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Players I Could Not Root For If They Were An Oriole


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I'm calling BS on some of those...

It's like a conversation I just had with a friend of mine, who unfortuantely is a Yankees fan.

He was talking about how bad he HATED Verlander... then once I asked how he would REALLY feel with Verlander joining CC at the top of the Yankees rotation, his stance changed a little.

And I'm sure I'll take some heat for this, but I would LOVE to have Nick Swisher on the Orioles. I just love the way he plays the game and appears to be a great guy in the clubhouse. I honestly don't understand the 'hate' on him...

He's an arrogant d-bag. Still...I wouldn't mind having his numbers.

Dude pumps his fist and has a huge smile on his face when he hits a HR, and hes a d-bag...

I know there were some rumors he wasn't a very good teammate when with the White Sox, but I feel like if he was an Oriole (without ever playing with the Yankees), he'd easily be a fan favorite

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I would root for any players listed if there were an Oriole. None of them have done anything that crosses the border between "I don't like him as a ballplayer" and "I hate him as a human being" which would be the only time I'd probably draw that line in the sand.

However, all other things being equal I would rather not have to deal with the internal conflict that would ensue if the Orioles ever signed Swisher. He just really, really rubs me the wrong way to point that it would be hard not to feel like I was "selling out" by cheering for him just because he played for the Orioles.

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There have been guys for years I haven't liked for one reason or another. Granted he's pretty much done, but the only guy past or present I wouldn't have been able to tolerate is Manny Ramirez. I just simply don't like the guy, Manny being Manny or not.

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My feelings towards these guys are the same I had/have towards Kevin Gregg and Garrett Atkins. I kind of enjoyed when they sucked so bad because I knew it would get them off the team. Of course I want the Orioles to win and I want any player to contribute. But if a guy Swisher were to suck, I would enjoy booing him that much more.

If he were to come and do great, I'd be happy for the team, but I still would loathe every second of watching him (not the Orioles, just him) play the game. Just like when I watched Gregg pitch...I didn't want to see him blow it, but I sure wasn't rooting for the guy.

Maybe you should see someone about all this anger.

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Maybe you should see someone about all this anger.

Yeah, you know you already said that same thing once in this thread, and attributed the word "hate" to me when I said nothing of the sort.

Maybe take a step back and consider the purpose of the post and read my follow up comments: IT'S ALL IN GOOD FUN! A conversation starter. I would not boo an Oriole. I just wouldn't cheer for them and wouldn't enjoy watching them night in and night out. If they were to struggle, like Kevin Gregg, I may "boo" their performance.

If anyone knew me they'd know how light-hearted and sarcastic I am about all this, so please stop with the "hate" and "anger" crap.

Puppies and ice cream.

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With Swisher and Youkilis the "hate" (or dislike or whatever) is linked to the bitterness associated with the teams they have played for. Namely the Red Sox and the Yankees. Not only did those teams kick our butts over the last few years (obviously prior to 2012) but their fans filled Camden Yards turning any home game into a virtual road game. It's very difficult to separate that and forget it ever happened.

For the football fans out there it would be like Ben Roethlisberger or Tom Brady played for the Ravens (as a starter). It would be very hard for me to cheer for them.

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Yeah, you know you already said that same thing once in this thread, and attributed the word "hate" to me when I said nothing of the sort.

Maybe take a step back and consider the purpose of the post and read my follow up comments: IT'S ALL IN GOOD FUN! A conversation starter. I would not boo an Oriole. I just wouldn't cheer for them and wouldn't enjoy watching them night in and night out. If they were to struggle, like Kevin Gregg, I may "boo" their performance.

If anyone knew me they'd know how light-hearted and sarcastic I am about all this, so please stop with the "hate" and "anger" crap.

Puppies and ice cream.

Why do you assume that I'm not joking too? The first thing I said was from Chappelle Show.

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There have been guys for years I haven't liked for one reason or another. Granted he's pretty much done, but the only guy past or present I wouldn't have been able to tolerate is Manny Ramirez. I just simply don't like the guy, Manny being Manny or not.

I would have had a tough time with Manny Ramirez also. I like our current Manny much better.

The toughest guy for me to like as an Oriole was Albert Belle. One scary dude at the plate, and I always liked it better that we did not have to face him, but I never felt good about rooting for him for some reason.

Most of the guys on the original list don't bother me to the extent that they do the poster who listed them. Some of them, in fact, I'd love to have, including Harper. But Swisher is one of those guys that is certainly annoying as the dickens while he's a Yankee. Still, I'd be happy to have him on the Orioles under a favorable contract. What bothers me most would be giving the Yankees a draft pick.

That and the fact that his OBP would likely go down when he doesn't get the Yankee Strike Zone any more.

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