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Bonds Indicted on Perjury, Obstruction of Justice


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[quote name=mdguy2415;1099165

Sheffield' date=' Giambi, and all the guys caught are being given a pass — thus, Bonds has sinned & is in a word of trouble not because he did drugs, but because he was arrogant, ornery and pissed off a large segment of the sporting public.

Sports is like pro wrestling now — just entertainent & the world is really messed up.

Enjoy it for what is.

Sheffield and Giambi haven't denied the allegations as fiercely as Bonds has.

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MM, true; however, are they any less guilty? Giambi more less apologized for his misdeeds, Gary claimed he didn't know what he was rubbing on himself and thought it was flaxseed oil. I know we believe in the power of forgiveness and giving people second chances (item: Bill Clinton), but does Bonds really deserve the scrutiny?

This is about a selfish and ornery athlete pumping himself up with drugs and simply being far less than honest with a grand jury. It's not like he was supplying drugs to others or ran an operation like Tony Montana from 'Scarface'.

Why it took the government four years to finally indict him, I have no clue.

I dislike Bonds probably as much as anyone; however, why didn't anyone go after Palmiero when it looked like he committed perjury in front of Congress based on his positive test from MLB, and what about Mark McGwire's peformance (though you really can't determine guilt from it)?

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Why waste four years and millions of dollars on Bonds?

Its not like he was a dealer and distributing PHD's to people. He was one person. Not to mention they left his trainer in jail for not testifying. Pleading the 5th isnt a crime.

Investigating him for perjury was the right thing to do, but after awhile I think they need to move onto some more important things. One steroid user isnt worth four years of time. The whole investigation was unprofessional. Leaking sealed grand jury testimony to reporters? Holding a guy for not talking?

There has to be some murder or rape cases unsolved out there.

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Why waste four years and millions of dollars on Bonds?

Its not like he was a dealer and distributing PHD's to people. He was one person. Not to mention they left his trainer in jail for not testifying. Pleading the 5th isnt a crime.

Investigating him for perjury was the right thing to do, but after awhile I think they need to move onto some more important things. One steroid user isnt worth four years of time. The whole investigation was unprofessional. Leaking sealed grand jury testimony to reporters? Holding a guy for not talking?

There has to be some murder or rape cases unsolved out there.

The Federal investigation was about BALCO for illegal drug distribution and money laundering. Bonds along with many other athletes were by-products of that investigation in that their names were uncovered in the BALCO investigation. All associated athletes were offered complete immunity for their testimony against BALCO. Among those who testified, two; Marion Jones and Barry Bonds, apparently chose to lie under oath to the federal prosecutor. Its not hard to understand why those two may have chosen to lie. Why is this so difficult to understand.

I'm not a lawyer (and one can correct me if I'm wrong here), but in the case of Bonds' Trainer, pleading the fifth has no relevance here at all. He's already been convicted and can't incriminate himself again for the same crime. He's being held in contempt of court for not honoring a subpoena to testify against Bonds. As far as I know, the only person that can refuse to answer a subpoena is the President and I don't think GW was Bond's trainer.

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