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WHAT are the O's trade rumors.


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I have no idea what to expect. This trade deadline has been hectic already and there's more than 24 hours of business still remaining and no particular lack of options remaining available ATM. These next 36 hours will be analyzed for years and years lol.

In other words, who knows where we're going, but let's enjoy the ride :)

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The O's are playing the deadline pretty close to the vest, as they have for as long as I can remember. All we have is Duquette saying that we are definitely buyers, and he's looking to help with the corner OF spots and with pitching.

When's the last time trade rumors strongly hinted at a deal for the O's before it happened? I feel like the O's are really good at keeping everyone guessing. I feel like whenever I hear rumors about us being 'interested in' someone or whatever........it never pans out.

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Where's all the insiders? :-)

They don't post inside stuff on the board. Because we don't do that stuff here. That does not mean that they don't share. Also the three leaky sieves in the warehouse are all gone.

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They don't post inside stuff on the board. Because we don't do that stuff here. That does not mean that they don't share. Also the three leaky sieves in the warehouse are all gone.

Looking at what happened in New York last night I am kinda glad the leaks are gone.

Does knowing about it an hour earlier make any difference?

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At no point have the Orioles been seriously tied to any of the major players. There's been chit chat here or there, but that's it. So either the Front Office is doing an amazing job controlling the flow of information, or the team honestly isn't considering any big moves.

Most folks feel it's the latter.

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They don't post inside stuff on the board. Because we don't do that stuff here. That does not mean that they don't share. Also the three leaky sieves in the warehouse are all gone.

Sometimes I miss the the good ole days...I would get zero work done and refresh the board all day.

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Looking at what happened in New York last night I am kinda glad the leaks are gone.

Does knowing about it an hour earlier make any difference?

It's funny you say that because I was just thinking that yesterday. I waste way too much times going to various sites at times like these (another example being free agency for MLB and NFL) looking for breaking news and I thought to myself yesterday "why am I doing this? In this day and age, I'll probably find out within minutes of anything happening due to phone updates.". But, here I am again--a slave to my curiosity even if it's illogical.

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If they are not going to trade for someone, then I think they should trade someone away. Doesn't really make sense to not do SOMETHING. I just don't think the team is good enough as is. I understand that we will get draft picks for Davis, Weirers, and Chen if they all walk at the end of the year, but there is no guarantee that the draft picks will 1. Sign; 2. Amount to anything.

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I think standing pat is the right move. We couldn't really get anything of consequence without dealing Gausman or Schoop, in my opinion. I think they are just as important to our stretch run now as a new addition would be. We just don't have the depth in the minors to do anything of significance, and dealing Bundy and/or Harvey wouldn't make sense because we'd be selling when their value is at its lowest.

If Tillman has truly righted the ship, this is a different team than the first half. All we need to do is grab a wildcard and then the playoffs are a crapshoot.

I could see us doing a de Aza type deal, but other than that I don't think it would be wise to do much else.

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