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This brings up a moral quandary.

Is the horrendous idea of Tek behind the plate, blocking Weiters until at least June, being needlessly expensive and counter-productive worth Tex?

Is that what we need to do to get Tex?

Is it worth it then?

I don't think he'd block Wieters really. Wieters needs some more seasoning behind the plate. I think that message has been sent.

I've heard quotes like "improving" or "good" in terms of his game calling, but I haven't heard that he can handle a ML pitching staff yet from anybody in the Orioles FO. He only started calling his own games last year. That's a huge skill for a catcher.

We saw how game calling can make a difference with Hernandez's horrible game calling skills last season.

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This brings up a moral quandary.

Is the horrendous idea of Tek behind the plate, blocking Weiters until at least June, being needlessly expensive and counter-productive worth Tex?

Is that what we need to do to get Tex?

Is it worth it then?

Depends on a lot of other things.

Im pretty much against a 2 year deal to Varitek on any circumstance. However, if Boras said hey, Tex will accept our offer right now for 8/160 if you also sign Tek 2/16, Id have to think long and hard about it.

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Depends on a lot of other things.

Im pretty much against a 2 year deal to Varitek on any circumstance. However, if Boras said hey, Tex will accept our offer right now for 8/160 if you also sign Tek 2/16, Id have to think long and hard about it.

Yeah, I mean I want nothing to do with Tek - really don't want anything to do with him. No way is it a really good idea at all.


If it gets us Tex. 10 years of Tex for .5-1 year of Tek starting?


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Yeah, I mean I want nothing to do with Tek - really don't want anything to do with him. No way is it a really good idea at all.


If it gets us Tex. 10 years of Tex for .5-1 year of Tek starting?


It's a no-brainer in my book. What's the harm?

I gotta hope he can equal the production we got at catcher last year.

If Mark Teixeira is going to come to Baltimore because we are willing to sign Jason Varitek than it is a move you have to make.

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It's a no-brainer in my book. What's the harm?

I gotta hope he can equal the production we got at catcher last year.

If Mark Teixeira is going to come to Baltimore because we are willing to sign Jason Varitek than it is a move you have to make.

If I were Andy MacPhail, I would go to Teixeira himself and say, basically:

"Mark, you are our top target this off-season. We are willing to offer you lots and lots of money to get you to come play for your hometown team, and we believe you really do want to play here, as well.

"However, there is a problem. Jason Varitek is an aging catcher. His offense is all-but irrelevant, and his defense is declining. Despite those facts, he wants a multiple-year commitment from a team into eight figures a year.

"We have a catcher-in-waiting, a switch-hitting power bat from Georgia Tech...what a coincidence, huh? He could probably use some extra seasoning in the minors, but once we bring him up we will want him to be here to stay.

"Do you really believe that Varitek, with the kind of demands he is making contract-wise, would be willing to take a backup-tutor role on a team?

"He could poison the clubhouse, and with the young players we are tyring to bring in that is a risk we really do not want to take.

"Mark, you are exactly the kind of player we want to play for the Baltimore Orioles, which is why we are willing to offer the money we are. However, we will not take on Jason Varitek as well. If that is a deal-breaker, than so be it, and we hope that you have success with whatever team you choose."

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If I were Andy MacPhail, I would go to Teixeira himself and say, basically:

"Mark, you are our top target this off-season. We are willing to offer you lots and lots of money to get you to come play for your hometown team, and we believe you really do want to play here, as well.

"However, there is a problem. Jason Varitek is an aging catcher. His offense is all-but irrelevant, and his defense is declining. Despite those facts, he wants a multiple-year commitment from a team into eight figures a year.

"We have a catcher-in-waiting, a switch-hitting power bat from Georgia Tech...what a coincidence, huh? He could probably use some extra seasoning in the minors, but once we bring him up we will want him to be here to stay.

"Do you really believe that Varitek, with the kind of demands he is making contract-wise, would be willing to take a backup-tutor role on a team?

