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Gold Glove announcement tonight...scouts perspective ( Update - All 3 Orioles win)


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Exactly. I stated this in a previous thread, but differently in that even being considered for a GG was going to reinforce his bad habits. Winning one will cement it. He makes some spectacular plays because of his athleticism, but I've also seen him blow some Cans of Corn. Of course, that was in between blowing bubbles.;)
Um, it's a joke.
Until recently, Markakis and Josh Hamilton had big wads of chewing tobacco in their mouth while playing the OF. Is that any different?

I meant I was making a joke not his defense was a joke. Really people? There's a smiley faced guy winking in the original comment.:rolleyes:

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I don't agree. I think Jones has always had a good work ethic and a drive to improve. I do not think the fact that he has won two Gold Gloves will tell him that he doesn't need to work on his defense or that he shouldn't listen to his coaches. And, I have no doubt that Buck and his coaches will get their points across, when they are not happy with how Jones (or any other player) is playing defense. It probably won't be done in quotes to the press, because that's not Buck's style.

Also, I have never questioned AJ's work ethic. The blowing bubbles thing is being blown out of proportion, pardon the pun. My statement came from his actual technique in the OF. I don't see that changing.

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Having thought about it overnight, I don't think the selection of Jones is ridiculous. Trout only started 108 games in CF, and in my mind, there's a question whether anyone should win a Gold Glove when playing less than 75-80% of the season. And, Jones had a better range factor and more assists. And yes, I do think he gets a little bonus for playing in all 162 games, which is not easy to do. My bottom line is that I am surprised Jones won, but it's not the biggest ripoff ever.

However, I do not think that most people who are saying they think Trout should have won are doing so because they have a prejudice against Jones. He's not a perfect player, and when you watch him every day, sometimes the flaws grate on you. We just need to remember that there are a lot of teams that would love to have him.

I only expect the Gold Gloves to hit most of the time in some very large bins. Most of the time. If they award mostly guys who fall into the "arguably better than average" bin, I'm pretty happy. I think Jones is arguably better than average.

It is nice that the O's got some recognition, even if it doesn't completely line up with the available evidence.

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I don't agree. I think Jones has always had a good work ethic and a drive to improve. I do not think the fact that he has won two Gold Gloves will tell him that he doesn't need to work on his defense or that he shouldn't listen to his coaches. And, I have no doubt that Buck and his coaches will get their points across, when they are not happy with how Jones (or any other player) is playing defense. It probably won't be done in quotes to the press, because that's not Buck's style.

I agree with the bolded part, however Jone's issues/resistance to coaching is fairly well documented with public statements by Paul Blair and Shelby. I'd argue there is also proof in the objective metrics, especially one's (like FB) that show him playing too shallow and consistently letting too many balls get over his head. In many ways the traits that make Jones a good player, attitude, confidence, trying to push the limits of his skillset are also the same traits that hold him back from making additional improvements.

As far as Buck being "happy" with how some players are playing defense, I think you're off the mark. I don't think there's necessarily any issues with effort on the part of Jones or Markakis. The issues have more to to do with talent/skills and making tough decisions to improve the team (probably in the near future) by hurting some inflated egoes. In the end, management has to be objective in making decisions to improve the team no matter how tough that may be or who they offend. Don't think these GG's and associated statements by Buck wrt Nick or Jones do much to advance that. In the end I'd say Buck is more of a political animal (with some of the players) than people would like to think.

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surprise surprise Keith Law doesnt believe any orioles deserved it...

@keithlaw: AL Gold Glove winner at short: Hardy. I would have had him second behind Ryan, but Hardy is very good, and Ryan didn't hit enough to win.

@keithlaw: Gold Gloves at Catcher: Matt Wieters and Yadier Molina. Molina is obvious. Salvador Perez would have been my AL choice.

@keithlaw: AL Gold Glove OFs: Reddick , Jones, & Gordon. Jones was below average in UZR/dRS. Trout's absence is glaring. Also Jennings > Gordon for me.

I don't think he's saying anything controversial here. Perez led the league in CS%, although he only played 74 games. The Trout omission is kind of bizarre, apparently docking him for not playing enough, after a history of the GGs just not caring if the guy really played the position much at all.

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I think Jones is arguably better than average.

What is this the New Drungo? You've suddenly decided to dismiss the objective metrics which say he was anywhere from from 5 to 16 runs below average last year? (not to mention his track record).

Park factor I guess?

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I don't think he's saying anything controversial here. Perez led the league in CS%, although he only played 74 games. The Trout omission is kind of bizarre, apparently docking him for not playing enough, after a history of the GGs just not caring if the guy really played the position much at all.

To me, the fact that some past awards were given to guys who didn't play many games at their position (Palmeiro, principally) is not a good reason to continue the practice. But of course, we really don't know if the reason Jones won is that Trout only played 108 games while Jones played all 162. Personally, I think it should be a factor if other criteria are fairly close. In the case of Salvador Perez, to me you shouldn't be considered if you started less than half the games at the position under consideration. If he plays that well next year, in a full season, he may give Wieters a run for his money.

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I don't think he's saying anything controversial here. Perez led the league in CS%, although he only played 74 games. The Trout omission is kind of bizarre, apparently docking him for not playing enough, after a history of the GGs just not caring if the guy really played the position much at all.

One problem with the CS% number, especially when comparing Wieters to a guy who only caught ~55% of the number of games is that opposing teams and coaches are going to be much more judicious when running against Wieters. If my math is correct, eunners ran at an 18% higher rate against Perez than Wieters.

I don't know why anyone seems annoyed that Jones won. It's one thing to be objective/realistic that there may have been another deserving candidate, but what's wrong with being happy about it? It's not like there's some huge nation-wide bias in favor of the Orioles. We're getting recognition for once, enjoy it.

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Not sure if it was mentioned or not, but I'm sure Trout was also docked somewhat for being a rookie. Some of the people who vote on this are the type that feel you need to earn some stripes first.

Either way, congrats to all 3 O's for their achievments and hard work. Jones is a good defender and should feel no guilt in accepting this one.

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I don't think it's on there because it's not a flashy, diving grab. It's an incredible, heads up play that a true fans would know the significance of....but to water everything down for the common viewer, they're going to put up the most outrageous, spectacular diving plays, grabs, DP turns, etc.

Except for the fact that it occupied the top spot on Sportscenter Top 10 for like 2.5 weeks.

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Matt Wieters is the only Orioles catcher to win the award, but he shifted his focus and admiration last night to the hot corner.

"We all know that one of the greatest defenders of all time, Brooksie (Robinson), was an Oriole his entire career," Wieters said. "He set the standard for how you should play defense in an Orioles uniform."

From Roch. He must be talking to Cal.

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