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Jim Johnson Today, 2013


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Roch Kubatko ‏@masnRoch 6m

Buck doesn't sound like he's ready to change closers. Noted not everyone physically able pitch consecutive days. #Orioles

Dan Connolly ‏@danconnollysun 6m

Showalter says Jim Johnson is still the team's best option to close out games.

If buck reallu feels this way then we can kiss the playoffs goodbye and let the red sox run away with the division. How can he possibly think JJ is the best option to close games out? I dont think ive ever seen someone be this god awful, even kevin gregg. JJ puts on atleast two runners every single time, and if it werent for the Os having a 3 or 4 run lead sometimes in the 9th JJ would have atleast 4 more blown saves. Hes every bit as bad as strop at this point. Buck is going down with thr ship and is taking the fans with him.

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His inability to throw pitches two and three for strikes are to me a big problem for him right now. Couple that with lack of fastball command gets him behind in counts and then it forces him to catch too much of the plate with his fb.

His curve was really a plus pitch last year and its been missing this season IMO.

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Roch Kubatko ‏@masnRoch 6m

Buck doesn't sound like he's ready to change closers. Noted not everyone physically able pitch consecutive days. #Orioles

Dan Connolly ‏@danconnollysun 6m

Showalter says Jim Johnson is still the team's best option to close out games.

The not being able to pitch consecutive days comment can be read many ways. I think JJ will still be the closer but it isn't a slam dunk he will be used. Buck will pick his spots to stay away from him. I don't think we will se him today as an example if the situation calls for it.

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Did anyone think that he would say anything else? But you know his favorite 'Your actions speak so loudly, I can't hear a word you're saying." So we will see what he does. Not what he says when backed into a corner. By press.

I can't imagine the Baltimore Press Corp being able to back Buck into a corner.

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Showalter is going to run this team into the ground if he keeps throwing out Johnson right now. He's the worst closer in the MLB. The National Media was all over the Valverde situation, but the funny thing is he's probably a much better closer than JJ, yet nothing has been said about JJ in the media. To put it into perspective how terrible he has been... He has 7 losses when we lead after 8 innings, the rest of the AL East has 6 combined, and that's with the Red Sox and Rays also having closer struggles. But Johnson doesn't just blow the save, he gives up multiple runs and loses the game for us. That's what makes him terrible right now, and the worst closer in the league bar none.

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I can't imagine the Baltimore Press Corp being able to back Buck into a corner.

Buck managed for George Steinbrenner and dealt with the NY media, I think he could handle it. Anything after NY I would think would have to be cupcake city.

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The not being able to pitch consecutive days comment can be read many ways. I think JJ will still be the closer but it isn't a slam dunk he will be used. Buck will pick his spots to stay away from him. I don't think we will se him today as an example if the situation calls for it.

I doubt we see him at all the rest of the series.....I think Buck will try using either O'Day & Hunter OR if lefties are up either Matusz/Patton.

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Buck managed for George Steinbrenner and dealt with the NY media, I think he could handle it. Anything after NY I would think would have to be cupcake city.

Perhaps that's part of the problem.

Bucky dealt with (and handled) the New York Press, so maybe the Baltimore Press is no match for him ...... so, maybe it's not so surprising that he doesn't have much trouble avoiding answering pertinent questions and/or bullying his way to his own liking.

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I'm still angry about this.

I'm not angry at JJ though. He's doing his best, and he seems like a stand up guy. I'm angry at Buck. He has to realize that JJ just doesn't have it right now. He needs to get him in some non pressure situations and let him get his command back. It looks like he's lost the release point on his sinker, and it's been that way for a couple of months now. I don't know if he's injured or just struggling, but Buck needs to see this and adjust accordingly.

It's not JJ's job to go to Buck and tell him he can't get it done. If it comes to that, JJ is completely finished.

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Perhaps that's part of the problem.

Bucky dealt with (and handled) the New York Press, so maybe the Baltimore Press is no match for him ...... so, maybe it's not so surprising that he doesn't have much trouble avoiding answering pertinent questions and/or bullying his way to his own liking.

Maybe it is just me but after a game I like specific questions like why did you use this guy? or not pinch hit here? I don't think those type questions get asked enough. I don't care Buck sidesteps questions, that his is right to do so, I just want to see the questions directly asked.

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I don't get MASN.

Do tell.

It required listening. He shifted into his cacher for 23 years mode and started talking about how weird relief pitchers are and how they mentally prepare for each pitch. Talked about a guy who threw over to first nine times before finally being forced to throw a pitch. They the next inning throwing to first without anyone there. It was good stuff

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