"He could poison the clubhouse, and with the young players we are tyring to bring in that is a risk we really do not want to take.

"Mark, you are exactly the kind of player we want to play for the Baltimore Orioles, which is why we are willing to offer the money we are. However, we will not take on Jason Varitek as well. If that is a deal-breaker, than so be it, and we hope that you have success with whatever team you choose."

I'm with you BTerp but I wouldn't let Jason Varitek be a deal killer.

I don't think there would be any delusions about his role on the team and what the immediate future holds.

By the time we have this conversation we might need a catcher. Obviously we have one waiting in the wings but it doesn't look like he will be here on opening day.

Let him keep the seat warm for a couple of months.

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I'm with you BTerp but I wouldn't let Jason Varitek be a deal killer.

I don't think there would be any delusions about his role on the team and what the immediate future holds.

By the time we have this conversation we might need a catcher. Obviously we have one waiting in the wings but it doesn't look like he will be here on opening day.

Let him keep the seat warm for a couple of months.

Why would there not be any such delusions? Do you think a guy who apparently wants the kind of contract Varitek does (and if there is any kind of "package deal", he'll be getting a lot of what he wants) is going to do so with the expectation of sitting?

I'm not necessarily a believer in the effect a player can have in the clubhouse, but there are a lot of people who do and if they are willing to take that into account for the positives Varitek would bring then maybe we should for the negatives he could bring as well.

EDIT: Let me just say that despite my vehement arguing against him, I honestly don't have a problem with the idea of Jason Varitek as an Oriole. I just think he'll be too expensive and make too many demands to be worth it.

If he was willing to come as a definite backup once Wieters comes up, on a one-year deal for very little money, I would gladly welcome him. There are other options out there that won't require such a potential commitment, though.

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Why would there not be any such delusions? Do you think a guy who apparently wants the kind of contract Varitek does (and if there is any kind of "package deal", he'll be getting a lot of what he wants) is going to do so with the expectation of sitting?

I'm not necessarily a believer in the effect a player can have in the clubhouse, but there are a lot of people who do and if they are willing to take that into account for the positives Varitek would bring then maybe we should for the negatives he could bring as well.

Because Boras is Wieters agent and I'm sure he's looking out for the best interest of both Matt and Jason. I don't think he is going to walk Varitek into a situation that doesn't hold much long term benefit without addressing that and having that discussion.

If you and I know that Varitek contributions are going to be short lived than I'm sure he does too.

If Varitek agrees to come to Baltimore than I can't imagine he does it with the expectation that he's going to be the starting catcher for the next few years.

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First let me thank those of you that have had kind words to say about me. I appreciate it very much. I do not think people should be so hard on TonyS. He is very much a fan of the team. He needs to see action instead of just hearing words. We all do! Tony and I get along just fine...

Now, I would really like to tell you guys what I know. I can't. I will say this again, I am very optimistic about Tex. I also am still somewhat optimistic about AJ, although the reports coming out on him are not sounding the greatest. I still feel like he wants to pitch here. Maybe I am wrong. We'll see.

I like the sound of your optimism but I am wondering why the media thinks we have no shot. Is it just because of our history or do they know something we don't?

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Why would there not be any such delusions? Do you think a guy who apparently wants the kind of contract Varitek does (and if there is any kind of "package deal", he'll be getting a lot of what he wants) is going to do so with the expectation of sitting?

I'm not necessarily a believer in the effect a player can have in the clubhouse, but there are a lot of people who do and if they are willing to take that into account for the positives Varitek would bring then maybe we should for the negatives he could bring as well.

EDIT: Let me just say that despite my vehement arguing against him, I honestly don't have a problem with the idea of Jason Varitek as an Oriole. I just think he'll be too expensive and make too many demands to be worth it.

If he was willing to come as a definite backup once Wieters comes up, on a one-year deal for very little money, I would gladly welcome him. There are other options out there that won't require such a potential commitment, though.

