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Jerry Sandusky Busted/Paterno did NOTHING to prevent him from continuing his assault on children.

Majin Buu

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Even sadder' date=' but not surprising.[/quote']

Statistically, this was an inevitability. I wouldn't be surprised if the real number was double that or more.

Sandusky better hope he's lucky enough to spend the rest of his days in solitary confinement, because he'll last about 3 minutes in general population before an "accident" with a cinderblock on work detail accidentally crushes his skull like an egg.

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Even sadder' date=' but not surprising.[/quote']

That is utterly soul crushing. I can't help but wonder how many of those kids were molested or raped after 2002 when he was caught in the act and it went unreported to the police.

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I'm trying to read everything I can on this. I haven't formed too many opinions on Paterno yet but I'm getting the impression that this is becoming more about Joe than it is Sandusky.

Paterno made a serious lack in judgement it appears but I think he's getting cruxified for Sandusky's actions.

Everyone seems to feel that Penn State is only concerned about their football program but so is the media. If Joe steps down or is fired, I think this thing gets back paged somewhat.

Just a terrible situation.

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As a survivor of abuse, I hope there is a special place in hell where JoePA can experience the pain that the 7 victims who came after he did essentially nothing to stop this monster experienced. I hope he gets to have that experience sooner than later. That might be harsh, that might be mean and might even be unfair but you live with the scars that my experience left me and the ones I know these victims have and see how you feel.

I really feel that if it is shown that PSU conducted a cover up of this that lead to 7 additional victims to protect their friggin football program then they should get a death penalty for at least 2yrs.This a crime far beyond cheating for unfair advantage. Its far more egregious than providing a car, a house etc... It is an institution and program that thinks so much of itself that it put itself and its needs above those of innocent children. Enough is Enough. It will never happen but it should. Its time to show these arrogant and callous jackasses (not just the ones at PSU) that if you do something like this, your program is DONE. Believe me when I say that I believe in my heart of hearts that this is not the only program that would have handled this the way they did.

Far as JoePA is concerned. He should be fired immediately. Sure he met the letter of the law but the man failed on multiple levels from a moral and ethical standpoint. In that moment when he was told what happened, Joe had an important choice to make. Clearly he made made the wrong and immoral choice IMO. As a result of not just his but others actions as well there are 7 more kids scarred for life. That outrageous. Calling the AD was essentially the equivalent to calling in a "cleaner". This is further evidenced by the lack of follow up, lack of anything to determine what happened. This was not a report of vandalism or some ticky tacky thing ....it was the rape of a child, its something most people would follow up on after reporting. I know I would. These powerful men sold out these kids to protect their fiefdom. They reveled in the accolades they got while covering this mess up.....let them stew in the fury of the american public. They deserve it

If you wanna defend PSU, JoePA thats fine this is America and everyone has a right to their opinion. I just ask you to do two things. First contemplate what you would do if presented with the information Paterno was and then compare the actions JoePA took vrs the ones you would and tell me if those actions Paterno took were more geared to insulating himself and PSU or more geared to making sure that this potential victim was protected via getting the truth and answers. Last but not least read the Grand Jury report about just what Joe knew and think if what he did in response was remotely enough. I think when your done your gonna find it hard to defend the man at all. This is after all the guy who told his AD and School President to "get out his house" when they wanted him to step aside in 2004. Who are they kidding here?

Sorry for rambling....pissed and passionate...bad mix lol

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Tragically we are going to find out there are more victims. People do not decide to become pedophiles overnight, its usually a lifelong thing. Hopefully if anything good comes of it some of them will finally be able to tell their stories, get the help they need and do the hard work that comes next which is learning to live with the scars. My thoughts and prayers are with these people. Known and unknown.

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I'm trying to read everything I can on this. I haven't formed too many opinions on Paterno yet but I'm getting the impression that this is becoming more about Joe than it is Sandusky.

