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April 28/August 25, Orioles at White Sox


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You're assuming that the entire pitching staff will have the same pitchers it does now, minus one. I wouldn't assume that at all.

True. but it's possible. Plus what if two of the three used the night before? I guess Trembley needs to be mindful of this game a few days before it resumes.

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I really wonder if the weather had anything to do with that horrible Sherrill pitch. Had they suspended the game with the O's leading like they did with the Yankees, I think we'd have won the game eventually. I realize they wanted to get through 12 but it really put Sherrill and the Orioles at a disadvantage as the batter has a much better advantage than the pitcher when it is raining that hard.

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True. but it's possible. Plus what if two of the three used the night before? I guess Trembley needs to be mindful of this game a few days before it resumes.

We don't even know when the game is going to be resumed. It's way too early to be worrying about that stuff.

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True. but it's possible. Plus what if two of the three used the night before? I guess Trembley needs to be mindful of this game a few days before it resumes.

Like I said earlier, its not a big deal.

The Orioles have 2 off days in 8 days. Just start the suspended game with a starter to keep them on normal rest. No big deal.

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So how does this game impact stats? Do any of the stats for these players count today? Or, do they not officially count until the game is completed? For instance, does Ramon have one more HR now? Or, will it not be official until this game is completed?

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So how does this game impact stats? Do any of the stats for these players count today? Or, do they not officially count until the game is completed? For instance, does Ramon have one more HR now? Or, will it not be official until this game is completed?

The stats arent official until the game is completed.

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Hmm I think it could still be Torres. Not sure if your DH gets ejected that you lose the DH, only if your DH plays the field...

You don't lose the DH when your DH is ejected. You just have to put someone else in there the next time the position in the batting order comes to the plate.

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I really wonder if the weather had anything to do with that horrible Sherrill pitch. Had they suspended the game with the O's leading like they did with the Yankees, I think we'd have won the game eventually. I realize they wanted to get through 12 but it really put Sherrill and the Orioles at a disadvantage as the batter has a much better advantage than the pitcher when it is raining that hard.

It did slip a little according to him. That was the first breaking ball that he had thrown in the inning. He didn't have a great grip and it hung. Same thing happened in the Yankees game. Throwing the breaking ball is tougher, even though the fastball can slip too, as in the Yanks game.

Also, someone mentioned stats, everything counts as of right now as the game is official (being past 5 innings). It is just suspended until a later date.

Another thing people mentioned about not stoping the game earlier. If at all possible, you try to complete the full inning. Both teams basically have to have the same opportunity in the near same condition. They couldn't put out more drying agent until the 12th, unless it was in the half inning to put it on the mound or near home plate.

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Huff thrown out on a close play at first.

RShack how close was it?

I had to do other stuff when the game was on, so I just now watched the whole thing while skimming the game thread.

With Huff, there was no perfect camera angle. From one angle it looked like almost a tie, from the other it looked like Huff's foot was on the bag when the ball was still a foot from the guy's mitt. So, it's debatable whether he was clearly safe or tie-goes-to-the-runner, but there's no way the throw beat him. I think maybe the ump couldn't see exactly when the ball was firmly in the mitt, just because of how the angles worked out. But he was robbed for sure.

Huff tossed from the game.
To be fair to the ump, Huff was screaming pretty loud. He deserved to get tossed.

I don't think it was "the loud" that got him tossed. I think it was the "FU" that did it. I'm no lip-reader, but there was no doubt about it.

At least Huff was acting like he gave a damn. Exceedingly dumb thing to do. I don't want him doing stupid things like that, but I did kinda like seeing him get mad.

On the replay I thought it was pretty clear that Samuel waved for Jones to make the turn. This one isn't on Jones, I don't think.

No question about it. Samuel waved him on, so AJ was doing his job.

Painfully bad. No reason at all to round 3rd even a little. He rounded it substantially.

Not true. Right at the time, Palmer said that you do wanna round the bag, and then see what happens with the throw to 1st. AJ didn't do anything wrong. If you need somebody to blame, Samuel is the guy, not AJ. But the real issue was their SS making a damn good play. That was the main thing. Samuel didn't expect him to do that, so it turned out bad, that's what happened.

However, while you can say that we gave it away, IMO the proper Baseball Thing To Do is give applause to their guy for making a great heads-up play. Remember how much we liked it the other day when our Stalwart Young Pitcher picked up the ball and out-raced the runner to 3B? Well, on this play, what their guy did was like that, only better.

