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The Defense Thread, 2019


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8 minutes ago, weams said:

All the arguments are bogus. We must either stop treating these metrics as if they mean anything or get ones that do. We have the technology. 


I know a young man who works in the data analytics section of MLB. I saw him on Monday and asked if Statcast was going to come out with stats for infielders along the lines of what they’ve done for outfielders.    He said that, although he’s not personally working on it, he knows that MLB already has developed this information, but it’s not yet public and they are still working out the kinks.     He didn’t specify a timetable, or say whether the data would be made public once the kinks were worked out (but I expect it would be).    

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41 minutes ago, Frobby said:

I know a young man who works in the data analytics section of MLB. I saw him on Monday and asked if Statcast was going to come out with stats for infielders along the lines of what they’ve done for outfielders.    He said that, although he’s not personally working on it, he knows that MLB already has developed this information, but it’s not yet public and they are still working out the kinks.     He didn’t specify a timetable, or say whether the data would be made public once the kinks were worked out (but I expect it would be).    

Thank you.

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43 minutes ago, weams said:

Thank you.

You’re welcome.    I would have grilled him more, but it was part of a larger gathering and we were standing around in a group of three and the other guy clearly wasn’t into this, so I didn’t push it.

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(vs. ROYALS, 8/31)


It was only one solitary play, but Trey Mancini made a very difficult play to record a crucial out.

With a runner on 2nd base and one out in the bottom of the 7th inning, the Orioles were clinging to a 1-run lead. 3rd baseman Jonathan Villar fielded a ground ball and mad a VERY BAD throw, about 2 steps to Mancini's left. Mancini took 2 steps to his left, leaped in the air to snag the ball, and then somehow managed to slap a tag on the back of the Royals runner while he was still airborne. Instead of runners on 1st and 3rd with only one out, there was a runner at 3rd base with 2 outs ........ largely thanks to Mancini.


Unfortunately for the Orioles, the next batter hit an RBI-double to plate the runner from 3rd base and tie the game, but it could have been worse if not for Mancini's athletic play.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Didn't see the play, was listening to the radio but apparently DJ Stewart butchered another flyball early in the game

Must have been pretty bad because both announcers (Brown & Ben McDonald) launched a tirade of how bad a jump and angle he took and how it was a ball

that should have been caught "by a Major League outfielder".


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48 minutes ago, webbrick2010 said:

Didn't see the play, was listening to the radio but apparently DJ Stewart butchered another flyball early in the game

Must have been pretty bad because both announcers (Brown & Ben McDonald) launched a tirade of how bad a jump and angle he took and how it was a ball

that should have been caught "by a Major League outfielder".


DJ looked a bit tardy retreating to that ball, but his throw to second looked adequate ?.  More egregious yesterday were the 4 SB's at will (2 double steals) off Bundy/Severino and later Bleier/Severino.  Then the two runs allowed after Severino dropped the K for the third out of the inning that scored 2 R's with Bundy not covering home for the ultimate R.  Previous to that, Santander airmailed home on a bloop single but runner would have scored anyway IMO.

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13 hours ago, bobmc said:

DJ looked a bit tardy retreating to that ball, but his throw to second looked adequate ?.  More egregious yesterday were the 4 SB's at will (2 double steals) off Bundy/Severino and later Bleier/Severino.  Then the two runs allowed after Severino dropped the K for the third out of the inning that scored 2 R's with Bundy not covering home for the ultimate R.  Previous to that, Santander airmailed home on a bloop single but runner would have scored anyway IMO.

Yes, pretty clear that the run would have scored anyway. Also, the other runner didn't go to third either.

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The Orioles currently rank 30th in DRS and 29th in UZR:   Broken down into some DRS components:

Framing (rSZ): -19

Stolen bases: 0 (please note)

Double plays (rDP): +7

Outfield arms (rARM): -15

Range (rPM): -41

Shifting (rTS): -9

Then there are some components where I can’t find a definition for the abbreviations:

rCERA: -1 (I assume it relates to catchers but I’m not sure what components)

rGFP: -10 (“good fielding plays?”)


What are “Good Fielding Plays” and “Defensive Misplays”?

To overly-simplify it, a Defensive Misplay is any play where the fielder screws up. More specifically, a misplay is recorded when a fielder does something identifiably wrong AND an opposing batter reaches base or takes an extra base as a result. There are currently 60 types of Defensive Misplays we record. 

A Good Fielding Play is recorded when a fielder does something to prevent an advancement or record an out that we wouldn't typically expect from a fielder at the position. It is a play that is made when, had the play not been made, no one would have faulted the fielder for not making it. There are currently about 30 different types of Good Fielding Plays.

A player cannot be rewarded with a Good Fielding Play unless there’s a positive consequence - an unexpected out or outs are recorded or runners are prevented from advancing. Defensive Misplays work in the same way in that no matter how many times an infielder, for instance, kicks a grounder, if he is able to record the out at first and no other outs (such as a force) could have been recorded if he fielded the ball cleanly, it is NOT scored a Defensive Misplay. 

While it’s quite obvious that it is impossible to remove all subjectivity from awarding GFPs and DMs, Baseball Info Solutions strives to be as objective as possible. A baseball observer, understanding that a GFP is a play that is made in an environment where the outcome in unclear, can recognize this environment and select the correct GFP from the list. 

How do Good Fielding Plays and Defensive Misplays factor into your analysis? 

We have taken many of the Good Fielding Plays and Defensive Misplays and incorporated them into “Good Play/Misplay Runs Saved”. For example, we studied how catchers block pitches in the dirt and first basemen handle difficult throws at first base. The difference between the best and worst fielders in these regards can amount to several runs over a season. Good Play/Misplay Runs Saved and the seven other components make Defensive Runs Saved the most comprehensive defensive statistic available.  

Who determines whether the play is a Defensive Misplay?

BIS video scouts, trained specifically to recognize and record Defensive Misplays and Good Fielding Plays, record DM and GFP information. 



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