Paterno made a serious lack in judgement it appears but I think he's getting cruxified for Sandusky's actions.

Everyone seems to feel that Penn State is only concerned about their football program but so is the media. If Joe steps down or is fired, I think this thing gets back paged somewhat.

Just a terrible situation.

To an extent I agree, that Paterno has become the sole focus here when our society's primary objectives should be 1) convicting Sandusky and making sure he never sees the light of day, and 2) ensuring that all of his victims can feel safe in coming forward and know that they can get whatever help and support they need to move on and have some semblance of a healthy life.

But make no mistake, there are many others who need to answer for what happened, since this all could and should have come to an end almost 10 years ago. And because Paterno is by far the best known public figure embroiled in all of this, the focus just naturally is on him right now. And because of the public image he had as not just a great football coach, but a man of the highest values, more than anyone else he is the one that people feel betrayed them.....even Sandusky, because I doubt too many people even view him as human anymore.

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But make no mistake' date=' there are many others who need to answer for what happened, since this all could and should have come to an end almost 10 years ago. And because Paterno is by far the best known public figure embroiled in all of this, the focus just naturally is on him right now. And because of the public image he had as not just a great football coach, but a man of the highest values, more than anyone else he is the one that people feel betrayed them.....even Sandusky, because I doubt too many people even view him as human anymore.[/quote']

Think the focus has shifted to Joe now because based on the Grand Jury Testimony from numerous sources on numerous victims we all know the kind of depraved excuse for a human being Sandusky is. Sandusky is done.

Joe on the other hand is another matter. He is in the center of the question that people ask next which is HOW? How does a man witnessed to rape a 10yr old boy end up having the opportunity to continue working with a childrens charity and subsequently abuse at least 7 more know victims. How does a institution that is supposed to be teaching our young men and women, a place that should encourage them to become productive and responsible citizens act so callously, recklessly and with blatant disregard for decency? How do a group of men and representative of PSU decide that the institution and football programs reputation and brand are more important than the well being and safety of children. These are important questions, to ignore them is to invite more of this behavior in the future.

As a society we have come to realize that these predators often operate freely because along the way (in a fair number of cases) there are people who enable these scum to continue doing what they do by turning a blind eye or letting it go. People have a right to be outraged by the conduct of the football program at PSU and the administration at PSU. This was not one individual being snowballed by a predator and making a bad choice to not report, it was a group of men who made a conscious decision to sweep their dirty laundry under the rug. As a result at least 7 more lives and possibly more are permanently scarred. There are no words capable of describing how absolutely tragic it is for the victims and family members that this pain could have easily been prevented. The general public in this case is absolutely right in insisting that all who are responsible are punished. Maybe then next time a scenario happens where an individual debates in their head if they should call the cops or worry about their reputation / business/ institutions interests first they will have this case to consider before making that choice.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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Think the focus has shifted to Joe now because based on the Grand Jury Testimony from numerous sources on numerous victims we all know the kind of depraved excuse for a human being Sandusky is. Sandusky is done.

The thing is Sandusky isn't done, yet. He is currently free on $100,000 bail....way too little to me considering the crimes of which he is accused, even though he's probably a low flight risk and I doubt (and pray) that anyone will let him within 100 yards of a child at this point. As he should, Sandusky will have his day in court. And while this might look like an open-and-shut case, over the years I've seen some unexplainable verdicts come out of jury trials, from head-scratchers to mind-blowers. So if the AG decides it is in the public's best interest to put a muzzle on Paterno for the time being, lest he contradict his grand jury testimony to the press, I'm fine with that and will wait for his answers at a more appropriate time.

