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Callis projection 3/12

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Here is the lastest from BA's Callis on the draft - RE: Orioles #1 Is that because Crow will be gone? I would put a friendly wager that Crow will be the first pitcher taken - I like his 2 plus pitches more than Matuszs two best pitches. And Crow is more dominating

Jim Callis: Yes. Right now, my best guess is that Crow would go No. 1 to the Rays.

So if what Callis projects is true, (also he says Matusz) to the O's at 4. But if Crow goes first, and Alvarez second to Pitt, that would mean that KC would have to decide between Beckham, Smoak and Melville. I think KC has some good power bats so its probably between Melville a Missouri kid and Beckham. That would leave the O's to decided between Smoak and Matusz. Hard call knowing how much the O's want young pitching but how can the O's pass up that kind of bat???

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Nice info.

We are going to go crazy on what each of these teams in front of us might do. All I know is that we are going to have a great talent available to take between Matu, Crow, Pedro, TimB, Smoak and Hosmer.

At least three of them will be available to us and someone from deeper in the pack may emerge.

FWIW, I continue to find articles that hint Hosmer is the best HS batter in some time. I am not sure if I will be mentally prepared to pass on either Beckham or Hosmer if available. :)

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Good post. I have been following these players and I think it would be a tough decision for the O's and Jordan if it was between those two (it wouldn't be for me though). I think if it is between those two that the O's would go for Matusz. I would take Smoak in a second though if it was me on the clock. Him coming through the system at almost the same timetable as Weiters and hopefully Rowell and Snyder. Don't be surprised if Smoak is not available at our pick though. I am hearing the scouts are staring to put him side by side with Alvarez (due to the injury).

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Good post. I have been following these players and I think it would be a tough decision for the O's and Jordan if it was between those two (it wouldn't be for me though). I think if it is between those two that the O's would go for Matusz. I would take Smoak in a second though if it was me on the clock. Him coming through the system at almost the same timetable as Weiters and hopefully Rowell and Snyder. Don't be surprised if Smoak is not available at our pick though. I am hearing the scouts are staring to put him side by side with Alvarez (due to the injury).

So lets look at you assumption. Smoak goes second to the Pirates, Crow goes to the Rays first and KC picks Melville. That leaves us with the choice of Alvarez, Beckham and Matusz (and possibly Hosmer). If that's the case who would you chose? I'd say Alvarez, but Beckam is aweful tempting, maybe its just me, Matusz is good, but he just doesn't excite me all that much.

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So lets look at you assumption. Smoak goes second to the Pirates, Crow goes to the Rays first and KC picks Melville. That leaves us with the choice of Alvarez, Beckham and Matusz (and possibly Hosmer). If that's the case who would you chose? I'd say Alvarez, but Beckam is aweful tempting, maybe its just me, Matusz is good, but he just doesn't excite me all that much.

I think you rank them:

1a. Alvarez

1b. Beckham

2. Matusz

4. Hosmer

Alvarez/Beckham would be a matter of opinion for the scouts to sort out -- both are really, really good. I like that Alvarez will likely be able to play five positions (if you include DH) at the ML level, and shouldn't take long to get there. SF would be pretty happy if Matusz fell to them.

Not sure Smoak jumps ahead of Alvarez unless it's purely a financial decision by PIT. Would be huge for BAL.

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It would be a very hard decision. I would be very happy with either with slight lean towards Alvarez. Maybe we could find a quality SS in round two or three. Hopefully we just take BPA all through the draft no matter what and find some jems such as Arrieta.

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So lets look at you assumption. Smoak goes second to the Pirates, Crow goes to the Rays first and KC picks Melville. That leaves us with the choice of Alvarez, Beckham and Matusz (and possibly Hosmer). If that's the case who would you chose? I'd say Alvarez, but Beckam is aweful tempting, maybe its just me, Matusz is good, but he just doesn't excite me all that much.

If it were me deciding and that was the scenario I would turn in Alvarez's name in record time. haha. I think he holds the advantage over Beckham because of experience and you know a little more about what you are getting. IMO, Beckham has more upside and maybe a higher ceiling, but I think with a rebuild, we need to get some position players in the league as quickly as possible. Plus, you are getting someone that before the injury was the top player in the draft. It would be nice to hear that we arguably got the top player in the last 2 drafts. Good PR is hard to find when it comes to our O's.

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