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Olney on Potential Replacements


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Surhoff for manager - Fan favorite (many see that as a dirty phrase, but if he does well, it's a bonus), fiery player, played on winning and losing teams.

Hoiles for hitting coach - Power hitter for a catcher, walked a lot without striking out a lot, had a full-season OBP of under .350 once in his career.

Bordick for infield/base coach - Smart player, great defensive player.

Has Surhoff even coached in the major leagues? Or minor leagues?

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Surhoff for manager - Fan favorite (many see that as a dirty phrase, but if he does well, it's a bonus), fiery player, played on winning and losing teams.

Hoiles for hitting coach - Power hitter for a catcher, walked a lot without striking out a lot, had a full-season OBP of under .350 once in his career.

Bordick for infield/base coach - Smart player, great defensive player.

Hoiles is the manager of the York Revolution Independent team... he's not going where soon.

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What about Phillip Wellman???

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVkWz4dQoik"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVkWz4dQoik" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

or Joe Mikulik?

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDx_6LzfZ5Y"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDx_6LzfZ5Y" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

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Personally, I'd rather see Crowley get the boot this week. When nearly the entire lineup is hitting below career levels, and considering his past success is questionable, Crowley's time to go is now.

If they fire Sam, lose Mazzone, and don't fire Crowley, I don't see how we're in a better situation overall, no matter who they hire as manager.

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Hoiles is the manager of the York Revolution Independent team... he's not going where soon.

Yeah, because if he was offered a major-league coaching job with the team he spent his career for, in a city where he is beloved, he would say, "No. I have to stay so we can play the all-road games team tomorrow, followed by a three-city road trip around New Jersey on a bus."

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I have no inside info, but I just have a feeling the secret negotiations are with Dempsey.

It would be horrible timing for Eddie to get a managing job on the heels of being fired from an assistant job. His opening press conference would consist of questions about his firing, etc -- again, horrible timing.

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Yeah, because if he was offered a major-league coaching job with the team he spent his career for, in a city where he is beloved, he would say, "No. I have to stay so we can play the all-road games team tomorrow, followed by a three-city road trip around New Jersey on a bus."

No, I don't think Hoiles would leave the York job that he just got... if it was during the off-season, but I don't think he would during the middle of the season. There is such a thing as loyalty, and I for one think Hoiles is that kind of a person.

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Does his name being with an H?

and end with an OILES?

Okay, that leaves us with:








Truthfully, the only guy I see on this list that makes sense is Dempsey.

I don't think Johnson wants to deal with Angelos even if they did kiss and make up.

Surhoff, Ripken, and Bordick have not even held a minor league managerial job, so I can't imagine it would be any of them. If it was one of them, it would be pretty darn stupid...so I guess that means it could be! :P

Murray doesn't seem to play well with others.

Hoiles has a job, and I doubt that he would quit on them at the beginning of a season, when they've just opened the new ballpark.

Dempsey has had some minor league managing experience, and he seems to be in Pete's good graces for whatever reason.

So...I'm guessing its Dempsey. I don't think I like it, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's who it is.

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It'd be pretty classless of Dempsey to continue to appear on TV and criticize the team if he's in negotiations to take over. He basically scolded the media today though for asking Sam about his job situation, saying it was 'private', which seemed like a strange thing to say.

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Guest oriofan8

Here is a name I'm surprised hasn't been talked about.....not saying I'd choose him....but what about Frank Robinson?

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As the Orioles' bullpen continued to blow game after game, I began to laugh a little more each time at how ludicrous this team has become.

Dempsey being named manager would be the big, loud guffaw cementing Angelos' complete and absolute cluelessness for all time to come!

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