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No Manny Sighting?


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Well he def ate at the cheesecake factory in beverly hills around 8PM our time. Not wearing any O's gear. Not watching the game.

O well!

What does "our time" mean? EST, PST, other? If PST, that's after the game was over. If it was during the game, why weren't YOU watching the game? :thumbsup1:

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Many is extremely young an in need of some maturity in my opinion. He needs to dial back his so called celeb status and realize he just one of the 25.

By eating at Cheesecake Factory?

Exactly how does Manny "dial up" his celeb status?

Last offseason I saw some pics where he went to a concert with his future brother in law.

That is all I got.

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From the Sun:

-- Third baseman Manny Machado, who was expected to rejoin the team Friday, will remain in Los Angeles and rehab from right knee surgery there. Showalter said that Machado’s recovery is going well.

“Manny was actually telling me the other day that it actually feels better than the other one did at this point,” Showalter said. “I asked [head trainer] Richie [bancells], ‘Is that a sign of anything?’ He said, ‘No, he said he’s good.’”

Read more: http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/orioles/blog/bal-orioles-pregame-notes-of-stromans-suspension-orioles-resting-and-walkers-debut-20140917,0,2299707.story#ixzz3Dflg3L4A

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Agree. Some people like to stir the pot and will go to great lengths to find a topic. :(

OH threads, "Fair and Balanced"! With moderation, of course....:slytf:

Notes to self:

Do not pick on fellow posters

Angelos is God

Buckle Up every now and then

Manny is never "being Manny"

CD made a bad decision

Hader wasn't a big loss

ERod was collateral damage

Gordo is a thespian

We All Love the O's!

Whither CLB and New Market Sean???? :scratchchinhmm:


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