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How and when will MLB resume in 2020? Update: Owners Agree - Proposal Submitted to Union


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38 minutes ago, Philip said:

Sure, a lot of them will, but a lot of them won’t. I personally feel that most of them won’t.  I don’t think enough of them will to sustain the current finances

People may not come to games this year (if that is even an option) but as soon as thing is controlled and a vaccine is in place, and make no mistake that will happen, life will go back to some semblance of normal. I’m sure some positive health and safety practices will persist, but people are anxious to return to pre-virus life. 

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7 hours ago, survivedc said:

People may not come to games this year (if that is even an option) but as soon as thing is controlled and a vaccine is in place, and make no mistake that will happen, life will go back to some semblance of normal. I’m sure some positive health and safety practices will persist, but people are anxious to return to pre-virus life. 

A fair number of people won’t be able to afford discretionary things like baseball games for a while.     The whole live entertainment industry is going to be hurting for a long time.    I’ve got a daughter who works in theater and that industry is really in for a hard time.   

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33 minutes ago, Frobby said:

A fair number of people won’t be able to afford discretionary things like baseball games for a while.     The whole live entertainment industry is going to be hurting for a long time.    I’ve got a daughter who works in theater and that industry is really in for a hard time.   

I agree.  Between the economic factors and the fears now introduced,  I too think congregate based activities...sporting events, concerts, theater, cinema,  even churches will be impacted severely.  The streaming and broadcast business model is going to have to be expanded and improved even more if professional leagues are to survive. 

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But in answer...if the projections stay where they are at the moment, I think a symbolic number of games may be played this year...maybe starting in June by MLB even if there are risks in order to not cancel an entire season which has never been done.  But those games will be held in the laboratory isolation type mode being discussed...no fans attending, etc. 

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This is mostly guesswork right now, but my gut feeling is that we're going to see games in July.  Schedule of roughly 81 games in sequestered places.  But a reasonably high likelihood that there will be positive tests or other outbreaks with team(s) that will shut down at least part of it. Of course no fans.

Would be an interesting test case for my pet project of ~3 regionally aligned leagues that in normal circumstances would drastically limit travel and games in other time zones.  For this test case put the Eastern League at one site like Florida, the Midwest League in another, and the Pacific League in the third.

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Not that I would wish it this way, but emergencies have a way of forcing organizations to do things they otherwise wouldn't.  Baseball does some evolving at the margins, and of course an entrenched part of the fanbase hates Manfred and others for that,  but this situation is certainly a valid excuse for trying things that would normally be blown off as "we didn't do that in 19-and-aught-06, so we sure as hell ain't doing it now!"

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1 hour ago, Frobby said:

A fair number of people won’t be able to afford discretionary things like baseball games for a while.     The whole live entertainment industry is going to be hurting for a long time.    I’ve got a daughter who works in theater and that industry is really in for a hard time.   

Yes, MLB and other sports, entertainment will need to make some adjustments that will continue until the economy is healthy again The virus actually has MiL contraction easier for MLB. If MLB does play in 2020, it will likely give some entertainment, but with a fake realignment, playing on fields that are adequate, but not ML level (if they do AZ, TX..hard, hot fields)...it may look more like ST. I'd rather have MLB do it right and if that means a 2021, so be it. I also think MLB will have to adjust ticket prices until the economic impact diminishes. Players' contracts??? Scott Boras and others won't be happy, but the super contracts won't be as "super". If players can't make it on $15 million, then sit out.

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I know people were attacking Atomic for saying there will be no baseball this year but I am beginning to think that may be correct.  

The fact is the response has not been sufficient.  The coordinated testing has not come to fruition (2 months on), none of the therapeutic remedies have worked, and we havent heard anything regarding a vaccine.  

Without these things we have to ask whether we want to use the limited testing capabilities for entertainment or to make sure we dont lose one unneccesary medical responders life.  At this point I dont need baseball if it means our medical responders are taken care of.

I would love to watch some baseball.  But I dont think it's coming any time soon.  At this point I think best case scenario is a small tournament in august maybe.

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MLB I think at this point will be the first to start up, at this point, probably June with a training camp starting early May.  Of course this can be delayed.  I'm not sure NBA or NHL come back.  Baseball is fairly socially distanced, only close contact not within 6 feet is 1st base with runner on and home plate.  NBA and NHL are too much body on body, though NHL at least wears gloves and could implement the full glass face mask.  If NHL and NBA do come back this year, I could see just a playoff scenario (maybe a 32 team playoff bracket), but its too close at this point to the next season.  MLS, I'm not sure about, but will probably wait or cancel.  NFL starts regardless on time.  

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2 hours ago, Frobby said:

A fair number of people won’t be able to afford discretionary things like baseball games for a while.     The whole live entertainment industry is going to be hurting for a long time.    I’ve got a daughter who works in theater and that industry is really in for a hard time.   

This all feeds on itself as one industry is hurt and losses revenue and lays off personnel another industry doesn't get revenue.  Cities and States will have to lay off people with less tax revenue and more unemployment, medicaid and food stamps payed out.   

And doctors, dentists, and ophthalmologists will see less patients.  Private schools will have less students, colleges will have less students.  Vicious cycle.  People won't be buying cars.  Less need for things like tires and oil changes.  Less people going on vacation. 


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18 minutes ago, Redskins Rick said:

Keep in mind, there is a 2nd round of COVID expected in the fall around flu season and more deadlier.

For those that are skeptic, just look to the 1918 Spanish flu, and round was way more deadly.


But at best a guess based on prior pandemics.Seems like every day they learn something more about the virus that changes strategies, etc.Almost all of the pandemics in the last 100 years,the virus has come back in the fall or winter,may have not left but spiked up again at that time.

Interesting that in the 19l8 flu that NYC had the least deaths on the Eastern seaboard. Some people were also not happy back then about personal restrictions on travel, etc. Philadelphia had a parade during it which was not a good thing. 


Be interesting when and if we have a vaccine, how many people will get the shot.In a good year only about 42% who should get the shot do. Already see the anti vaxxers out at the rallies in force.


Still going July 4th,Scottsdale Orioles with amazing fireworks. 



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