of this offseason is nothing short of frightening. Time for Angelos to do the right thing: can this non-talent and bring aboard a real front office that can do it right for the sake of this franchise.:cool:

From 2012-2015...

Dan Duquette's record as GM: 336-272

Ben Cherington's record as GM: 293-316


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We shouldn't fire him, but I would agree that maybe we shouldn't feel "comfortable" with him, because it's all still a mystery. Whatever his plan or vision is, it hasn't really been carried out to the point where the average fan would have an idea of it. The next few years will determine whether DD is the guy, not the last few.

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This is just comical. Fire the guy who has taken us to two playoff berths and (at worst) two .500 seasons? One a $100M budget (when the Dodgers are spending $300M)? There are many particular moves that we can question - I have been on record with a few - but on the whole DD has done a good job steering the ship. For crying out loud, he was the executive of the year in 2014. Just about every move he made in 2014 he hit, and just about every one he has made this year did not. These things happen. Let him play out his contract and then you re-evaluate.

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Why not fire the team? I am sick and tired of watching the team be

so lackadaisical to win. They play hard only when they feel like it.

I am p...ssed at losing. The whole organization fails in drafting,

spending on needed pieces and trades.

They can't hit in the clutch, they leave runners in scoring position

with no urgency to drive the runs in. The o's swing to hit a 500ft

home run when they just need a sac fly out. The o's don't deserve positive

fans to be positive toward them.

The o's have a tv broadcaster who applauds the opposing team when the

o's sign his paychecks. I have to mute the tv sound to watch them.

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