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vs. RED SOX, 6/03


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Just now, Can_of_corn said:

You know and I know that Dan is going to try and get some money back out of Ubaldo's contract if he's moved.

Someone said one of the local radio shows said Angelos was willing to let him go last year. 

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3 minutes ago, Malike said:

Probably because people don't like flushing millions of dollars down the toilet. It's not the Manager who decides who is on his roster and as Smoltz said a little while ago, when you need to use your bullpen early every freaking night, you can't keep going to the same horses.

Donnie Hart has pitched twice in the last ten days including his time at AAA. How does putting someone like Hart in the game count as "going to the same horses"?

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11 minutes ago, Norfolk orioles said:

It is also lacking in sound management a little too often for my liking.


There is no defense for this decision.

Sure there is. Using Ubaldo tonight, after the unexpected short start, helps save the rest of the pen both for some difficult upcoming series and for the long run. I think it was a bad decision to bring him in, but not indefensible. I believe, as I've said before. Buck manages for the long term more than any of us thinks about the long term. He also, in my opinion, makes some really bad in-game decisions.

That brings up the real question: how long does he take up a spot on the 25-man. I've been a defender of Ubaldo being given a chance to show he has some value in the pen with our high-pitch-count starters, but I've seen enough. He has to go. Preferably yesterday.

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1 minute ago, Can_of_corn said:

You know and I know that Dan is going to try and get some money back out of Ubaldo's contract if he's moved.

There is a ZERO POINT ZERO chance anyone takes Ubaldo off of our hands. This isn't even worth considering. Get rid of him.

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2 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

You know and I know that Dan is going to try and get some money back out of Ubaldo's contract if he's moved.

That's the thing! Must be 8 mill left? That's a chunk of change for DD and PA.

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Just now, Norfolk orioles said:

The money is already flushed. This is not even remotely a valid defense.

Here is  a newsflash for you. I hope you don't get triggered as it seems to happen easily with you. No matter how much you cry and whine about Ubaldo on the forums here, its not going to make him disappear from the roster. All of the bellyaching you have been doing for Showalter to hear, won't be heard here. Send him a letter or go wait by his car in the parking lot. Just because you say something ten thousand times on a message board won't make it come true in real life. Your whining falls on deaf ears, noone in this thread is in a position to relay your concerns to anyone on the team, nor would they give a flying you know what about what you think. When Ubaldo gets in the game turn the TV off, shut your PC off, save yourself and the rest of us the aggravation.

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2 minutes ago, TINSTAAPP said:

Donnie Hart has pitched twice in the last ten days including his time at AAA. How does putting someone like Hart in the game count as "going to the same horses"?

You trust Hart? Lol.

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2 minutes ago, eddie83 said:

Someone said one of the local radio shows said Angelos was willing to let him go last year. 

Scott Miller from BR/Turner Sports disputed that notion.



The Orioles did not end up pulling off the swap that would have sent Ubaldo Jimenez to the Padres and outfielder Melvin Upton to Baltimore, but they came very close to doing so before Upton was shipped to the Blue Jays instead.

On Tuesday morning, Ken Rosenthal, who first reported on the Jays landing Upton, said that the O’s had offered two prospects to the Padres, in addition to Jimenez, but the deal broke down over finances.

Presumably, the Orioles were expected to send some money to the Padres for taking on the Jimenez contract, although in the trade that was actually made, the Padres sent $17 million to the Jays along with Upton. The Padres only saved $5 million in the trade, which is about the same as they would have saved if they just had a money-neutral contract swap of Upton and Jimenez.

Another reporter, Bleacher Report’s Scott Miller, revealed a case of meddling Angelos. According to Miller, the O’s and Padres were close to a deal but Angelos stepped in over a question of the money involved (it’s not known how much) and that changed the deal, after which the Padres preferred what the Jays were offering.


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