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Angelos Family Fued

Going Underground

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Just now, SteveA said:

MLB has to approve ownership, right?   I *think* that despite Manfred's faults, they still want to keep MLB in Baltimore and OPACY.   So in addition to a lawsuit among the heirs, Peter Angelos still being alive for who knows how long, and the MASN dispute, there is MLB that might step in at some point.

This could get really messy but some dirty laundry will certainly get aired in public.   

MLB might use this to force a sale of the team. I’ll take my chances with another owner that isn’t a member of the Angelos family. 

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1 minute ago, SteveA said:

MLB has to approve ownership, right?   I *think* that despite Manfred's faults, they still want to keep MLB in Baltimore and OPACY.   So in addition to a lawsuit among the heirs, Peter Angelos still being alive for who knows how long, and the MASN dispute, there is MLB that might step in at some point.

This could get really messy but some dirty laundry will certainly get aired in public.   

Plus the $ 600 million from the state for upgrades.The most public money ever spend on a MLB basebsll stadium except for Yankee Stadium. 

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2 minutes ago, Mooreisbetter27 said:

If John Angelos moves the team, I will stop watching baseball completely as much as it would break my heart. 

When the Colts got spirited away in the dead of night in those Mayflower trucks, it ended my interest in football. I tried watching the Indianapolis Colts the next year but it just felt weird, and when the Ravens came to town, I didn’t care, since they were just the Browns in a different wrapper. 

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"The suit says a top priority of Angelos’ wife Georgia has been to sell the team, and an advisor went about trying to negotiate a sale in— 2020. Louis Angelos says John Angelos nixed the deal."


Was this in the news? I don't recall hearing about this. 

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Just now, Going Underground said:

No guarantee, but doubtful.The guy who owns the Banner could buy them but him and the Angelos clan are not exactly close.

MLB would never let them leave. Never. Dumps in TB and Oakland. 

MLB has its faults but franchise movement is not one of them. 

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Just now, PHRESH said:

"The suit says a top priority of Angelos’ wife Georgia has been to sell the team, and an advisor went about trying to negotiate a sale in— 2020. Louis Angelos says John Angelos nixed the deal."


Was this in the news? I don't recall hearing about this. 

That would require the media doing its job. 

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2 minutes ago, PHRESH said:

"The suit says a top priority of Angelos’ wife Georgia has been to sell the team, and an advisor went about trying to negotiate a sale in— 2020. Louis Angelos says John Angelos nixed the deal."


Was this in the news? I don't recall hearing about this. 

No.This lawsuit will bring out all the dirty laundry. I doubt either Angelos boy will own the team in a few years.MLB will went to get rid of them.

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Just now, eddie83 said:

MLB would never let them leave. Never. Dumps in TB and Oakland. 

MLB has its faults but franchise movement is not one of them. 

No but it will be nice when ownership isn’t a complete clown show. I wonder if Elias is working on an exit strategy already.

Get the O’s above .500 as a springboard for greener and less dysfunctional pastures. 

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As the Angelos world turns. I remember wayyy back in 2006, and for the next 18 years...how I was ridiculed for not buying into the bullshit and seeing these people for who they were.  What ya have to say now? These people are trash, and they have slowly been destroying this franchise little by little, pocketing every penny they can in the process while starving this city and team.  But you have it ALL wrong they said. 

That Nashville comment should be downright frightening to everyone. Well to those who actually give a damn anymore, Aint many left that is for sure. This is a city in crisis and turmoil (which isn't changing anytime soon) while Nashville is absolutely booming, and with a much more business friendly environment.  Imagine what they would give to have a MLB franchise. I bet John Angelos already knows. 

When saying "they won't move" you have to take into account what the new owners see for this city and sports fandom over the next 20-30 years. And what they have witnessed over the last 5. It isn't pretty in either case. I wouldn't be caught dead downtown on a Friday or Saturday night anymore, or else I might literally end up dead. 

These are all factors that play into it all. And if you think MLB is going to stop an owner who is hellbent on moving when that owner can present very valid reasons why they want to move, just watch. This is a business first and foremost.


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