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Teixeira Watch: Part VII- Owner Says Sox Are Out


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Will someone please explain to me why Henry did that? Why would you announce you are out? Even if you actually are? There is no need to say it. If you remove yourself publicly then other teams know you aren't in it and you can't drive up the price for them even if you have no real intention of signing him. The smart thing to do would seem to be to keep quiet, and Henry is not a stupid man, so I am not sure what he is doing by sending that e-mail. This whole saga has been so strange.

Edit: Also, I don't think "attempting to eliminate" means "has eliminated." That sounds like lawyer talk to me.

The Red Sox don't want to go all in for Tex. I think it's pretty simple. They will upgrade their team in another way IMO.

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Correction, Washingtons teams stunk. This is a tired and long argument. You haven't a clue. Washington supports its team fine if they win. What's the Orioles excuse right now. Let me guess. Your not winning. It kind of goes hand in hand.

You're sorely mistaken if you think the Nationals support baseball, or are anywhere close to Baltimore in terms of being able to support a baseball franchise. Or if you think they ever would support the Nationals, simply because they're not going to win any time soon.

All you need to do is compare attendance in the inaugural seasons of the Orioles and Nationals in their respective new stadia. The Orioles were a BAD team in 1992, and continued to be a predominantly losing team until 1997. Yet Orioles fans sold out Camden Yards for years, and had respectable attendance for about a decade.

Contrast the Nationals pathetic season this year in terms of not only on-field performance, but also attendance. They basically sold out Opening Day and then a few random other dates, but most nights they would struggle to break 20,000 fans.

From this article: "In Washington’s low point, the second game in Nationals Park actually had worse attendance than the second game at decrepit RFK Stadium last year."

After their first 30 dates, it was reported that they actually overshot (lied) their attendance figures by about 7,000 fans a night.

Nationals attendance was pretty much the worst for any new stadium in the modern era.

So, Baltimore supported a losing team for years, and Washington has failed to support it's losing team, yet for some reason you think they will support a winner, or that Baltimore fans are anywhere near comparable in their lack of support.

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The Red Sox don't want to go all in for Tex. I think it's pretty simple. They will upgrade their team in another way IMO.

Exactly. He was a luxury for them more than anything. They still have Lowell. The drop-off from Teix to Lowell isn't that drastic for 2009. Obviously, they're gonna have to find a corner infielder (Lars Anderson) in the future, most likely by 2010, but Mark Teixeira was never a need for the 2009 Boston Red Sox.

The O's, on the other hand, NEED Mark Teixeira. The biggest whole in our lineup is 1B and this guy just happens to be one of the best 1B in the game and grew up in Maryland watching the Orioles.

This all just makes too much sense to not have it happen.

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The Red Sox don't want to go all in for Tex. I think it's pretty simple. They will upgrade their team in another way IMO.

But why say so? Maybe they don't want to go all in. But why advertise it? If you maintain the intrigue, you may cause your competitors to up their offers past where they need to be.

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Correction, Washingtons teams stunk. This is a tired and long argument. You haven't a clue. Washington supports its team fine if they win. What's the Orioles excuse right now. Let me guess. Your not winning. It kind of goes hand in hand.

Really? When did that happen? When did Washington's attendance reach a level that was anything other than bad?

Frankly, it's not even an argument, much less a tired one. 'Tis fact. Washington never supported its teams.

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But why say so? Maybe they don't want to go all in. But why advertise it? If you maintain the intrigue, you may cause your competitors to up their offers past where they need to be.

Because the competitors aren't the Yankees.

Henry coming out and saying this isn't a bluff. Its for the fanbase. Its a hey, we made a good effort, but he wanted a ridiculous amount of money. We're turning our focus elsewhere. Its what we would want AM to say to us.

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Again, WAT??? What are you responding to, my wanting to do a thought experiment?

Obviously they must be, you used all caps. Superior reasoning = expressing opinion emphatically.

I agree the bolds are better than AJ.

There are some pitchers with potential to be better, but I think its a stretch to say any non-bold are going to be "significantly" better than AJ in 2009.

I actually think a lot of the non-bolds are comparable or a little behind AJ, or its hard to say (i.e. Soria/Price).

I don't think Verlander or any of the below 3 (Duchscherer, Slowey, and Baker) are in this tier.


Have you heard of FIP era?

I was just responding to your assertion that A.J. Burnett is an All-Star pitcher, and how I believed you to be incorrect. Nevermind that Sabathia has actually been an All-Star, while Burnett has never been one, yet you call him an All-Star pitcher.

I would be glad to debate further over PM, since this discussion is very off-topic.

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I was just responding to your assertion that A.J. Burnett is an All-Star pitcher, and how I believed you to be incorrect. Nevermind that Sabathia has actually been an All-Star, while Burnett has never been one, yet you call him an All-Star pitcher.

I would be glad to debate further over PM, since this discussion is very off-topic.

For the third time, WAT????

Where do you think I posted this? Here's a hint - I didn't.

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