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Trea: It's notable that you cite to the below Drew Forrester quote that AM doesn't travel to many away games as support, in part, for your assertion that AM is detached from the O's. Perhaps AM is simply monitoring the games on his computer like you do. :D The fact that you never watch any of the O's games doesn't seem to stop you from asserting that you have all the answers for all the O's woes.

"One possible explanation comes from a current O’s source who says MacPhail has distanced himself from the club’s day-to-day doings throughout this season. I’ve seen less and less of Andy all season, the source says. He’s not on the road as much as he was in 2008 or 2009 and he’s not nearly as visible as he was in recent years. I can go an entire 3-game home series and not see him. Some people wonder how much he really knows about what’s going on with the team in the in-depth fashion you would want from the GM. I’m sure he’s spending a lot of time in scouting and player development stuff, but there’s no doubt he’s less visible than in the past.”

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A little nugget:

Angelos is not happy over the Gonzalez and Atkins signings. I've heard from two sources that MacPhail signed Gonzalez without giving him an MRI because he wanted to hurry before another team snatched him up.

Maybe that's why MacPhail is so deliberate. Quick decisions don't work out too well for him.

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A little nugget:

Angelos is not happy over the Gonzalez and Atkins signings. I've heard from two sources that MacPhail signed Gonzalez without giving him an MRI because he wanted to hurry before another team snatched him up.

Maybe that's why MacPhail is so deliberate. Quick decisions don't work out too well for him.

Well let's see...His quick decisions have been Eaton, Atkins and Gonzo..Not so good, huh?

That's interesting Tony...PA is the big problem IMO but if he is going to trust AM to do things properly and AM screws that up, then you can't blame PA there.

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Angelos brought in MacPhail to purposely keep the payroll relatively low to try to show that the Orioles can't compete with the Red Sox and Yankees even with an RSN, and he'll let his team wallow so when MacPhail becomes commissioner, he's hoping he can ride his coattails and get some credit for if/when MacPhail makes changes to neutralize Boston and NY's payroll advantage on the rest of the league, using the Orioles as the star example of the financial imbalance.

Angelos is more concerned about seeing his name associated with changing the game of baseball now than seeing the Orioles win.

It really seems like his character to do something like this - sacrificing the Orioles for in his mind the greater good of baseball.

And in the same vein he can "stick it" to all the Orioles fans who wanted him to get out of the way. He brings in somebody even more conservative that him and that will frustrate fans even more so he can have the last laugh.

That also seems quite within his character...

I think this is a quite a stretch. But let's suppose for a second that all of this is true, and it leads to a salary cap in MLB, then I, for one, will excuse the past 13 years. Why, you may ask? Because that will make it a game again instead of the current futile exercise it is to compete dollar for dollar for premium talent that the O's will never be able to afford.

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A little nugget:

Angelos is not happy over the Gonzalez and Atkins signings. I've heard from two sources that MacPhail signed Gonzalez without giving him an MRI because he wanted to hurry before another team snatched him up.

Maybe that's why MacPhail is so deliberate. Quick decisions don't work out too well for him.

Oh *bleep*. That's not good.

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A little nugget:

Angelos is not happy over the Gonzalez and Atkins signings. I've heard from two sources that MacPhail signed Gonzalez without giving him an MRI because he wanted to hurry before another team snatched him up.

Maybe that's why MacPhail is so deliberate. Quick decisions don't work out too well for him.

This is ridiculous, if true.

A player who had two seasons cut short due to arm injury which resulted in TJ surgery...

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A little nugget:

Angelos is not happy over the Gonzalez and Atkins signings. I've heard from two sources that MacPhail signed Gonzalez without giving him an MRI because he wanted to hurry before another team snatched him up.

Maybe that's why MacPhail is so deliberate. Quick decisions don't work out too well for him.

Pete can't be too happy with the Millwood trade of late, either, considering he's paying Millwood $10 mil.

Some offseason there, Andy.

