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Why No QO to Markakis?

Bahama O's Fan

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I don't think Markakis gets 30 or 40M with no QO hanging over his head. With a QO he might not even get a contract.

Are you kidding, or are you saying the value of a compensatory pick is $20M? All the comp pick does is chop maybe $5M off a player's value. Sometimes that's significant, sometimes not.

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I see people speculating on here that we might be paying him that much. Why would we do that if he can't get it on the open market?

It's all speculation until Nick signs a contract or we get a solid report of what is on offer. We don't know what Nick can get on the open market. Everyone seems to have a different opinion on the subject. Personally, I think 3/$30 mm is about the worst he'd do, and he might do a bit better (in either years or dollars). But I've seen some smart posters who don't think he'd do better than 3/$24 mm, and could do worse.

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They did it with Roberts. :noidea:

At the time, the Orioles were having a very hard time persuading quality free agents to come to Baltimore, and faced a serious PR problem if Roberts left. As much as Nick is a fan favorite, after three years of winning, nobody is going to be up in arms about whatever Dan decides is best for the team. Even me. If Nick goes, I'll be sad, not mad. But a lot of Orioles fans would have rioted if BRob had gotten away.

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