Samuel takes a big part of the blame but as a baserunner you know where the ball is hit and that it is hit slow so you have to be concious that the SS might throw behind you there. I'm just saying a good, experienced baserunner probably doesn't get caught there.
Bull. You take your secondary lead. You know where the ball is hit and how slow it is hit. Samuel is at fault no doubt but Jones wasn't on his toes either.
Im not getting into a pissing match with you. Samuel was at fault but I simply disagree that Jones is completely absolved there.

This is just wrong. There is no way that AJ did anything wrong. In fact, on the second replay (you couldn't see this it on the first replay because of the stupid MASN graphic blocking things), after Samuel waved him around, it appeared to be AJ himself who looked over at the SS as he was rounding the bag, saw what was going on, and got himself back. It's not clear whether the 3B tagged him. Didn't have the right camera angle to tell, but from the only angle we had, it looked like the 3B missed the tag on his helmet. The only way he was out was if his arm banged into the 3B's glove when he was reaching to the bag. AJ didn't do anything wrong, and he damn near saved it anyway. To say that a "good, experienced baserunner probably doesn't get caught there" is just silly. It was a very non-standard once-a-year kind of play, and it happened because their guy did the perfect thing.

And Johnson completes the amazingness with a strikeout. Man what a turn of events.

JJ was very impressive the whole time. He just knows what he's doing. Both big things and little things. I don't know exactly who the hell this guy is, but he sure looks like a very big-league pitcher to me.

WOW! Blowing a sqeeze play is even worse then the baserunning blunder.

I watched that about 10 times. The real hero here is JJ, who made a pitch that was just about impossible to bunt. He and Ramon were jamming him with that pitch anyway, so it was coming in on his hands to begin with... but then when it got there, it tailed in even more. Because of where the pitch was, and how it was tailing when it got there, it would've taken a super-duper bunting job by the batter. I know the CWS fans are gonna be yelling about the guy missing the bunt, but it really was about the hardest possible pitch to bunt. I'm not saying JJ and Ramon planned it that way, but it was the pitch itself that screwed up Ozzie's basically good idea.

OK, explain this one to me. With 1 strike, Anderson tries to bunt, and foul tips into Ramon's glove. The home plate umpire clearly signals that the ball was tipped there.

1. The ball isn't dead?

2. If it isn't dead, wouldn't Ramon just have to throw to Mora to tag the bag?

When a C catches a foul-tip, that cancels the "foul" part and turns it into a plain ole strike. If the C doesn't catch it, then it's just a normal foul ball.

No, I called it when they took Vasquez out, and just now... we're in control now..

You and I are both glad that I wasn't watching the game when you did this stupid stunt again. I know you think it's cute to go saying a game is in the bag before it's over, but it's not. Doing that's a basic sin of fandom. You probably think it's fun to go talking about a guy's no-hitter in the 8th inning too. You did this the other night when we had a 5 run lead, and we ended up with tying run at the plate in the 9th. I dinged you for that then, and had I been watching the game in real-time, I would've dinged you for it this time too. Just like I will whenever you pull this stupid stunt again. You don't go saying a game is in the bag when it's not. What you say is "It ain't over til it's over." Anybody who's a baseball fan knows that.

BTW, I've been at work all day and only saw the bottom of the 9th on.

How did Cabrera look today. I know his stat line indicates he did well, but how did he look?

He looked a whole lot better than his line looks. The game was a mess, weather-wise, and the mound had a mud-puddle where his front foot landed, and it was 37 degrees and wet. It's a wonder he didn't hit the bull.

Someone needs to send Fahey back to his AAU team.

Nah, that's not fair. I'm not crazy about the guy, I think LH is a lot better. But that ball took a route from the bat to his glove that went directly through a big mud-puddle. The ball was slippery-sloppy, you can't put that on him. If it wasn't for the schedule, the umps would never have let them play in this slop.

It's get away day, you're soaking wet, and it's been a long day. Might as well get a "W".

Or not.

Remember when football had ties? If you don't remember, then the way this game feels after the 12th-inning suspension tells you all you need to know about why football doesn't have ties anymore. Cold, soggy, messy, draining game that ends in misty cloud of disappointing nothingness. Remarkably enough, it was actually a pretty good game. Both teams played very well, considering the weather circumstances.

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  • 3 months later...

So we're back - It's August 25th and just about 4 months since we left off at this game.

Let's see what we can do to get back in the WIN column - retroactive to April 28th.

Would this halt our 3 game losing streak? :scratchchinhmm:

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So we're back - It's August 25th and just about 4 months since we left off at this game.

Let's see what we can do to get back in the WIN column - retroactive to April 28th.

Would this halt our 3 game losing streak? :scratchchinhmm:

Clutch thread bump! Well done.

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