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Cashner Wants to Stay in Baltimore


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5 minutes ago, mdbdotcom said:

It's not sarcasm. Any veteran ballplayer who wants to stay on a rebuilding team with which he has little history or ties to the community should hang 'em up. They've lost the competitive edge that made them a ballplayer to begin with. Cashner is crazy. He should go home.

I couldn't disagree more. He's perfectly fine making a living on a bad team where he likes the people around him. That doesn't make him "crazy." It makes him a human being. My only problem with it is I think it lowers his trade value by some unquantifiable, but probably real, percent. 

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1 minute ago, LookinUp said:

I couldn't disagree more. He's perfectly fine making a living on a bad team where he likes the people around him. That doesn't make him "crazy." It makes him a human being. My only problem with it is I think it lowers his trade value by some unquantifiable, but probably real, percent. 

I'm guessing he would be a human being even if he wanted to play for a contender. He's been good for the club this year. Last year he wasn't. I suspect his relationship with Brocail and his improved performance have a lot to do with his desire to stay. I also think that if Brocail were hired by a contender that Cashner would want to go there.

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1 hour ago, OFFNY said:



Winning championships is not the only form of legacy that there is for players. As I stated earlier, Melvin Mora's legacy (for people like myself) is that he was going to stay an Oriole for as long as he possibly could, for better or for worse. 

Juwan Howard once stated that the legacy of the Fab Five from the University of Michigan is that THAT is what people remember first and foremost about him ........ not that he had a solid, 19-year career as an All-Star NBA player ........ not that he won a world championship late in his career as a teammate of LeBron James ........ but that he was a member of Michigan's Fab Five team that made it to back-to-back national championship games as Freshman and Sophomores in the 1991-92 and 1992-93 seasons, respectively. And people are still talking about that, and making documentaries about it.





24 minutes ago, atomic said:


The only thing that I remember about the Michigan Fab 5 was Chris Webber calling a timeout when he had none and blowing the game. Other than that, I remember Webber and Howard as teammates for the Bullets. 




That may be the only thing that you remember of them, but that is far from the only thing of what many hardcore college basketball fans remember of them. 

As a lifelong Tar Heesl fan, I was thrilled to see Webber call that timeout, which sealed the fate of that game. The Michigan players and head coach Steve Fisher immediately rallying around Webber was as touching to me as was winning that national championship as a North Carolina fan was thrilling. They made it clear that they would not have been there in the first place without him. Webber left the team for the NBA after that season and it showed, with the now Fab-4 (sans Webber), though still a force to be reckoned with, was eliminated 2 rounds earlier (the Elite Eight) in the NCAA tournament as they had been in the previous 2 seasons.



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1 minute ago, mdbdotcom said:

I'm guessing he would be a human being even if he wanted to play for a contender. He's been good for the club this year. Last year he wasn't. I suspect his relationship with Brocail and his improved performance have a lot to do with his desire to stay. I also think that if Brocail were hired by a contender that Cashner would want to go there.

Sure. I just don't think your personal insults are necessary, fair or accurate. He could be the greatest guy in the world, but for me, I want to trade him to help with the rebuild. It's two different issues.

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Just now, Dipper9 said:

Or, like, maybe he's a human being and actually enjoys where he is playing?  

Can we ever stop being critical of people?  He's the best pitcher on this team, so even in his "loss of competitive edge" he's still wiping the floor with the rest of the staff, with the possible exception of Means. 

It’s ridiculous to judge Cashner’s preferences without being in his shoes.    As to whether he’s “lost his competitive edge,” his performance this year suggests otherwise.    Maybe he likes mentoring young players.    Maybe he likes being reunited with Doug Brocail.    Maybe he likes crab cakes.    Maybe his wife and kids really like the area.   Who knows?

But the fact is, whether he complied with a trade or not, he’d probably be moving somewhere else by March 2020 if he wanted to continue playing baseball.    So, I doubt this will end up being an issue.   

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17 minutes ago, Dipper9 said:

I agree.  I have seen this all the time from Cashner.  He sits in the dugout and has a good time with his team every game, and even on his pitching days he interacts with them, rather than sitting by himself on the end of the dugout.  I really like the guy, and I wouldn't mind giving him another two years here while we rebuild, but if we can get something for him, we need to do the trade and resign process with him.