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This should be required reading for anybody that has an opinion on the matter:


This kid can say anything he wants, the fact of the matter is Paterno ran that football program with an iron fist. Anyone who believes he was told about a 10yr old boy being raped in the shower in his facilities by a man who worked for him for over 30yrs and simply called the AD and let him handle it never asking any questions again is totally delusional. Anyone who thinks that Paterno did not immediately realize how damaging and explosive this revelation was is also delusional. Are you trying to tell me that Joe was not surprised or curious that no investigator ever came to him to clarify what he was told, the state of the person who told him etc... Please this is much much smarter man than that.

I do not know how much more clearly to say this. If you are a HUMAN BEING and you are informed that a ten year old was raped you have a moral and ethical obligation to pick up the phone IMMEDIATELY and call the police so as to identify the potential victim and get them help. You dont pick up the phone and call your boss and tell him to handle it....not unless you have a different agenda than those of us with morals and ethics have.

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This should be required reading for anybody that has an opinion on the matter:


I read the article from the perspective of the 10 year old boy who thought he was saved when McQueary walked in on him being anally raped by Sandusky, but was ultimately left in the lion's den. I then read the article pretending that I was the father of that child, or the father of one of the many many children who were victimized AFTER this incident by an unincarcerated Sandusky. I didn't feel much satisfaction.

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I read the article from the perspective of the 10 year old boy who thought he was saved when McQueary walked in on him being anally raped by Sandusky, but was ultimately left in the lion's den. I then read the article pretending that I was the father of that child, or the father of one of the many many children who were victimized AFTER this incident by an unincarcerated Sandusky. I didn't feel much satisfaction.

Yeah I just can't understand how anyone can try and give anyone associated with Penn State and their football program the benefit of the doubt. Think of it as your son, brother, nephew, cousin, etc.

Maybe it needs to be little more graphic to get some folks to understand. This was an adult that walked in on a grown man with his junk in a 10 year old boy and left him there. This adult told his boss, who pushed it up the chain of command, and then turned a blind eye for over a decade, as he watched this pederast continue to be around his program, facilities, and run his youth charity.

There are no excuses, unless you want to say that everyone associated is the biggest bunch of idiots in the world.

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I read the article from the perspective of the 10 year old boy who thought he was saved when McQueary walked in on him being anally raped by Sandusky, but was ultimately left in the lion's den. I then read the article pretending that I was the father of that child, or the father of one of the many many children who were victimized AFTER this incident by an unincarcerated Sandusky. I didn't feel much satisfaction.

I touched on this earlier, but what would really be interesting would be reading the article from the perspective of Joe Paterno ........ if the victims were his kids and/or his grand-kids.

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So, if JoePa went to his superiors, reported what he knew, and was told it was being handled by the proper authorities...people think he should have called the police a second time just to make sure they really knew?

I get that he could have done more. There's no doubt about that. But, I can't help but think that he's being slammed because he's an easy target and a big name, all the while attention is being stripped away from the people who were definitely guilty and/or complicit in making sure this wasn't reported to the police. This has more or less turned into a referendum on your personal opinion of JoePa instead of a discussion of facts focused on the obviously guilty parties. We don't know for sure what JoePa was told. We don't know for sure what he told the AD in that meeting. And we don't know for sure what he was told about how the situation was being handled.

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So, if JoePa went to his superiors, reported what he knew, and was told it was being handled by the proper authorities...people think he should have called the police a second time just to make sure they really knew?

I think that at some point during the next ten years of seeing Sandusky still in his office on campus and after not seeing the story hit the papers yet, I would probably call the police to confirm that the incident was reported. We're talking about the witnessed anal raping of a 10 year old child.

Imagine it's the day after you reported the incident to your supervisors. You see Sandusky walk by your office. To me, the appropriate response is to tackle the guy and detain him while you call 911 to inform them that you found the rapist. We're talking about the witnessed anal raping of a 10 year old child.

If you have any doubts that this was a huge cover-up from McQueary to JoePa on up, ask yourself this question: What if it wasn't Sandusky? What if it was some stranger off the street? He would either have been tackled immediately, or he would have gotten away and we'd see an artist's rendition of the suspect on the news.

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