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Wigginton Official/Moore DFA


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Ding ding ding, we have a winner.

Nobody, including Pickering and Moore, is entitled to be a major leaguer. Some guys luck into it, but most have to earn it. Things don't always go perfectly, so the good players have to force their way on the team. Moore didn't. Pickering didn't. Bottom line.

How did Moore not force his way onto the team? He was on the team. He won a spot. It's hard to show what you got when your manager won't play you.

And Norfolk is a hitter's hell, why do you think the Tides are moving the fences in? Norfolk was the worst place to send Moore to show what he had. It screwed him up for awhile until he adjusted his approach.

Guess I have to post this article again...

The park's unforgiving dimensions - 369 and 399 feet in the power alleys, 410 feet to straightaway center - present one challenge to hitters. A stiff crosswind that usually blows in off the Elizabeth River from right to leftfield offers another. Before each home game, many Tides prepare themselves for the likelihood of going to bed that night without a home run added to their stat lines.


"Guys come in and they're like, 'Man, this is the worst park I've hit at,' " Costanzo said. "We're like, 'Well, we're used to it.' "


But even after Allenson warned many of his players at spring training this year about the cavernous ballpark and tough winds they would encounter, more than a few of the Tides did worry, especially the newcomers. Scott Moore and Costanzo had a terrible start to their season, eventually learning that in the strange confines of Harbor Park, pulling the ball as a lefthander is not the best way to produce power numbers.

Eventually, they conceded as much and adjusted their approaches at the plate.

"It's a good learning lesson," Moore said. "There's nothing we can do. This is our home ballpark. We win games by getting on base and moving guys around. It's not necessarily small ball. But chances are that even if you hit it good, it's staying in the yard."

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Ding ding ding, we have a winner.

Nobody, including Pickering and Moore, is entitled to be a major leaguer. Some guys luck into it, but most have to earn it. Things don't always go perfectly, so the good players have to force their way on the team. Moore didn't. Pickering didn't. Bottom line.

Don Baylor sure did. Made the O's ship a no-name guy called Frank Robinson out of town. Grich forced Johnson out, too.

Here's my question, though. Let's say JTrea is actually right. Let's say the O's blew it with Scott Moore. Why all the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth? A) He hasn't proven squat and B) hasn't this FO done enough good things to let this minor irritation, if it's even that, become a sticking point?

I don't think so.

So what's JTrea's real beef?

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Don Baylor sure did. Made the O's ship a no-name guy called Frank Robinson out of town. Grich forced Johnson out, too.

Here's my question, though. Let's say JTrea is actually right. Let's say the O's blew it with Scott Moore. Why all the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth? A) He hasn't proven squat and B) hasn't this FO done enough good things to let this minor irritation, if it's even that, become a sticking point?

I don't think so.

So what's JTrea's real beef?

I'm sick of seeing this organization continue to cast aside players like Casey Blake, Jack Cust, Jon Knott, J.R. House, Oscar Salazar and Scott Moore, just because they've been labeled "AAAA" players. The Orioles don't seem to ever give these guys a fair shot to show what they have or they ask them to do things that don't play to these guys' strengths.

For an organization that's supposed to be looking for diamonds in the rough, the Orioles have stockpiled a lot of dirt without looking through it only to have it hauled off for fill somewhere else. Maybe if they'd actually screen some of it, they might find a diamond.

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I'm sick of seeing this organization continue to cast aside players like Casey Blake, Jack Cust, Jon Knott, J.R. House, Oscar Salazar and Scott Moore, just because they've been labeled "AAAA" players. The Orioles don't seem to ever give these guys a fair shot to show what they have or they ask them to do things that don't play to these guys' strengths.

For an organization that's supposed to be looking for diamonds in the rough, the Orioles have stockpiled a lot of dirt without looking through it only to have it hauled off for fill somewhere else. Maybe if they'd actually screen some of it, they might find a diamond.

Okay, that sheds a little more light on it. Blake, Cust, Knott and House were all pre-AM, as you know. I think defense is factoring in here more than you're giving it credit for. This team has been preaching defense (and speed) for position players. Look at the draft for further proof.

That alone explains why Cust, Knott, House, Salazar and Moore were exposed to waivers. They might be nice as a bat off the bench, but this team's philosophy requires more out of each position guy. They need a glove.

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Okay, that sheds a little more light on it. Blake, Cust, Knott and House were all pre-AM, as you know. I think defense is factoring in here more than you're giving it credit for. This team has been preaching defense (and speed) for position players. Look at the draft for further proof.

That alone explains why Cust, Knott, House, Salazar and Moore were exposed to waivers. They might be nice as a bat off the bench, but this team's philosophy requires more out of each position guy. They need a glove.

You make a good point regarding defense, but youse reasoning with a guy featuring a Rocky Balboa avatar. Defense was hardly the Rock's specialty.

Where's Clubber Lang when you need him? "I pity the fool"

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I think I'm going to start a new website.

Something like scottmooretruth.org

Come all and join the Scott Moore Truth Movement. :laughlol::clap3::D

Disclaimer: This post was in no way meant to be political or reflect any political views. I just thought it was fitting for the thread.

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Don Baylor sure did. Made the O's ship a no-name guy called Frank Robinson out of town. Grich forced Johnson out, too.

Here's my question, though. Let's say JTrea is actually right. Let's say the O's blew it with Scott Moore. Why all the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth? A) He hasn't proven squat and B) hasn't this FO done enough good things to let this minor irritation, if it's even that, become a sticking point?

