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Chris Davis Suspension Timing Awful Suspicious


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Having him miss the first 8 playoff games? I would like to know what major league baseball knew and when they knew it. For instance, did they know about the failed test and did he appeal it? If he didn't appeal it, when did they know? Why couldn't they have done this with 25 games to go?

If he was a Yankee, I suspect he would have got suspended the first 25 games of next year or gotten suspended with 25 games to go. Am I paranoid or do others find this really fishy?

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Having him miss the first 8 playoff games? I would like to know what major league baseball knew and when they knew it. For instance, did they know about the failed test and did he appeal it? If he didn't appeal it, when did they know? Why couldn't they have done this with 25 games to go?

If he was a Yankee, I suspect he would have got suspended the first 25 games of next year or gotten suspended with 25 games to go. Am I paranoid or do others find this really fishy?

I have no doubt that someone in the Yankees or Red Sox organization could have tipped off the MLB drug enforcement testers to look closely at Davis as the playoffs approached. I don't put it above any of them considering how often they've looked the other way with players in their organization over the last 15 years.

I know some folks scoff at the concept of conspiracy theories, but I know enough about the dirt behind the scenes to know that Davis' suspension seemed to come at the most inopportune time for the Orioles.


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There's not enough information to feel anything other than disappointed at CD's behavior.

Adderall isn't a sin. They were stretching with that one.

I wonder how many guys in the league are on masked PEDs and they go after Crush for friggin Adderall.

We can be disappointed in him for taking it without authorization, but 25 games is ridiculous. Players talk to each other. Someone mentioned something around the wrong person on an opposing team (most likely an AL East squad) and they reported it to management and they reported it to the drug testers.

If you don't believe stuff like that happens in the sports industry, I don't know what else to tell ya.


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Having him miss the first 8 playoff games? I would like to know what major league baseball knew and when they knew it. For instance, did they know about the failed test and did he appeal it? If he didn't appeal it, when did they know? Why couldn't they have done this with 25 games to go?

If he was a Yankee, I suspect he would have got suspended the first 25 games of next year or gotten suspended with 25 games to go. Am I paranoid or do others find this really fishy?

They will win without him.

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Yes, MLB's dark forces conspired to ensure that the O's mediocre-to-bad (defensive) third baseman, who also happened to be batting .196, would not appear in the early rounds of the playoffs. Those bastards.

If you tilt your tinfoil hat ever so slightly, you'll find that Dan Duquette actually requested the test that got CD suspended...because DD knew that Buck wouldn't take him out of the lineup otherwise.

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Yeah, this could be right up there with that one. lol

Not saying that.

But just because something is a conspiracy theory, doesn't mean that it is automatically impossible or improbable.

The Yanks and Red Sox had a lot of PED-cheats too but were able to win championships with those guys. Now, out of the blue, Davis is busted right before the playoffs for Adderall.

Adderall. :rolleyestf:

Come on guys.


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I don't think it's a conspiracy. Unfortunately baseball has rules against certain substances and unfortunately Chris tested positive.

If this was the NBA I would absolutely suspect something. That sport is as corrupt as you can imagine. I haven't heard the same about MLB. Though with anything, I can't say it would surprise me.

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Not saying that.

But just because something is a conspiracy theory, doesn't mean that it is automatically impossible or improbable.

The Yanks and Red Sox had a lot of PED-cheats too but were able to win championships with those guys. Now, out of the blue, Davis is busted right before the playoffs for Adderall.

Adderall. :rolleyestf:

Come on guys.



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Where were the Yankees and Red Sox when Roberto Alomar spit on the Umpire and played in the postseason? Chris Davis was having a terrible season. Wouldn't they have picked on Nelson Cruz? LOL

Davis would have heated up during the playoffs.

Cruz has too much heat on him already for PEDs.

They wanted to distract us. It was a distraction.

Time will tell if it actually works against us.


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