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Elias J2 International Orioles


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9 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:

And then the Yankees are out of money.  Thank goodness more than ten kids play baseball.

BTW Brooks chose us, because he knew he would get an opportunity.

If you have a cap on expenditures for amateur signings I don't understand why the draft exists.  If you want the Orioles to have an advantage, just structure the spending like it is today: the bad teams or the small-market teams get more cap space.  Maybe a lot more.  

Where would you sign: With the Yanks or Sox and their stacked rosters and endless line of prospects for less money, or with the Orioles for more cash and an almost immediate opportunity to sieze a MLB job?  If you structure the caps and limits the right way the Orioles could get the equivalent of 2, 3, 4 first round picks every year (that they were bad the prior year).  Might even be able to go quality over quantity and get two high first rounders in one year.

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9 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:

Right, can be.  Not is, your assuming something with supporting evidence.  Anyway no system would ever be completely fair.

Define fair.  Fairness in opportunities?  Or fairness in outcomes?  

I don't like the draft because it takes away what might be a player's only opportunity to choose where he plays.  If there was a draft pre-1964 the odds are very good that the O's don't get either Brooks or Palmer.  And even if they did who knows how the fact they never got a choice impacts their willingness to stay in Baltimore their whole careers? I think a guy who wanted to play for the Orioles at the beginning would feel more of a connection to the team than someone who just happened to be drafted by them.

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8 minutes ago, AceKing said:

Did you know that Jim Palmer never gave up a grand slam?

I love it when he manages to work that into a broadcast, it just kills me every time.

268 wins?  Nah.  3 Cy Youngs?  Nope.  3 rings?  Maybe close.  I firmly believe that the thing he's most proud of is that piece of trivia, that he never gave up a grand slam.  And he'd love to tell you about it.

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14 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:

Right, they invested heavily.

That isn't the mark of an unfair system, that is the mark of team putting in the work and getting rewarded.

Do you think Detroit and Milwaukee are somehow less attractive than say Cleveland?  Or they simply not doing as good a job?

The international system favors the rich first and foremost. The reform with caps make it such that the small market teams can compete. 

All of these market-based scenarios in this thread make a lot of sense on paper until you realize that this is about sustainability of a league that is set up as anti-competitive. The more power you give to the player to make the most money he can, the more power you give to the Yankees. I cannot create a Waldorf Orioles that can be promoted to the major leagues. It's impossible. None of this is market based or fair in the grand scheme of things.

An international draft would level the playing field within the league. They could structure it in a way to incent the same amount of spending and try to promote as many kids into a system as they do now. It isn't rocket science and it is a way to allow poorer teams to compete on another level, which ultimately helps the sustainability of the league as it's currently constructed.

But, no, it's not best for the international players.

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6 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:

If you are correct why would Elias declare that he wouldn't be trading any slots this period?  

I have no idea, how much just went unused this last signing period. I’m just using common sense here, if weren’t not signing any of the top 30-50 guys, where is the money going?  Are we going to sign 40 players?  


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7 hours ago, sportsfan8703 said:

Won’t it be hard to spend our full allotment without getting any of the “top” prospects?  I’m assuming we have the most, just like the draft. After not signing anyone to 300k for awhile(at least I think), we’d have to sign like 25-30 players to 300k contracts to hit our limit. 

I see us spending 2-3 million. Which is a huge upgrade. I just think people might be let down. 


7 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:

Eight teams share the top pool size at -6.5M.  Not sure where you got your numbers from.

If they were only going to spend 2-3 millions Elias wouldn't have declared that he wouldn't be trading any slots.

And yes if they spend 3M  folks will be extra tired of listening to me.

I believe that last year (2017-18 cycle), MLB teams ended up spending 97% of the total slot money allotted.   So, apparently there are ways to spend it even if a team doesn’t land a $1 mm+ bonus baby.   

Total slots were $153 mm and total spending was $149 mm, excluding bonuses of less than $10,000, which don’t count against  a team’s cap.     Teams paid out about $4 mm in bonuses under $10 k.

Source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/36369185

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