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Colton Cowser 2023


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22 hours ago, Sports Guy said:

Very similar to the Ravens

But it make some sense in the NFL, because teams have to game plan based on player availability. 

I'm not quite sure why the Elias regime keeps the prospect injury news as state secrets.

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21 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

But it make some sense in the NFLK, because teams have to game plan based on player availability. 

I'm not quite sure why the Elias regime keeps the prospect injury news as state secrets.

Yeah, it does seem strange.  The only possible competitive advantage for secrecy I can think of would be in the event they are trying to trade a prospect who has an injury.  But that doesn't seem like good business either to trade damaged goods without the other team knowing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
30 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

If I had to guess and assuming he hasn’t had any setbacks, I assume he will be in a lineup on Tuesday. Give him the weekend and then the off day.

If that holds then Cowser can play three games for Norfolk this coming week to get his legs back under him, and then be in Baltimore for the six game home stand starting Friday night. Or is that too optimistic? 

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10 minutes ago, ShoelesJoe said:

If that holds then Cowser can play three games for Norfolk this coming week to get his legs back under him, and then be in Baltimore for the six game home stand starting Friday night. Or is that too optimistic? 

I doubt we see him in BAL before the all-star break.

Overly cynical on my part?  Perhaps.

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15 minutes ago, ShoelesJoe said:

If that holds then Cowser can play three games for Norfolk this coming week to get his legs back under him, and then be in Baltimore for the six game home stand starting Friday night. Or is that too optimistic? 

Probably but not because you are wrong..more like because of how the team operates.

I would also think they want to give him a few more at bats. So, best case scenario, if he is back on the lineup next week, is June 20 but that’s also a 2 game trip in TB followed by an off days.  So, maybe they debut him at home on 6/23.

Assuming he has no setbacks, there is no legit reason for him not be here around then unless he comes back and looks awful and very rusty because of the time off.

Edited by Sports Guy
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2 hours ago, ShoelesJoe said:

If that holds then Cowser can play three games for Norfolk this coming week to get his legs back under him, and then be in Baltimore for the six game home stand starting Friday night. Or is that too optimistic? 

Depends how he looks at the plate.  He tends to be a slow starter, so we’ll see if that holds after a 2-week layoff.  Assuming he’s back at all, which we don’t really know yet. 

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