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Jim Duquette's comments on the orioles this morning.


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My comment is that people on here are so in box that they can't even here someone report a member of the press stating opinions of the team. If you can't have anyone talk about someone saying something negative about your team support a team that is one of the best in baseball. Because until the Oriole have a half-decent season they will continue to get a lot of negative press.

How this thread became about me I have no idea. I am just stating facts. You don't like them it isn't my fault.

Here you go again. Why do you generalize the entire board? "People" around here don't have a group think mentality. Some are overly positive and some are overly negative, but the vast majority are pretty realistic when it comes to the outlook of this team. Just because most around here don't agree with your view, doesn't mean the board can't stand when someone has another view. I don't think you get it. If the vast majority of the posters seems to be against you, it might be the delivery as much as the message.

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As someone who rarely posts and has still managed to get into it a bit with Atomic, I do have to get his back here.

I heard the interview and the Reynolds part was like this....Steve Davis said something to the effect of "Mark Reynolds isn't really a cleanup hitter....." and then JD chimed in and said "Reynolds is barely a major league hitter". Those were his exact words.

Thanks, it's hard to tell when he's not exaggerating.

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Here you go again. Why do you generalize the entire board? "People" around here don't have a group think mentality. Some are overly positive and some are overly negative, but the vast majority are pretty realistic when it comes to the outlook of this team. Just because most around here don't agree with your view, doesn't mean the board can't stand when someone has another view. I don't think you get it. If the vast majority of the posters seems to be against you, it might be the delivery as much as the message.

Well I heard about this place from people on the Sun board and they said you would get banned if you spoke the truth about the team. I started this thread with just facts and was told I was a liar. I don't know how just stating facts about what someone else said can be anything wrong. But somehow it is me. Whatever. I will cancel my subscription when the it runs out. You guys can continue to live in your fantasy world.

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Well I heard about this place from people on the Sun board and they said you would get banned if you spoke the truth about the team. I started this thread with just facts and was told I was a liar. I don't know how just stating facts about what someone else said can be anything wrong. But somehow it is me. Whatever. I will cancel my subscription when the it runs out. You guys can continue to live in your fantasy world.
There are a lot of people on the Sun board who were banned, but they were not banned for expressing opinions. They were banned for expressing their opinions with antagonism, hyperbole, and misdirection, and then playing the "poor pitiful me" card while continuing to make every thread about themselves. It's not too late for you to become a productive member of this board and for your opinions will be valued as the rest of ours are. It's not too late, but you're certainly on the wrong path.
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Well I heard about this place from people on the Sun board and they said you would get banned if you spoke the truth about the team. I started this thread with just facts and was told I was a liar. I don't know how just stating facts about what someone else said can be anything wrong. But somehow it is me. Whatever. I will cancel my subscription when the it runs out. You guys can continue to live in your fantasy world.

I dunno, I think if you go back and reread this thread, you'll see that no one had any issues with your original post, and that people were discussing it and weighing on on both sides... until you started arguing with Frobby over nothing. That sort of derailed everything.

You can be as negative as you want here. You just need to present your position well and be prepared to defend it when people disagree. Just like you would have to do if you posted overly positive things.

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There are a lot of people on the Sun board who were banned, but they were not banned for expressing opinions. They were banned for expressing their opinions with antagonism, hyperbole, and misdirection, and then playing the "poor pitiful me" card while continuing to make every thread about themselves. It's not too late for you to become a productive member of this board and for your opinions will be valued as the rest of ours are. It's not too late, but you're certainly on the wrong path.

It is probably you guys who made every thread about them. Like you guys made this one about me. And there is nothing wrong with Hyperbole.

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I dunno, I think if you go back and reread this thread, you'll see that no one had any issues with your original post, and that people were discussing it and weighing on on both sides... until you started arguing with Frobby over nothing. That sort of derailed everything.

You can be as negative as you want here. You just need to present your position well and be prepared to defend it when people disagree. Just like you would have to do if you posted overly positive things.

Frobby's quote: "I'm also going to take atomic's summary of Duquette's remarks with a grain of salt, considering that atomic is a very negative poster and probably picked out what he wanted to hear. "

Made the thread about me. Before that it wasn't about me.

And then from Sport's Guy:

"Atomic isn't even a remotely credible source of info for anything right now, so who knows."

Please give me an instance when I wrote something that was intentially misleading on this board?