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A little nugget:

Angelos is not happy over the Gonzalez and Atkins signings. I've heard from two sources that MacPhail signed Gonzalez without giving him an MRI because he wanted to hurry before another team snatched him up.

Maybe that's why MacPhail is so deliberate. Quick decisions don't work out too well for him.

Oh snap.

That's what ticked off Angelos about Pat Gillick. Gillick supposedly signed Key to a 2 year deal without giving him a physical...

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Oh snap.

That's what ticked off Angelos about Pat Gillick. Gillick supposedly signed Key to a 2 year deal without giving him a physical...

Guess that means this offseason will be very interesting...not that it wouldnt have been after this year anyway

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And both of those guys are known for knowing a lot about what is going on. :rolleyes:

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A little nugget:

Angelos is not happy over the Gonzalez and Atkins signings. I've heard from two sources that MacPhail signed Gonzalez without giving him an MRI because he wanted to hurry before another team snatched him up.

Maybe that's why MacPhail is so deliberate. Quick decisions don't work out too well for him.

This is the problem with Angelos. Its not that he doesn't have a point on these signings but he wets his diapers over isolated transactions when he makes up his mind about something. Many people are clamoring for some type of wheeling and dealing GM but do they really think that this type of GM would survive under PA. No GM will ever be perfect in thier transaction success and history has shown that PA will meddle...We've seen how well that works. I hope I wrong, but I'm feeling that nothing has change in what, in my mind, has been the biggest problem with the organization.

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This is the problem with Angelos. Its not that he doesn't have a point on these signings but he wets his diapers over isolated transactions when he makes up his mind about something. Many people are clamoring for some type of wheeling and dealing GM but do they really think that this type of GM would survive under PA. No GM will ever be perfect in thier transaction success and history has shown that PA will meddle...We've seen how well that works. I hope I wrong, but I'm feeling that nothing has change in what, in my mind, has been the biggest problem with the organization.

There will come a time - very soon if this keeps up - when the media will no longer be satisfied with taking AM down a notch or two. They'll start examining what's happened to the franchise since PA bought the club and it's safe to predict that they won't be charitable in their conclusions.

In other words, they'll make it personal and PA will find himself the object of their scorn.

History has shown that PA doesn't care overly much about the media's opinion per se, but there's not a doubt in my mind that there are people whose opinion he does care about. When they start asking uncomfortable questions, that's when I predict that his heretofore laudable lack of meddling will evaporate before you can say 'Garrett Atkins'.

It is my opinion - and it's pure speculation - that PA does not want to leave this world being remembered as the guy who ruined Baltimore's beloved Orioles. Little else in my understanding explains his remarkable restraint over the last three years.

No one I know ever accused Peter Angelos of being stupid, so it's safe to say he's aware of how complete a train wreck this season has turned into. The oddest thing to expect would be for him to not involve himself more publicly in the near future.

I don't need to mention that would not the ideal situation, but it's hard to blame him if he does step in.

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There will come a time - very soon if this keeps up - when the media will no longer be satisfied with taking AM down a notch or two. They'll start examining what's happened to the franchise since PA bought the club and it's safe to predict that they won't be charitable in their conclusions.

There has been plenty written about PA since he purchased the club. He has been in the shadows since AM has been running the show but its not like PA has never been examined by the media.


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There has been plenty written about PA since he purchased the club. He has been in the shadows since AM has been running the show but its not like PA has never been examined by the media.


We're all aware that PA's been written about before and some of it hasn't been very flattering. The point is that he's granted AM the singular honor of being able to operate virtually unmolested for three years and, in my opinion, PA is now on the verge of being subject to some very ugly press for his trouble.

Peter Angelos' decade-long ruination of the Orioles is a much more compelling story than Andy MacPhail's failure to turn the team around. AM can always hide behind the argument that the ultimate responsibility lies with players who didn't measure up. PA has no such luxury because different rules apply to him. It's a different story altogether.

As I alluded to in my previous post, don't be surprised to see PA step in and soon. I know I would if I were in his place.

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