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Teixeira Watch: Part VII- Owner Says Sox Are Out


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I may be a pessimist, but I have a feeling it is not going to be good news. Why do I keep getting the feeling he is going to end up a Nat? fingers crossed! :scratchchinhmm:

I'm not as optimistic about the Nationals chances as you guys seem to be.

I've had the "We are getting played" feeling all week about this.

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Being new to the board, I need to ask a quick question. What is Belkast's connection to the team, if any? Ive never felt so nauseous after reading a single member's posts on a message board.

Thanks in andvance guys.

He was created in a lab using the DNA of O's legends past. He has Brooks reflexes, Eddie's swing, Frank's power, and Ripken's healing ability (level 9). He's basically a orange and black Wolverine.

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What do the Nats think they're doing? That team sucks and doesn't have a future in the next 8 years do they?

Apparently, Teixiera's star shines so brightly, that people will continuously flock to the stadium like animals to Noah's Ark for the next decade ... no matter how bad the team is.

Have to agree with geschinger. It's amazing how greatly Teixeira's stock has improved since the end of the season.

Three points. The idea that a player is worth what some "fool" will pay is preposterous. Was Barry Zito worth $100 million? The Giants determined that he was worth it to them but they were fools. We don't have to follow that model.

Second, the idea that we should add a little bit more and then a little more after that and it's ok is just not how you run an effective business. You determine the value of the asset and what you can afford to pay and you stick to it. None of us really knows what the Orioles can afford to pay but they most certainly have drawn a line and should stick to it.

Last, Tex is not the idea free agent as some would suggest. He plays first base -- a position where we should be able to find a good stick for cheap and where we could sign Adam Dunn (admittedly not as good but not that far off) for probably 1/4 of the cost. I'd much rather see us invest $150 million in other areas of need.

I couldn't agree more w/ this post. Rep to you.

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He could be the first HOF'er to where a Nats hat, but not their first overall. The Nats came from the Montreal Expos, Gary Carter is already in the HOF (inducted in 2003).

Do you consider St. Louis Browns history a part of Orioles history?

I could see how some people might, but personally I don't.

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Super Bowl last year. Conference Championship in 2006. Divisional Championship in 2005. NFL Champions in 2003 and 2004.

For some reason I do not feel inclined to give you our playoff spot, you Boston fans are too spoiled these days!

Don't forget the Celtics last year. But we still want more.

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