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Chris Davis 2019 and beyond


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6 hours ago, ChuckS said:

Richie Sexson was a prolific slugger in his 20's and stopped hitting at age 32.  Ryan Howard also at 32. Adam Dunn fell off a cliff in his 30's.  None of them as bad as Davis.  But a hard decline in the early 30's is a common theme among these lumbering first basemen. 

Almost as if you could have seen this coming when we signed him as a free agent.  

And Boog Powell was washed up at age 34. I guess it's a chance you take when you sign someone entering their 30's to a long term contract.  

Also the PED makes people think that sluggers typically last to age 40.  Those  who were on the juice like A-Rod,  Bonds, had prolific years in their 30's.  But clubs should not look at them when deciding to award a long term contract. What a mistake by the Orioles.

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11 hours ago, ChuckS said:

Richie Sexson was a prolific slugger in his 20's and stopped hitting at age 32.  Ryan Howard also at 32. Adam Dunn fell off a cliff in his 30's.  None of them as bad as Davis.  But a hard decline in the early 30's is a common theme among these lumbering first basemen. 

Almost as if you could have seen this coming when we signed him as a free agent.  

Amazes me how people act like his .196 season in 2014 didn't happen. Hit .196 and less than two years later he is gifted a 7 year 161 million dollar contract

I still my think my theory of Boras taking advantage of Angelos, and Angelos completely ignoring his baseball men as the only reasonable explanation.

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2 minutes ago, webbrick2010 said:

Amazes me how people act like his .196 season in 2014 didn't happen. Hit .196 and less than two years later he is gifted a 7 year 161 million dollar contract

I still my think my theory of Boras taking advantage of Angelos, and Angelos completely ignoring his baseball men as the only reasonable explanation.

It wasn't Boras. Buck was the driving force behind Davis getting that contract. 



Next, after losing Cruz the year before, Buck wanted Chris Davis back badly. Duquette was reportedly less interested in retaining Davis for the money he was requesting, but Buck reportedly went directly to Angelos requesting his first baseman be signed.  Angelos reportedly took over the negotiations and signed Davis to the largest contract in Orioles history.


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On 6/27/2019 at 11:23 AM, webbrick2010 said:

Amazes me how people act like his .196 season in 2014 didn't happen. Hit .196 and less than two years later he is gifted a 7 year 161 million dollar contract

I still my think my theory of Boras taking advantage of Angelos, and Angelos completely ignoring his baseball men as the only reasonable explanation.

I mentioned the .196 before he was signed and most everyone on here was arguing with me telling he was still productive at that number.  

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On 6/27/2019 at 6:13 AM, Maverick Hiker said:

And Boog Powell was washed up at age 34. I guess it's a chance you take when you sign someone entering their 30's to a long term contract.  

Also the PED makes people think that sluggers typically last to age 40.  Those  who were on the juice like A-Rod,  Bonds, had prolific years in their 30's.  But clubs should not look at them when deciding to award a long term contract. What a mistake by the Orioles.

Bonds still would have been having good years in his late 30’s without steroids.  He was a high average, high OBP low strike out guy.  He is the type of player who ages well.  He put up 1000 OPS season at  34 without steroids.  


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5 minutes ago, atomic said:

Bonds still would have been having good years in his late 30’s without steroids.  He was a high average, high OBP low strike out guy.  He is the type of player who ages well.  He put up 1000 OPS season at  34 without steroids.  


You don’t think he started using PED’s in the late 80’s?

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13 minutes ago, atomic said:

Nope he started in 2000.  That is why the whole he isn’t in the HOF is BS.

Barry Bonds started using PEDs after the '98 season.  It was a direct response to the McGwire/Sosa adoration that was going on at the time.  Bonds knew he was the far superior player and wasn't getting the love and attention that he felt like he deserved.  So he decided to get on what they were on and show everyone just how good he could be.  And while I'm not endorsing PED use when I say this...I get it.  I completely get it.  Being a world class talent like that, feeling slighted and seeing two guys you see as inferior getting all the attention, know they're not doing it clean and just saying...well, if that's what you're gonna do...!#%^ you, I'll show you.  



