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Toronto looking for New President to be Duquette.


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The most encouraging thing about Olney's tweet is that "other teams" are asking this question. Given that the situation with respect to the BJ's improper approaches is essentially identical for the White Sox and O's, both of whose owners have not granted permission to interview, it seems fairly clear here that Angelos is being singled out for pressure by someone, probably Manfred. If other teams are also getting worried about this pressure, then Manfred may lose support quickly. OH'ers who expect some rapid conclusion to this saga are likely to be disappointed. The only rapid conclusion would require the BJ's to either do something stupid from their side in terms of extraordinary compensation or move on to a different target. I don't see PA giving in, nor should he.

Other teams see that if they can get away with this against the O's, they could be next.

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Other teams see that if they can get away with this against the O's, they could be next.

Or maybe they'd be interested in participating in a bidding war for DD against the Jays?

You know, contact mlb and make sure they are entered into the drawing too.

The line to screw the Os starts there.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Have heard this from other teams: Why is MLB pushing Toronto's pursuit of Dan Duquette, who is under contract with the Orioles?</p>? Buster Olney (@Buster_ESPN) <a href="
">January 19, 2015</a></blockquote>

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But Buster was giving the same information/spin as Rosenthal... At least that's what I was told...

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When "no comment" is news. Not that it matters (see: Kubiak, Gary)

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Dan Duquette said he'll talk about job issue when "time is appropriate." Asked if he knew when that'd be: "I don't." <a href="http://t.co/N3XZ9HmXmE">http://t.co/N3XZ9HmXmE</a></p>? Dan Connolly (@danconnollysun) <a href="

">January 19, 2015</a></blockquote>

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Do you think he's with the Orioles in 2015?

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Do you think he's with the Orioles in 2015?

Dan has made reasonably clear in the past that he would have interest in the BJ CEO position. But "no comment" at this point can mean many different things. It could mean "I have nothing to add to my previous statements," or "My boss, as a successful lawyer has asked me not to comment until further notice," or "This situation has devolved to a duel between Angelos and Manfred and, desiring a future in MLB, I have no interest in entering into the crossfire," etc. Neither you nor I are clever enough nor privy enough to know what the proper interpretation is. But there is a long track record on Angelos from which to draw reasonable guesses about how he will proceed. So, yes, I expect Duquette will be with the O's in 2015. It is already 2015, by the way.

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Had the Blue Jays gone about this the right way, the outcome likely would have been so much different. Why not just ask for permission in late October, go about your interviews, and work out compensation if your #1 guy is under contract. When someone in your org (Ed Rogers) is sneaking around making phone calls without permission, and the story conveniently erupts on the eve of the Winter Meetings, and again during mini camp, this is what you get.

No wonder PA is :angryfire: :cussing:. Not only is Toronto going about this in a sleazy way, but now you've caused an upheaval in my front office without any personnel changing positions - I'd be raging too. Had this been done the right way back in October, at least there would be time for PA to recover from the poaching and build a stable front office for this year. Now the issue is dragging out and becoming a bigger headache by the day. Add in the whispers that Toronto is enlisting MLB's help in their bully tactics, and I fully hope that PA digs in his heels and unleashes the hungry pitbulls against Toronto and MLB in this instance.

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I think the time is right to promote DD to president of baseball operations or whatever the O's would call it (as others have suggested). Most front offices have at least 2 executives anyway. How much is DD making? I'm guessing a mill or less. The O's are paying DD way less than Matusz is making. I think all of us would agree that DD is more essential to the O's success than a LOOGY. Promote Brady to DD's old position and promote DD to this new position and tell the BJs to go F### themselves.

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Dan has made reasonably clear in the past that he would have interest in the BJ CEO position. But "no comment" at this point can mean many different things. It could mean "I have nothing to add to my previous statements," or "My boss, as a successful lawyer has asked me not to comment until further notice," or "This situation has devolved to a duel between Angelos and Manfred and, desiring a future in MLB, I have no interest in entering into the crossfire," etc. Neither you nor I are clever enough nor privy enough to know what the proper interpretation is. But there is a long track record on Angelos from which to draw reasonable guesses about how he will proceed. So, yes, I expect Duquette will be with the O's in 2015. It is already 2015, by the way.

I was gonna say that too. :P

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