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Is Wieters Worth $100 Million?


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Let's publicly agonize over whether the team should mortgage the future over cornerstone Matt Wieters at 10/150 and then reluctantly fold under pressure and agree to a trade to some team that thinks such a valuation even remotely has some connection to reality.

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Honestly, I don't know why any team would ever sign a player for more than four years, maybe five years with an option year. I know that most All-Star caliber players under the age of 30 would never consider shorter deals, but I don't see the point of giving a player a contract that basically guarantees him a job with you for the rest of his career, no matter how good he is. I want players playing for their next contract.

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Sorry if this was posted somewhere else. But what say you? If you were DD, would you pay Wieters $100 million for any amount of years? It seems he has already asked for almost twice that, if you believe the rumors.

Well gosh I don't think I would. I don't believe he has enough left in the tank for

that kind of money. Twenty million a year is too much. IMO

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No. Most I would go would be 5/60 or something. He just hasn't show the offensive presence do justify much more than that.

If a team is offering a decent package with a legit TOR candiate, then I would deal him this offseason. If not, I'm perfectly fine with going to arbitration for the next years.

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