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Nestor banned from Camden Yards?

Hank Scorpio

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I just heard Nestor on the Steve Czaban Shown on 980. And, he tried to make this "story" sound like a big deal. He tried to tap dance around questions regarding the rest of his station being given credentials. He completely sounded like he was trying to make a story out of nothing. I am so tired of this buffoon getting any publicity at all.

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I love how some of the people who were defending Nestor and bashing Angelos and the O's earlier in the thread are now suddenly absent.

I prefer to bash Nestor and Angelos for different reasons. I have no problem with Nestor for calling out Angelos, and I wish everyone else would as well. But, these little stunts do nothing but decrease any shred of credibility he actually had.

After his interview, Czabe read emails calling Nestor the "worst interview ever" and a "self-promoter who needs to stop stroking himself."

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Well, to be quite honest I don't know what to think, but the corporate side of me agrees with the Orioles.

When a reporter who covers the news becomes the story and protests against the very organization he is supposed to cover, they've a crossed a line.

Are the Orioles, who are a private enterprise, supposed to take kindly to a man who organized a walkout, no?

I admire Nestor's passion as a fan, but he did cross a journalistic line...

I don't WNST or the ins and outs, but there's a lot of allegations and stuff that are being said, or unsaid...

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He made the story personal, thus he is no longer a journalist.

Day one, lesson one of High School Jounralism class:

-Be objective, don't make it personal.

EXACTLY! And also, lesson 2...never inject the word "I" into any journalistic article!

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You all might find it interesting what journalists without a horse in the race have to say: SportsJournalists.com

That part about Peter King really stands out. Nestor pulls this kind of garbage in the Ravens locker room allllllllllll the time - he'll walk all the way to the other side and then yell (so everyone can hear him), "Okay AD, I'll give you a call, man"!!!!!!!!!!

Like anyone gives a sh*t. I think Nestor is a nice guy, but he tries wayyyyy too hard. The minute you show up in the Ravens locker room with a Ravens jersey on claiming to be a journalist, you have discredited yourself. And when it says, "NASTY" on the back, you're really discredited yourself.

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When you think about it, it's really quite apt:

One owner of an underacheiving organization vs another owner of an underacheiving organization.

You have to wonder if Nestor could apply that attitude of his in to trying to get his station powered by more than a few 9v batteries he might be able to get some real play around the area.

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A nice little blog entry from Rick Maese.

Of course PA wouldn't. He doesn't silence critics or hold a grudge. Just ask Davey, Jon, numerous sports hosts on WBAL, Sun reporters, etc........

The issue isn't about Nestor. He is just one little blow hard. Ironically, if PA would just ignore him, he would go away- or at least be harmless. PA continues to legitimize Nestors cause.

It is about PA's repeated attempts to silence anyone who dare speak out against his team.

It isn't just Nestor and Forrestor- he doesn't want to hear any of your criticism or mine either. The new Orioles flagship had to promise NO live callers (fans) on any pre or post game shows.

Oh come on! Give me a break here. If you owned a business, and someone came into your business, walked around for a little while, and then convinced a number of people in the store to follow you out and buy nothing while verbally insulting the very store and YOU as the owner, you would ban them from coming back and you damn well know it! I don't agree with everything Angelos does, but Nestor and drew have completely, 100% lost my respect and I no longer listen to the morning show. I do still listen to Haynie and Rob Long because Haynie covers the team without burying them like drew and Nestor do. Hey Nasty...if you want your radio station to be anti Orioles, that's fine...but please...PLEASE do not f'n advertise your radio station during MY Orioles games on TV like you did last year! Nestor is a damn hypocrite !

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Well, to be quite honest I don't know what to think, but the corporate side of me agrees with the Orioles.

When a reporter who covers the news becomes the story and protests against the very organization he is supposed to cover, they've a crossed a line.

Are the Orioles, who are a private enterprise, supposed to take kindly to a man who organized a walkout, no?

I admire Nestor's passion as a fan, but he did cross a journalistic line...

I don't WNST or the ins and outs, but there's a lot of allegations and stuff that are being said, or unsaid...

The thing is, the Orioles DID give the guy's station creds. They didn't kick anybody out. Even with the protest, the Orioles invited folks from the station back. They don't even have anything to complain about.

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IF you are the Orioles, why give Nestor his soap box? If Nestor wants a press credential give it to him. When you have a corporation like the Orioles that has a very public face, you sometimes have to swallow your pride.

Denying Nestor's creditial no matter how justified, is going to get him ranting and raving once again. Some people will see through Nestor, others will side with him. Personally, I think both Nestor and Peter need to grow up. Nestor needs to stop making a mountain out of every mole hill and Peter needs to stop being so petty.

This is a PR battle the Orioles can not win, should have gave him the credential. IF he abuses it, then revoke it.

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IF you are the Orioles, why give Nestor his soap box? If Nestor wants a press credential give it to him. When you have a corporation like the Orioles that has a very public face, you sometimes have to swallow your pride.

Denying Nestor's creditial no matter how justified, is going to get him ranting and raving once again. Some people will see through Nestor, others will side with him. Personally, I think both Nestor and Peter need to grow up. Nestor needs to stop making a mountain out of every mole hill and Peter needs to stop being so petty.

This is a PR battle the Orioles can not win, should have gave him the credential. IF he abuses it, then revoke it.

I think it's quite obvious what Nestor's motives were here. He didn't have credentials last season, nor did he even want any. He only asked for them this season because he knew that he would be denied and then he could start all of this crap in motion. He's inventing news where there is no news. What a hack!!:rolleyes:

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There is a very good reason for that that I cant get into.I will leave it at that.I have been "warned" so to speak.

So someone threatened you to keep you quite because they didn't want you defending Nestor? Or was it someone who loved Angelos? This sounds dubious...

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No, ScottieB told him to knock it off. He's being petulant.

Now how did you know that? Sounds like you guys are buddies,I get the picture now.

BTW here is a take from someone who had a falling out with Nestor,he provides a great perspective on the situation.


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