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Happy Birthday Cal/Bob - We Miss You Flanny


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August 24th is certainly a very strange day for the Orioles Family.

Today we celebrate the Iron Man's 55th Birthday and yet are burdened with the remembrance of the tragic loss of another Oriole great, Mike Flanagan.

I'm only 36 so my memory of Flanny is not as well defined as some of the other posters on this great site, but I remember crying like I had lost a relative 4 years ago today.

I would like to open this post as a way to keep Mike's spirit alive and welcome any and all stories of this great man. We love you Flanny!

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Well, if anyone is really bummed out about the recent Orioles losing streak or their mediocre season as a whole... remember where you were when you heard the news on Flanagan. For me as a fan, I can point to that as the definitive low point of this franchise. Anything that's happened so far this year is nothing compared to that.

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Well, if anyone is really bummed out about the recent Orioles losing streak or their mediocre season as a whole... remember where you were when you heard the news on Flanagan. For me as a fan, I can point to that as the definitive low point of this franchise. Anything that's happened so far this year is nothing compared to that.

That was truly a tragic day. Flanny was beloved by Orioles fans.

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  • 11 months later...

Five years ago today. I remember my wife was on the computer and said Mike had died, what a shock. The MASN postgame didn't come on right away, they kept running commercial after commercial to give Amber, Rick and Tom time to get ready.

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I produced, wrote, interviewed this piece with Jim Palmer about Flanny. It never ran on MASN.I wish it had, but I understand why it didn't..

wow -- just watched this with tears running down my face

Flanny was a true friend of mine. I used to speak to him on the phone all the time and of course in his private box a few times every year when he was GM. He cared sooooooo much about this franchise and what others thought of him. He was most excited about when we opened up the season on Sunday night baseball after we signed Miggy/Raffy/Lopez and the time he called me right after he drafted Wieters and was allowed to go over slot to draft Arrieta ! He also loved to tell Earl Weaver stories. I still can't believe what happened.

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That was truly a tragic day. Flanny was beloved by Orioles fans.

We were just talking about this on Saturday. So terribly tragic. One of the darkest days I can remember. Mr. Flanagan seemed like such a great human being.

Thoughts & prayers to his family. He was a great pitcher and anything but a failure. Many of us can only dream of such success.

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Wow, re-reading that thread gave me an unbelievable sick feeling like I was reliving the tragedy. Man do I wish Flanny could be with us today. It would have been incredible for him to have seen the team's turnaround as well. We miss you Mike!

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5 years ago was the darkest day in my Orioles lifetime.

30-3, 14 losing seasons etc -- all don't compare. I grew up with Flanny on the mound, in the front office and in the booth.

After his passing, everything changed for the team. I wish he could be with Jim, Gary and all of us to see where this team is today.

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5 years ago was the darkest day in my Orioles lifetime.

30-3, 14 losing seasons etc -- all don't compare. I grew up with Flanny on the mound, in the front office and in the booth.

After his passing, everything changed for the team. I wish he could be with Jim, Gary and all of us to see where this team is today.

I agree. It's so sad.

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