Yeah, it's to the point where it's a surprise if one of our players does something good and Cashner isn't there talking to him when they do the dugout look-in. 

Plus, he is a mid 30's man wearing a cowboy hat in Baltimore, so really just a great guy. 

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23 minutes ago, LookinUp said:

Sure. I just don't think your personal insults are necessary, fair or accurate. He could be the greatest guy in the world, but for me, I want to trade him to help with the rebuild. It's two different issues.

I hope he doesn't take my "insults" personally, as we've never met. I have no basis for making a personal insult about him. But feel free to take offense on his behalf. 

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37 minutes ago, LookinUp said:

I couldn't disagree more. He's perfectly fine making a living on a bad team where he likes the people around him. That doesn't make him "crazy." It makes him a human being. My only problem with it is I think it lowers his trade value by some unquantifiable, but probably real, percent. 

I like Cashner. He’s gone up in value to me. Happy to be in Baltimore on a bad team is saying something to me. 

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2 hours ago, DrungoHazewood said:


Isn't he saying that if he was traded away from a situation he likes into a situation he doesn't he would at least consider retiring and forgoing the payment associated with the rest of his contract?  It's not ideal for the team, obviously trades are a possibility when you sign a MLB contract.  But it's not like he's planning on not performing and still getting paid.

I think we should remember this thread the next time we talk about players needing to have a little loyalty.  Remember how Manny should have taken a team-friendly deal?  Or how Mussina is still a traitor for not taking $10M less to sign with the O's?  Here we have a guy who's thinking about retiring and giving up as much as a quarter of his career earnings than leave the Orioles.  Maybe a little nuts, but you have to have some kind of grudging admiration for anyone who wants to be here, now.

No. The article clearly made it sound like he was thinking of going home for the rest of this season.

"Sticking with the complicated theme here, Cashner isn’t saying he’d absolutely walk away from several million dollars and the game for a couple months if the Orioles attempted to trade him — which would be his only recourse since he doesn’t have 10-5 veto rights (10 years of service, five years with his current club). But he is saying it’s something he’d at least consider if he didn’t like the situation he might encounter with a new team. Theoretically, he could refuse a trade, head home to Texas in July, and look for a new team of his choosing next offseason."

You've never read a post from me criticizing a player for not having loyalty the Orioles or another team. I've actually argued in the other direction and used Mussina's home town discount on his extension with the Orioles as an example of a player basically just giving ownership money by giving them a discount. Mussina caught flack from the union for the relatively cheap extension he signed with the Orioles before he became a free agent and Mussina was incredibly bitter when the Orioles blew up the team he basically helped fund with that discount.

I'm not criticizing Cashner for wanting to stay with the Orioles. I do, however, think it was dumb for him to express himself in this way and it is very dumb to  think he can go home for a few months and play MLB next year. Maybe Cashner doesn't really think this way and this was the writer's interpretation, but it sure sounds like the writer was explaining Cashner's thoughts. 

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3 hours ago, Frobby said:

True.    Of course, Cashner has no contractual rights.   If he were to refuse to report to a new team it would be viewed in a very different light than when Adam declined a trade.    But the human aspects are the same.  

I think Cashner is a pretty positive force in the clubhouse.    We need to trade him if we can get something of future value, but it will be a shame to lose the guy, especially since he’s pitching well.  

Cashner has an 86 ERA+ with the Orioles and the Orioles are 32 - 150 since they signed Cashner. I don't see any evidence that he is a "positive force" in the clubhouse and I definitely do not think it will be a shame to lose the guy. Getting traded is part of being a baseball player. There's a good chance his family lives the majority of the year in Texas, so it doesn't involve a family relocation. I don't see how getting traded to a contender is a negative for Cashner and it is not even close to Adam Jones using his contractual rights to stay in Baltimore. 

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I remember when Lee Mazilli was traded from the Mets(?)to the Rangers. He hated the trade and Texas and Texans and made no secret of it. Eric Soderholm had the same reaction when traded from the White Sox to Texas. They both played LOUSY as Rangers.

The best thing the Orioles can do -if the rules allow it, on which point I am unclear-is have a private chat with Cashner’s agent and find out where he’d be willing to go, and if the subject comes up in negotiations, the Os can specifically say that Cash is willing to go to that team.

thats not just good baseball-again, rules allowing-its courtesy.

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