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Mandatory metal detectors at Camden Yards


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Ugh, that is annoying. As someone who has been known to sneak a beer into the game, I am disappointed. And since there has been no fan on fan violence with weapons in an MLB stadium, I suspect this has more to do with appearances and keeping out alcohol than anything else.

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Ugh, that is annoying. As someone who has been known to sneak a beer into the game, I am disappointed. And since there has been no fan on fan violence with weapons in an MLB stadium, I suspect this has more to do with appearances and keeping out alcohol than anything else.

Doing away with Buck a Beer night, and making the beer guy pour your beer into a paper or plastic cub helped! :)

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But, isn't the Maryland Stadium Authority, the owners of OPACY, part of the state government? :)

Why you're right, and they must be tyrants to boot.

Remember that poor guy who ran out on the field wearing nothing but a Batman cape and his underwear? I bet all he wanted to do was to exercise his right to freedom of assembly.


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Why you're right, and they must be tyrants to boot.

Remember that poor guy who ran out on the field wearing nothing but a Batman cape and his underwear? I bet all he wanted to do was to exercise his right to freedom of assembly.


Morganna was more fun to watch :)


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So, you see, folks, seat belts and speed limits are a bad idea. Ben Franklin said it, so it must be true!

I never understood why people believe that others should have the freedom to endanger others' lives. If someone wants to endanger themselves, I'm actually tempted to support them in that endeavour, since it would result in one more idiot being taken out of the gene pool. As long as it doesn't affect anyone else.

"Your right to swing your arms ends just where the other man's nose begins."

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

My high school English teacher strongly opposed seatbelt and helmet laws on the grounds that we shouldn't try to outlaw natural selection and the process of evolution.

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Oh well, that is a shame - but it really isn't that big of a deal. I mean, oh well - NFL has done it for years, like pat downs and what not. I postulated that it was something the MLB was implementing for the post season that they were going for a dry run. I really doubt that a quick wand over is going to stop anyone from coming to a game.

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Try flying in the middle east and Europe, when every passenger is hand screened before entering the plane.

Have you ever flown in either of those places? Because what you just said is simply not true. Flying in those places is a breeze compared to going through TSA.

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