I don't think so.

So what's JTrea's real beef?

That former Texas Testosterone 'Roid Ranger Mark Teixeira wanted to go play with HIS Man Crush.


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I don't know who or what your supposed source is supposed to be all about, but I do remember the inflammatory allegations you've spewed from time to time about Daniel Cabrera and Ramon Hernandez, and seem to remember you attributing some of your info to some girl imbibing alcoholic beverages in the same establishment as certain Orioles players. Forgive me if I'm choosing to take everything you post as an insider with at least a grain of salt.

You really are a vehement jerk, you know that? If you're going to take personal stabs at me, at least do it correctly. Some girl imbibing alcoholic beverages is not even close to the same realm, and I think you're intentionally trying to provoke a response. So, if you want a response like that, talk to me directly, else continue spewing garbage.

DCab's work ethic in 2008 was certainly in question AS WAS Ramon's. I'd love to bring up Ramon's personal problem, but the admin's here might get a bit angry. DCab has been under a negative light with this administration for about a good portion of 2008 regarding his issues regarding his work ethic. So, if you want to attack me personally, take it to private message. I'd love to lower myself to your standard, but you know what..this forum is just not the place.

Hey, why did the organization trade Ramon? I'll leave that up to you to decide.

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Actually, you know what, I'll go ahead and talk to Tony right now about being vetted or whatever term. If you guys want to continue to give me grief because I rub y'all the wrong way, well that's just a damn shame.

Trust me man, I've been down that road before and it isn't all its cracked up to be. I don't doubt that you have a source, but there will always be doubters no matter what you do. I have a lot more fun just sharing baseball knowledge as opposed to inside info, and I think a lot more people here respect me more as a mechanics analyst than they did as a guy who's dad knows a guy....

That said, if you ever want to contribute something, I'd be glad to hear what you have to say.

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Trust me man, I've been down that road before and it isn't all its cracked up to be. I don't doubt that you have a source, but there will always be doubters no matter what you do. I have a lot more fun just sharing baseball knowledge as opposed to inside info, and I think a lot more people here respect me more as a mechanics analyst than they did as a guy who's dad knows a guy....

That said, if you ever want to contribute something, I'd be glad to hear what you have to say.

Thanks, mate. I appreciate it.

Truth be told, I'd say a very good portion of this site has had it out for me since I'm a bit crass on my delivery. I guess I don't like the rose coloured sunglasses. So, I'll have my naysayers, regardless whether they're the admins or your basic users.

I hear you on your threads. I'm an avid reader of your mechanical threads on pitchers. Always good to read.

Put it this way. We have guys on this forum who are "vetted" who are 50% right all the time. We have guys on this forum who aren't, who are 50% right all the time. You know this, but we have to be pretty selective about our sources. Hell, bring every shred of evidence into the picture before looking into what a person's saying. How many times have our insiders been dead wrong about something (although they may have been right at that point and time of the trade)?

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Thanks, mate. I appreciate it.

Truth be told, I'd say a very good portion of this site has had it out for me since I'm a bit crass on my delivery. I guess I don't like the rose coloured sunglasses. So, I'll have my naysayers, regardless whether they're the admins or your basic users.

I hear you on your threads. I'm an avid reader of your mechanical threads on pitchers. Always good to read.

Put it this way. We have guys on this forum who are "vetted" who are 50% right all the time. We have guys on this forum who aren't, who are 50% right all the time. You know this, but we have to be pretty selective about our sources. Hell, bring every shred of evidence into the picture before looking into what a person's saying. How many times have our insiders been dead wrong about something (although they may have been right at that point and time of the trade)?

No problem. Just do what you feel is right. I hope it works out for you. Just be sure you are able to take some personal attacks along with the disagreement. If you can shake things off easily and have semi-accurate info from a reliable source, you should be fine.

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El Sid, you're refering to his time after the Orioles organization. The year before we brought in Will I think Calvin hit .328 or so in Bowie. He might have led the league in hitting. I understand that after his Orioles tenure he never achieved much in the ML. I'm just saying that took the opportunity that should have gone to one of the best minor league players of the previous year and overpaid an aging vet to fill the role instead.

Sure, I am. That is all there is. He only played for the Orioles for pieces of two seasons. Sure, he might have had a couple of years in the minors with the O's system. Everyone is talking about him not being able to bounce back. In 2004 with Omaha (Royals AAA), he hit almost .350. However, he couldn't hit his way out of a wet paper sack in KC, hitting less than .200.

He never achieved much with the O's. I am not saying he shouldn't have been given a shot, but I would have chose Will Clark too, at the time. Plus, he wasn't all that bad, save for the money.

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Thanks, mate. I appreciate it.

Truth be told, I'd say a very good portion of this site has had it out for me since I'm a bit crass on my delivery. I guess I don't like the rose coloured sunglasses. So, I'll have my naysayers, regardless whether they're the admins or your basic users.

I hear you on your threads. I'm an avid reader of your mechanical threads on pitchers. Always good to read.

Put it this way. We have guys on this forum who are "vetted" who are 50% right all the time. We have guys on this forum who aren't, who are 50% right all the time. You know this, but we have to be pretty selective about our sources. Hell, bring every shred of evidence into the picture before looking into what a person's saying. How many times have our insiders been dead wrong about something (although they may have been right at that point and time of the trade)?

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