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    • There have been numerous studies into whether home crowds affect referees' calls in other sports, mostly soccer and basketball. Many, I think most, found that referee calls do tend to favor the home team. There is a 2023 study about ball/strike calls in baseball that appears to be behind a pay wall, but it apparently found that home plate umpires favored home teams by a small, but statistically significant amount. https://www.valpo.edu/stories/2024/03/19/bias-at-the-plate-what-umpires-tell-us-about-evaluators/  Two thoughts. If it's true that umpires calls are affected by a (presumably subconscious) desire to please home crowds, it makes sense that the NYYs would reap the largest benefit (or among the largest benefits) of that bias.  Their home crowds not only are among the largest in MLB, they are among the loudest, "home"-est and most vociferous in MLB. If there were away to combine and assess those elements, I am pretty sure the NYYs would head the list. In addition, I'm sure that the NYYs play their away games before crowds that include more of their fans than any other team in its away games -- including both transplanted New Yorkers and fans with no connection to New York who elect to root for a perennial contender with a rich history of success. Second, one thing I've always wondered about is the identity of MLB's video reviewers. Who are they, how are they chosen, and how does MLB insure that they're not biased? They work in New York. Do they live in New York? Did they live in New York before they were hired? Might some of them be NYY fans, or one-time NYY fans? Or have family members or close friends who are NYY fans? (I may have thought about that because I grew up in the same Philadelphia suburb where longtime NL umpire Shag Crawford resided. I recall thinking about,  and probably talking with other kids about, how Crawford, who spent his entire life in the Philadelphia area, must be affected by that connection when he umpired Phillies games. 
    • Heck, we could still be the #1 seed in the AL if we win out and the Yankees and Guardians lose out. Dream big!
    • It should also be noted that all 4 WC series ended in two game sweeps last year.  So the 'game 3' start could very well be game 1 of the ALDS.  Not sure that would change anyone's answer, but it might lend itself to less of the 'piggyback' approach knowing its not a winner take all. I would go Kremer either way.
    • He won't make the WC roster, but it resets after every round so its possible for later in the playoffs.
    • CLE is only 1.5 games behind NYY for the #1 seed, so we could potentially play CLE in the ALDS. CLE plays the Reds tonight and then plays the Astros who have already clinched their division.
    • All I know is that when they offer to let you switch from Door #1 to Door #2 you do it.
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