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The defeatist attitude on here is pretty lame


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The deck is stacked against us, for sure. I think I saw on ESPN earlier that no team has come back from an 0-2 deficit.
The stat was: no team that won the first two G on the road, lost the series. 11W out of 11.

That may be true of the L.C.S., but it's not true of the postseason.

In 1985, the Cardinals won the first 2 games of the World Series on the road, and lost the series.

In 1986, the Red Sox won the first 2 games of the World Series on the road, and lost the series.

In 2001, the Athletics won the first 2 games of the A.L.D.S. on the road, and lost the series.

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The Orioles lost two games at home and all of a sudden this team is garbage. I agree that these losses are tough to stomach, but get a grip! We could just as easily go to KC and take all 3 there. It doesn't seem likely, but it wasn't likely that we would win the division by 10+ games either.

Some of you guys on here are sounding like some straight up chumps. It was two games. Baltimore has been a very good road team this year. This series is far from over.

This is a good team but not having Davis Manny and Matt is catching up to us this series. Royals right now are just a better team. In every aspect they're playing better ball. One thing we learned so far KC Pen is light years better then Orioles.

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This is a good team but not having Davis Manny and Matt is catching up to us this series. Royals right now are just a better team. In every aspect they're playing better ball. One thing we learned so far KC Pen is light years better then Orioles.

For two weeks. Not for all season. They are the hot team right now. That's all. They could not even win their own division when the Tigers handed it to them.

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For two weeks. Not for all season. They are the hot team right now. That's all. They could not even win their own division when the Tigers handed it to them.

KC pen and starters have been great all year NOT two weeks.

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That may be true of the L.C.S., but it's not true of the postseason.

In 1985, the Cardinals won the first 2 games of the World Series on the road, and lost the series.

In 1986, the Red Sox won the first 2 games of the World Series on the road, and lost the series.

In 2001, the Athletics won the first 2 games of the A.L.D.S. on the road, and lost the series.

if the red sox can come back from 0-3 against a really good yankees team, we can come back from 0-2 against the royals. i'm excited at the prospect of playing on the road, less pressure in my opinion.

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There's a small number of vocal posters who have constantly, over and over again, publically given up on this team all season. Over and over again they have quailed at every single bit of adversity. On a micro scale, when our pitcher walks a batter in the first inning, they will declare in the game thread that "he doesn't have it" or if he struggles in the 4th and 5th they are screaming for Buck to "yank him". On a larger scale, when we lose a game or series they say the season is over or explain why we can't possibly win. If we are in a hitting slump, our hitting simply isn't good enough. If our pitchers aren't pitching well, that's why we aren't good enough.

They extrapolate any negative. A bad at bat by a hitter or by a pitcher pitching to a batter means we are in trouble; a bad inning means we will lose the game; a bad game means we will lose hte series; a bad series means the season is going down the tubes.

Yet these people, for some reason, don't extrapolate good stuff. A good game doesn't mean we are going to win the series. A hot streak doesn't mean we will be the best team in baseball.

All year long they have sounded the same repetitive garbage over and over again. And they have been wrong and wrong again and wrong again, over and over. Despite their pathetic outlook, the team has reacted with resilience every time they were down and come back. As of now we have won 99 games, more than any team in the major leagues.

Now of course we have had two bad games and they are out in force, as I sat on the light rail riding home about an hour ago I noticed that the most recent post in about 8 threads was by the same person, the leader of the loser brigade.

And you know what... if we aren't the ONE team out of THIRTY that wins the World Series, they will come out and yell I told you so at us and tell us how they were right all along. It doesn't matter that they were stupidly, ridiculously, hilariously wrong ALL DAMN SEASON with their constant predictions of doom and failure. If we lost to the Royals, which could happen, they will strut around here about how they were finally right, and they will feel so proud of themselves.

I feel nothing but pity for them. They are pathetic. And I think goodness that Buck and the players on the team in now way share their outlook.

This. Thread over.

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KC pen and starters have been great all year NOT two weeks.

In the month of May, Kansas City had the highest ERA in the majors. Is that "great"

Baltimore's 2014 pitching numbers are better than Kansas City's in just about every meaningful category. Starting pitching is a wash, but Baltimore's bullpen was better.

So, in short, what you posted is false.

Stop posting, troll.

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In the month of May, Kansas City had the highest ERA in the majors. Is that "great"

Baltimore's 2014 pitching numbers are better than Kansas City's in just about every meaningful category. Starting pitching is a wash, but Baltimore's bullpen was better.

So, in short, what you posted is false.

Stop posting, troll.

And in this "magical" postseason they have given up 24 runs in 6 games. Good, but not great. We have gotten 8 hits and 2 walks in 8.1 innings against their bullpen, so it's not like they have completely and utterly shut us down either.

The story of this series, and the KC postseason, isn't their dominant pitching. Their pitching has been good. The difference for them is that their hitting has come alive. A team that didn't hit HRs in the regular season has in the postseason. Guys who had crap seasons like Moustakas have gotten red hot.

So the narrative that we are down 2-0 because we have faced a great pitching staff is baloney (bologna?). Our pitching has underachieved / their hitters have overachieved. It could continue and they could sweep us .... OR maybe it won't. That's why we play the games, to find out what happens next.

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