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Per Ghiroli: "Hunter expected to take over as closer..."


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The Hunter for closer threads were in reaction to Johnson blowing saves. Anybody but Johnson is what people wanted, Hunter just happened to be the guy at the time pitching well. I don't think he will make it through the season. This team can't afford to be blowing saves early in the season. It will make me stop watching.
I'm well aware of the psychological side of the equation, well aware. The fact is it highlights how some people will never be pleased. They make a stand then move the goal post when convenient.

I didn't want Tommy to close games then, don't want him to now because the way he will be utilized. Regardless of his title he will be pitching in high-leverage situations but because of said title his ability will not be maximized.

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Hunter will probably be fine. Yes his splits versus lefties are bad, but I think people are overstating just how many quality lefties teams have in their everyday lineup + sitting on their bench to pinch hit versus Hunter in the 9th.

The only team I'd be worried about is the Skanks and their lineup of lefties+switch hitters. :(


Webb - 7th.

O'Day - 8th.

Hunter - 9th.

Matusz - 7th/8th match-up guy

Probably not as good as our bullpen's of the past, but its alright (as long as we get a starter to eat some innings *cough*)

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The Rays gave him a lot less money next season then the O's offered. He only gets what 3 million next season?

Also, lets see him be healthy and effective for the next two seasons before we declare them the winners.

2.5 I think he has money differed until after the next total eclipse.

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$12 million over 2 years.

He's been healthy and effective for four years straight. His averages: 2.47 ERA, 1.057 WHIP, 9.2 SO/9, 2.82 SO/BB, 158 ERA+.

We're going to look like idiots. The Rays and the A's both have the medical records...and they both called out the O's. And rightfully so.

This organization is a joke. Angelos is The Devil.

The Rays and A's called out the O's? Link please.

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The Rays and A's called out the O's? Link please.




"It did not look normal compared to a person who does not play baseball for a living. But for someone who plays baseball for a living, it looked normal. There are abnormalities on the MRI as there are on every single baseball player's. But three years ago, there was no issue, and he had pretty good performance when he was with Oakland."

According to a source, the Orioles did not compare Balfour's present MRI to the one he had three years ago, as is customary.

My bad on the A's, it was actually a Reds's doctor.

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