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The defense thread, 2018


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2 minutes ago, Ohfan67 said:

I think they should fire Buck and appoint former players as the team manager for a week or so at a time. Not the Cal's though. I would start with Joe Orsulak, then move on to say, umm, Jeffrey Hammonds. Next go with Rocky Coppinger. Coppinger would definitely manage against the Yankees. Maybe Strawberry could throw out the first pitch. You get the idea. I would watch a couple of games just to see the manager. 

This is almost like a Bill Veeck type of thing where once he had the fans make line up decisions (I’m thinking it was the Browns, but maybe it was the White Sox). The fans held cue cards in the stands to vote on managerial moves. 

Looked it up. Was ‘51 with the Browns. 




”On that day, Veeck orchestrated “Grandstand Managers Night,” a promotion which allowed fans to vote on key decisions during the course of the game, using placards which read “yes” or “no.” 
Over 1,000 “grandstand managers” sat in a special section behind the Browns dugout, while Browns manager Zack Taylor relaxed in a rocking chair in the next box over, in casual clothing and a pipe in his mouth, as he enjoyed his night off. 

The fans began their short-lived managerial careers by deciding the lineup of the game. They wrote their choices on lineup cards, delivered to the Browns prior to the game. After tallying fan responses, a lineup was decided on”

Five days earlier, Eddie Gaedel pinch hit for the Browns and drew a walk. 

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8 minutes ago, Ohfan67 said:

I think they should fire Buck and appoint former players as the team manager for a week or so at a time. Not the Cal's though. I would start with Joe Orsulak, then move on to say, umm, Jeffrey Hammonds. Next go with Rocky Coppinger. Coppinger would definitely manage against the Yankees. Maybe Strawberry could throw out the first pitch. You get the idea. I would watch a couple of games just to see the manager. 

Or Dr. Venkman. He has front office experience. 


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I haven’t been watching enough to catalogue the notable plays, as I usually do.   For now I’ll just note that after 59 games, BB-ref has us at -32 Rtot, -53 Rdrs.    Fangraphs has us at -27.4 defense (last in MLB), -23.4 UZR (also last).     We’ve given up 24 unearned runs, 5th worst in MLB.

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