I see the Nationals as the only team wanting a package deal of Varitek and Tex. That is potentially $30 a year in additional payroll. Tex can mash, but any chance a team gives him $20 Million is over shadowed by a team willing to give him and Varitek $30 Million. I will lose all respect for Tex if he signs with the Nats. They are worse than us, with fewer dollars. They have no real chance to win now or in the next 3 years.

Here are the ways Tex can gain my appreciation as a Baltimore guy that is all about team:

1.) Sign with the Orioles for a little less if playing for Baltimore was your dream. The differance in offers is not going to be more than $3-$4 Million per year on a 7-10 year deal. Your family can still eat and if you sign with us, they could eat together. Signing for a little less will allow us to go out and get another peice.

2.) Do not use the Orioles as leverage to sign with the Red Sox or Yankees. If you want to play for a winner in 2009 and 2010 then do it straight up.

3.) Do not let your agent or the league decide your fait. You are a grown man, make your own decisions.

4.) Realize that fans in Baltimore will treat you better than anywhere else you can go. You will be the closest star that we have ever had to Cal Ripken Jr. and in the same league as Eddie Murray. make your decision from the heart and not from the wallet. Is $32 Million really going to hurt you when you are going to make $155+ Million with another $30 Million in advertising money? It's hard to spent $185 Million over your lifetime, or your kids lifetime, or their kids lifetime.

I have wanted to wear an Orioles jersey and play at Memorial Stadium and Camden Yards since I was a kid. Growing up in Fells Point I could see the lights of Camden Yards from Fleet St. I would pay the Orioles for the opportunity to hit the ball around that field with my friends. You are now holding out to get paid an obscene amount of money to live a dream. I guess the real question is how much more do you have to get from another team to be a sellout to your dreams and just make baseball a job. If you sell out to your dreams now, then you do not deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as Cal Ripken. The Baltimore greats (Brooks Robinson, Jim Palmer, Cal Ripken, Ray Lewis, and Mr. Unitas) never wanted to leave Baltimore.

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Because Boras is Wieters agent and I'm sure he's looking out for the best interest of both Matt and Jason. I don't think he is going to walk Varitek into a situation that doesn't hold much long term benefit without addressing that and having that discussion.

If you and I know that Varitek contributions are going to be short lived than I'm sure he does too.

If Varitek agrees to come to Baltimore than I can't imagine he does it with the expectation that he's going to be the starting catcher for the next few years.

But the whole point of "packaging" him with Teixeira would be to get a better deal then they would otherwise. Why wouldn't they use our (or another team's) desire for Teixeira to get that kind of concession?

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I see the Nationals as the only team wanting a package deal of Varitek and Tex. That is potentially $30 a year in additional payroll. Tex can mash, but any chance a team gives him $20 Million is over shadowed by a team willing to give him and Varitek $30 Million.

Don't they love Flores, though?

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Don't they love Flores, though?

Maybe, but they may love Tex a whole lot and they do need a face of their franchise. The closest thing they have to a face is Ryan Zimmerman.

I have a funny Zimmerman story. My cousin is a Secret Service Swat member at the White House. He trains their dogs. One day most of the Nationals came by and Zimmerman wanted to put the suit on and let a dog attack him. He got a pretty good gash in him arm when the dog bit him, but he was so pumped to have done it. You gotta love guys like that.

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Oh yeah, being an Orioles fan is hard work. It's not for the faint of heart. But at some point many posters crossed the line from skeptical into some dark world where everything and everybody sucks and anyone who is optimistic about anything needs to be shouted down and/or mocked.

Methinks those people are like that in other aspects of their lives as well. Being that downtrodden and negative tends to be a way of life.

No, I hear you. As far as the O's go, I do tend to always assume the worst but that is only based on a decade of debacles. I hope I am wrong but alas, I think people who are so sure we are getting Tex will feel like the rug has been pulled out from under them AGAIN.

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