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Tejada deal up to Angelos


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Can't you see him sitting in his office on top Charles Center. Room is mostly dark. Spermish grin on his face. Drool ooozing. Just waiting for the hot line to ring. At that time King Pete is on top of the baseball world and is in control.

In all seriousnous he has to be clued in to what's been going on, right? Updates every few hours, right? I mean they can't be out there wheelin' and dealin' and then expect to come to a completely dumb Angelos who has no bearings of or given any blessings to trading Tejada, right?

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Can't you see him sitting in his office on top Charles Center. Room is mostly dark. Spermish grin on his face. Drool ooozing. Just waiting for the hot line to ring. At that time King Pete is on top of the baseball world and is in control.

LOL, nice illustration.

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Can't you see him sitting in his office on top Charles Center. Room is mostly dark. Spermish grin on his face. Drool ooozing. Just waiting for the hot line to ring. At that time King Pete is on top of the baseball world and is in control.
In your dream, does he have a hairless kitty in his lap that he keeps petting tenderly?

He does in mine.:)

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The ONLY way I even listen to the Rangers is if DDV is a starting point...

That's Diamond, Danks, and Volsquez...the Rangers best pitching prospects.

DVD has been DOA this season. All three have struggled quite a bit this season, and it would appear they are a little overhyped. I wouldn't even consider them in any trade for Tejada. The Rangers don't match up well with us, unless they start with you-know-who. Highly unlikely.

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DVD has been DOA this season. All three have struggled quite a bit this season, and it would appear they are a little overhyped. I wouldn't even consider them in any trade for Tejada. The Rangers don't match up well with us, unless they start with you-know-who. Highly unlikely.
...And of course, you're referring to Mr. Gary Matthews, Jr., am I right? ;)
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The Rangers don't match up well with us

I agree. I don't see them trading two or three of their best pitching prospects to us.

They need pitching even more than we do.:confused: They already have a good offense with Young, Teix, Blalock, Matthews, and now Lee.

LAA is our best match. Houston can put together a nice package too.

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I see everyone is getting their hopes up. I can't believe the Angels would deal Santana unless they are very high on Saunders or have a pitcher coming in this deal or another deal. Since Bedard is untouchable and Benson is hurt, it doesn't look like we can give them a ML starter....

Bruce Chen is starting Sunday, right? Even DEVILos isn't dumb enough to screw that up. If the Angels will give anything for Chuck-and-Duck Chen, I'll drive him from Baltimore to Anaheim myself.

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