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I've had it


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This series against the Angels have pushed a lot of us over the edge. These HO threads are theraputic in a sense that we can vent, let it all hangout and get it off our chests. I thank the HO management for allowing this. The bottom line is we all are diehard Orioles fans for the most part. Just like a marriage we will have ups and downs. What we must understand is after a few days we will return to our team with hope and anticipation. Let's all take a deep breath, vent and continue to be fans of the Orioles. I personally want to stick around to see this team start winning again. It may be a few more years but it will feel so good when it happens.

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I was chatting with a friend of a friend this weekend in the car. He is a Philly fan and we were talking about the playoffs. After like an hour he asked why I hadn't mentioned the Orioles. I then began to rant. I think the thing that gets me the most is that average fans (and especially fans who pay more attention) can identify obvious areas where this organization could improve. When regular folks see how certain things are just done so poorly, why the heck can't the people who get paid to do it, see it.

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I meant to put this post in THIS thread...

This is a very sad statement I am about to make....but this may very well be the first off-season EVER (in my adult life) where I neither miss baseball, nor am I counting down to Opening Day. I don't know if I have EVER been able to say that. Not even after '88. I'm burnt out on this organization and have watched less than a total of maybe 20 innings since mid-July. I thought I was 'Unbreakable'...

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I meant to put this post in THIS thread...

This is a very sad statement I am about to make....but this may very well be the first off-season EVER (in my adult life) where I neither miss baseball, nor am I counting down to Opening Day. I don't know if I have EVER been able to say that. Not even after '88. I'm burnt out on this organization and have watched less than a total of maybe 20 innings since mid-July. I thought I was 'Unbreakable'...


Machado and Schoop and Bundy will just be another disappointment. I doubt any of them have a better career than Pie. Why? Because they are Orioles.

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Machado and Schoop and Bundy will just be another disappointment. I doubt any of them have a better career than Pie. Why? Because they are Orioles.

I am not writing these guys off at all (ditto Mahoney, maybe Townsend, very bummed about Klein's injury though) but these guys likely aren't part of the 2012 O's...if they were knocking on the door that would be a little more exciting.

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I was chatting with a friend of a friend this weekend in the car. He is a Philly fan and we were talking about the playoffs. After like an hour he asked why I hadn't mentioned the Orioles. I then began to rant. I think the thing that gets me the most is that average fans (and especially fans who pay more attention) can identify obvious areas where this organization could improve. When regular folks see how certain things are just done so poorly, why the heck can't the people who get paid to do it, see it.

They see it...they get paid to make the organization profitable...not to put a winning team on the field. I beleive that PA thinks throwing extra money into scouting and development will not be enough to overcome Boston/NY...so why spend it? Each season just put together a few names, a few promising rookies and see if you can't get the third place...as long as the magins are good, thats all that matters.

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