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I've had it


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There's a difference in my book between "I'm fed up", "I'm not watching anymore", and "I don't care anymore". The first two are thoroughly understandable, either a split-second reaction or one that builds up over time. I don't buy the "I don't care anymore" if anyone ever says it on this board. We all care. We care so much it hurts. Not watching hurts, too. But the caring doesn't go away. You can't post on an Orioles Hangout board and then turn off caring for the team. It doesn't work that way.

Today I turned on the TV long enough to see Pie drop the pop-up and Tatum throw the ball down the left field line, turned them off, proclaimed them unwatchable, then solved that by putting it on the computer and walking by periodically to shake my head. I may not watch them, but I'll never stop caring.

Someone (I think it was Roy) once compared O's fandom to a drug, but it's not like that. There's at least a high with drugs. With the O's, all I'm left with is the munchies and less cash than I had before the season starts.

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I had a chance to see the Orioles in Oakland last week. It would have been the one game they won. But we still had some stuff to see and do in SF so we skipped it and it didn't make an ounce of difference. They just are not worth watching right now, even when you get to see a new stadium. Pathetic.

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I had a chance to see the Orioles in Oakland last week. It would have been the one game they won. But we still had some stuff to see and do in SF so we skipped it and it didn't make an ounce of difference. They just are not worth watching right now, even when you get to see a new stadium. Pathetic.

You really didn't miss out on anything there either.

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I understand Steve's frustration!!

How could so many people have been so wrong about so many young Orioles' players? It wasn't just the Orioles scouts, the Orioles management, the Baltimore Sportswriters, the Oriole Hangouters, it was just about every so-called knowledgeable baseball person in the country. Almost everyone believed that the Orioles had one of the best young crop of starters in baseball coming up through their system. Almost everyone believed that Matt Wieters was going to be an instant a superstar. Almost everyone believed that Buck Showalter would be able to quickly consolidate the talents of these young players. And almost everyone was wrong. What happened? :confused:

PA fired Davey Johnson and we have stunk ever since, coincidence? PA ran off a hall of fame level announcer. PA pissed off the baseball Gods something fierce is the only explanation I can see. Sheer rotten luck for 14 years? Seems way out of kilter.

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They tried to make me go to rehab, I said No! No! No!

Steve, I hear you and I do not disagree. This should have been a year of progress and even though it would have been foolish to expect contention in the AL East, we all expected a step forward with the Calvary and Buck and the trades etc...

We suck. We have not progressed and there is virtually no aspect of the organization that seems to be on track. What we do from here is a very open question, because there seems to be talent to build on...but at the end of the day, we are way behind our benchmark and seem no closer to being competitive and you cannot be a fan of the O's and not be fed up with that realization.

I wish I knew the answer, but I think it starts with ownership and that is not going to change so what does that leave us?

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Today's game was one of the worst I have seen. Embarassing! Davis should have been moved from 3B after his second error to his normal position (2B). Pie! What can you say? Has any player regressed as much as he has? He has to go NOW. Gregg goes with him and Bell has already been sent back to Norfolk. Did anyone else think we wouldn't score when we loaded the bases with none out?

It's early. We still have 36 games remaining and I think we'll be lucky to win 9 more games. If AM picks up 2 starters off the waiver wire and maybe one hitter we might win 12-14 more. He won't add anyone unless it's a bench player. Same old same old! A couple of weeks ago I said we would finish 58 - 104 or 60 - 102. it could be as bad as 56-106. We will end up with the #1 pick and then what? Who are we going to choose with this pick?

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Any Orioles fan is entitled to go through a capitulation of sorts. There no better place for someone like Steve to voice his frustrations.

I'm beyond caring myself. They could follow the Colts for all I care.

Give me the Cleveland Browns situation...

I'd gladly take 3 years of no baseball for a fresh start. No question.

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