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Law's biggest disapointment from Futures Game: Beato


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I was actually at the game today - I showed up the inning before they put Beato in. He came in with 2-outs and got the strike out. He started off with some change-ups to get the batter to two strikes, and then made an 18 MPH jump with the fastball for the K. I thoguht he looked good, but I'm sure the sportswriters know more than me.

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Speaking of disappointments, what the helle has happened to Brandon Erbe?

He hasn't been that bad. Take away his recent 6 run start and his 12 run start, and his ERA is an even 3.50.

Now I know those two starts can't be taken away, but he's had a decent year otherwise.

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Beato is a starter. It's tough for a young kid to warm up differently and then come in and pitch in these types of games. Unless he's hurt, that's not the kid I saw last year in Aberdeen.

Law can only report what he saw, but I'm sure even he will tell you that you can't make a full assessment off of watching a kid pitch to few batters in an all-star type game.

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Here is the take on Beato from BA; seems to jive with Law (except for velo). However, I seem to remember an NL Scout not liking Olson either last year.

One pitcher scouts were unimpressed with Sunday was Orioles righthander Pedro Beato. A supplemental first-rounder last year, Beato's velocity was in the low 90s, but his arm action and max-effort delivery left scouts with several question marks.

"Of all the guys the World team threw out there, he was the guy that didn't jump out at me," an N.L. scout said. "His arm action is long and not very pretty at all, he doesn't repeat his delivery well and there just isn't good life on the fastball. His stuff was flat and he didn't show much ability to set up hitters with what stuff he did have. I just wasn't on him and I expected more."

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Here is the take on Beato from BA; seems to jive with Law (except for velo). However, I seem to remember an NL Scout not liking Olson either last year.

He pitched to 2 people and this "scout" has a full opinion on the guy? How in the world does he do that? Vulcan mind-meld? That's why some of this "anonymous scout" BS needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

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Beato's results at Frederick this year are not exactly overwhelming. I think we need to admit that he's been a disappointment so far. Not all high draft picks work out. This one might not.

Correction: Delmarva

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Beato's results at Frederick this year are not exactly overwhelming. I think we need to admit that he's been a disappointment so far. Not all high draft picks work out. This one might not.

Maybe not. But it's awfully harsh to start calling a prospect a disappointment at age 20. IMHO, Erbe, Beato, and Snyder all need time before we get to that conclusion.

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He pitched to 2 people and this "scout" has a full opinion on the guy? How in the world does he do that?

How in the world does a doctor to look at a blood test and figure out what's right or wrong right away?

Professionals don't need two years to make a judgment on the quality of the guy's delivery.

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