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ESPN's Ravech: Teixeira has "enormous attraction to the Orioles" Close to signing


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Scott Van Pelt must be a Orioles Hangout reader - He just stated as SportsCenter ended that Orioles fans are CONVINCED they're landing Tex.

Ravech reiterated that the Orioles are the team that Teixeira indicated he wanted to play for.

Scott, YOU'RE THE MAN! Just in case you actually do read The Hangout.

He's actually a regular reader (and poster) on the Terp board and we have this same conversation going over there. See the "Teixeira to the O's?" thread. Of course, it would not surprise me to learn that he lurks on this board as well...

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Olney has twice been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for his beat writing in

97' and 99'. He used to be a writer for the Baltimore Sun. I would say he had contacts.

Haha, I meant Olney, Maryland. I think Scott Van Pelt is from there (in Montgomery County). Thanks for the laugh though :rofl:; and sorry for the confusion!

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This is true, but most people I talk to outside of the Hangout aren't necessarily very engaged fans. They don't follow the off-season much, except for what's on ESPN.

Almost all of my friend's who are up-to-date on the Tex situation are actually members of Orioles Hangout.

Which is a great argument for the notion that Scott Van Pelt (or more likely a member of his staff) regularly monitors the more responsible fan boards out there including the OH. Paying a couple of interns peanuts is a lot more cost effective way to determine informed public opinion than hiring a market research firm.

Not to mention an endlessly renewable resource for column/blog entries.

I think it's safe to say that anyone who earns even a fraction of his living from knowing something about the Orioles is well acquainted with the Orioles Hangout by now.

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I don't understand why everyone gets so uptight about Gammons/Rosenthal/Olney. And who cares about whether they will eat crow if Teixeira signs with the Orioles. The important point is getting the player, not what the "experts" are reporting.

The goal is for the team to get better and win, not get "love" from ESPN.

Yeah, their job is to build a winning ball-club, everything else is just moot.

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First part about Red Sox only going so far = :thumbsup1:

Second part about Nationals possibly going to 10 years = :down:

But Belkast saying don't worry about the Nats = :thumbsup1:

So overall, :thumbsup1: and :drek:

Yesss:D Get some enthusiasm, maybe the "wow" offer by us might be 10 years, then it's down to us and the Nationals, and I can't see him going there over us because they play in Atlanta a few times out of the season.

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If the Nationals offer a 10 year contract, we will match it I am confident. Angelos just wouldn't allow them to get Teixeira if it comes down to money.

Doesn't it always come down to money? LOL. If we would have offered ARod $35 Million per year he would have signed here. Let's not down play the importance of money with these guys. If you blow the other offers away you have a chance. The first team to get near 10/230 or above is going to land Teixeira. Washington seems to be crazy enough to go that high, I doubt the Orioles will match the offer if they do.

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Doesn't it always come down to money? LOL. If we would have offered ARod $35 Million per year he would have signed here. Let's not down play the importance of money with these guys. If you blow the other offers away you have a chance. The first team to get near 10/230 or above is going to land Teixeira. Washington seems to be crazy enough to go that high, I doubt the Orioles will match the offer if they do.

I don't think every player is like Arod though, and they saw how that worked out with him in Texas when he took the most money.

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