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Your 2022 FA Wish List

Il BuonO

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20 minutes ago, LookinUp said:

Sherzer makes the most sense to me. Promote the position prospects quickly. Add GRod, Baumann, Hall and one FA reliever of consequence. 

???Scherzer ain’t coming here. He prefers west coast and an org that can win. There are greater odds we both win the lotto.

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48 minutes ago, maybenxtyr said:

Not promoting Rodriguez at this point pretty much kills any shot of starting in Baltimore next season as well. Maybe in July. 

He was never going to start in Baltimore.  By June?  As long as he is healthy and pitching well, I think he will be here by then.

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35 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

He was never going to start in Baltimore.  By June?  As long as he is healthy and pitching well, I think he will be here by then.

That's basically what I said.


Some posters believe he and Adley will be here at the start. There are still folks that believe Hall will be a part of the plan in 2022. 

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There seem to be a belief that just because a player (Adley, Grayson, etc)  is doing well at AA they will do well at AAA and pass to the majors with little trouble.   What we have seen in the past does not support that.   Kremer, Lowther, Alex Wells, Radish etc did well at AA but AAA is another story.

That is why I am irritated  that Adley has not been promoted to AAA.  No one knows how long it will take for a prospect to do well at AAA and be ready for a promotion to the majors.

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I'll go Carlos Correa and Zach Davies.  

I know poeple will say too expensive, but I say we could immediately compete for a wildcard.  An all-star calibar SS does so much for the lineup and defense.  Throw in Rutschman and you're lookign at a lineup of:

Mullins, Correa, Mountcastle, Mancini, Rutschman, Santander, Hays, Urias and 3B.  

With a staff headed by:

Means, Davies, Bauman, Grayson

Things would have to break right but would be an exciting team and I think they could justify the costs.

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1 hour ago, wildcard said:

There seem to be a belief that just because a player (Adley, Grayson, etc)  is doing well at AA they will do well at AAA and pass to the majors with little trouble.   What we have seen in the past does not support that.   Kremer, Lowther, Alex Wells, Radish etc did well at AA but AAA is another story.

That is why I am irritated  that Adley has not been promoted to AAA.  No one knows how long it will take for a prospect to do well at AAA and be ready for a promotion to the majors.

I'll be surprised (and disappointed) if he's not in Norfolk on Monday.

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  • Posts

    • The O's would have Crochet thru 2026.  They could also give him the Gray Rod rest treatment and then pitch him out of the pen until September. 
    • I mean this take is fairly reasonable and I sympathize with your frustration in this discussion. He's not putting up superhuman numbers. He's putting up good numbers that are trending up, and factoring in his age and position, it's pretty exciting. But like Frobby said, he's not untouchable, it's just that it seems unlikely there's a trade fit for him because it would cost the other team someone equally as exciting, with years of control, and who is ML ready. Those guys just don't exist much on the trade market. 
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    • Then look it up yourself and try to understand. Why does everyone else have to explain it to you?
    • Different spring, different sprain. Same unfortunate result.  I wonder the same year return rate of a “partial UCL tear” as Bautista had. 
    • Ugh. I DID. lol. The only reason I even looked at 2 weeks in the first place was because another poster took issue with me referencing his 2024 stat line. So many of you want to argue simply for the sake of arguing....gets pretty nutty.  
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