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Well I heard about this place from people on the Sun board and they said you would get banned if you spoke the truth about the team. I started this thread with just facts and was told I was a liar. I don't know how just stating facts about what someone else said can be anything wrong. But somehow it is me. Whatever. I will cancel my subscription when the it runs out. You guys can continue to live in your fantasy world.

I personally don't have too much issue with you atomic, but if you look back through this post/thread (and probably others) you can pretty well look yourself in the mirrior and blame yourself for the issues you're having here.

1. First of all you quoted what somebody (someone not very significant imo) said with zero analysis as to what you thought about it. So of course you open up that quote to the opinions of others. What did you think was gonna happen? Like many others have said, the statement about Reynolds is just dumb on its face (and I don't even like Reynolds). Being the smart guy that you claim to be and having command of statistics should tell you that Reynolds has value as a ML hitter. If Reynolds was even an average defender he'd be quite valuable. So are you condoning Duquettte's statement with respect to Reynolds hitting or not? Since your general tone seams to be we are all homers here on the Oriole Hangout and the expert outside forces looking in (like Duqette and yourself apparrently) can really see what's going on, the assumption is that you do concur with the statement about Reynolds. You can't just throw crap out there and insinuate that we're all homers without your own freakin opinion/analysis about it and then claim you didn't really mean anythng and were just providing us information. Has anybody said we're a good team ? If you put up a poll about what place we'd finish this year, I'd bet 90% will say last. The general consensus of the board seams to me to be we will be pretty bad with a lot needing to go right to be anywhere near 500. Guess what ? I think that's your opinion. So what's your real issue? Frobby had some issue with your past embelishment/integrity? (hint: maybe you earned it). Sports Guy is an a-wipe? Well, welcome aboard.

2. When you told SG that rWAR was better the fWAR(I somewhat agree btw) and more correctly values Hammels (I may not agree for several reasons), you had a perfect opportunity to show him (and others) why, with a thought provoking and intelligent analysis. I was looking forward to hearing it. Did you even attempt to do that? Do the analysis and stick more with facts and less of what you're currently doing and you'll have less issues. Since you're apparently pretty smart, it shouldn't be too hard. Provide the analysis/insight and stop taking the bait.

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Frobby's quote: "I'm also going to take atomic's summary of Duquette's remarks with a grain of salt, considering that atomic is a very negative poster and probably picked out what he wanted to hear. "

Made the thread about me. Before that it wasn't about me.

Truth is, I regret having said it. I wasn't intending to squelch your opinion or suggest Duquette hadn't said the things you referred to. I'm sorry the thread has gotten off track.

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Truth is, I regret having said it. I wasn't intending to squelch your opinion or suggest Duquette hadn't said the things you referred to. I'm sorry the thread has gotten off track.

Don't be. I know you don't like to get involved in these arguments, but we learn a lot about people when they are called on their crap.

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Why can't we get it plain and simple...they suck, they've sucked for a decade and a half, all of the sudden they are going to get better? They suck, we're splitting hairs. Nothing will change until a change of ownership, I wish and pray that I'm wrong...but, how many years do we need to learn a lesson?

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And there is nothing wrong with Hyperbole.

If you're obviously joking around, sure, hyperbole can be fun. But when your SOP is to present hyperbole as God's own truth then you're going to get a lot of deserved flak for it. You have to expect when you say things like "the O's are going to win 64 games and the national media all agree with me" that you're going to get labeled as someone who's not objective and whose statements can't be taken at face value.

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Why can't we get it plain and simple...they suck, they've sucked for a decade and a half, all of the sudden they are going to get better? They suck, we're splitting hairs. Nothing will change until a change of ownership, I wish and pray that I'm wrong...but, how many years do we need to learn a lesson?

While there are a few posters here who still hold out some small hope of a leap forward, I've seen almost nobody who expects the O's to suddenly be a contending team. I think the consensus is that this is a 70-75 win club. Who exactly needs to learn a lesson?

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Well I heard about this place from people on the Sun board and they said you would get banned if you spoke the truth about the team. I started this thread with just facts and was told I was a liar. I don't know how just stating facts about what someone else said can be anything wrong. But somehow it is me. Whatever. I will cancel my subscription when the it runs out. You guys can continue to live in your fantasy world.

The stupidity of your bs agenda is amazing.

I already showed you the thread where most people feel this isn't a good team record wise...and, SHOCKINGLY, you ignored that...Why?

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