(03-07) 11:47 PST -- Barry Bonds began using steroids after the 1998 baseball season and came to rely on a wide variety of performance-enhancing drugs over the next several years, according to a book written by two Chronicle reporters and excerpted in this week's Sports Illustrated.

The excerpt offers the most comprehensive account of Bonds' experience with steroids, tracing his involvement to the off-season following the historic home-run race featuring Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa.


The excerpt also says Bonds "learned how to inject himself" and describes one conversation with Anderson in which Bonds says of starting another drug cycle, "I'll do it myself."

By pinpointing Bonds' initial use of steroids to the months following the 1998 season, the excerpt pushes back the date when Bonds is known to have first used steroids by more than a year. Former Bonds girlfriend Kimberly Bell said in her testimony before a federal grand jury in San Francisco in March 2005 that Bonds told her before the 2000 season that he had started using steroids, The Chronicle previously reported.

The excerpt spells out in vivid detail what attracted Bonds to performance-enhancing drugs: his intense jealousy of McGwire's 70-home run season and the national hero worship it created.


"To Bonds it was a joke," one passage reads. "He had been around enough gyms to recognize that McGwire was a juicer. Bonds himself had never used anything more performance enhancing than a protein shake from the health-food store. But as the 1998 season unfolded, and as he watched Mark McGwire take over the game -- his game -- Barry Bonds decided that he, too, would begin using what he called 'the s -- .' "

Bonds' anger over the hoopla surrounding McGwire is clear throughout the book excerpt. His frustration spilled into the 1999 season, when Bonds walked onto the field before the Giants played McGwire and the St. Louis Cardinals in a three-game July series at Candlestick Park.

Bonds discovered the Giants had set up ropes around the batting cage to control the crowd that inevitably gathered to watch McGwire take batting practice. " 'What the f -- is this?' he demanded of the security guards. They told him the ropes were for McGwire. Furious, Bonds began knocking the ropes down. 'Not in my house!' he said."

Bonds did his homework before diving into the murky world of performance-enhancing drugs, according to the excerpt. He obtained medical advice from third parties before he began to use steroids, the excerpt says, and was told he shouldn't take them. Bonds, encouraged by Anderson, ignored the advice.

Anderson -- who later pleaded guilty to conspiracy to distribute anabolic steroids and money laundering and served three months in prison -- originally decided which drugs Bonds would use, according to the excerpt.

Bonds began using Winstrol after the 1998 season, the excerpt says, with Anderson supplying the steroids and syringes and usually injecting Bonds in the buttocks.



Is Davis still here?

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2 hours ago, atomic said:

Nope he started in 2000.  That is why the whole he isn’t in the HOF is BS.

Bonds does not belong in the HOF.

Lack of character and he damaged the game by going on steroids and becoming a far greater player than he should  have been in his late 30's. He made a mockery of the game and I hope he never gets close to the hall without buying a ticket. Same with Clemens, McGwire, Sosa, all the cheaters.

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2 hours ago, Moose Milligan said:

Barry Bonds started using PEDs after the '98 season.  It was a direct response to the McGwire/Sosa adoration that was going on at the time.  Bonds knew he was the far superior player and wasn't getting the love and attention that he felt like he deserved.  So he decided to get on what they were on and show everyone just how good he could be.  And while I'm not endorsing PED use when I say this...I get it.  I completely get it.  Being a world class talent like that, feeling slighted and seeing two guys you see as inferior getting all the attention, know they're not doing it clean and just saying...well, if that's what you're gonna do...!#%^ you, I'll show you.  




Is Davis still here?

Yeah a few years ago in a 13-0 game I'd be sure Davis hit a HR or two.  Now the team does it and he is not even in the boxscore.  It's got to be embarrassing for him and I hope he agrees for. a deal for a  buyout of his contract. He agrees to retire if the team pays 50 percent of his remaining contract. 

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7 minutes ago, Maverick Hiker said:

Bonds does not belong in the HOF.

Lack of character and he damaged the game by going on steroids and becoming a far greater player than he should  have been in his late 30's. He made a mockery of the game and I hope he never gets close to the hall without buying a ticket. Same with Clemens, McGwire, Sosa, all the cheaters.

So pull Perry's, Ruth's and Galvin's plaques right?  All the guys that did amphetamines?

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