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O's @ Jays---7/10


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I'm in Baltimore for once... but here. I'm introducing my mom to the Hangout while we listen on the radio because my parents are too cheap to buy cable! :eek:

Still, even on the radio I can tell that was a terrible call by the umpire! :angryfire: Brian is getting seriously hosed on outside (and sometimes low too) pitches lately. He's going to have to find a way to adjust to a strike zone that stretches at least an extra six inches to the outside because everyone is pitching him off the outside corner knowing that he won't swing or if he does won't hit it well and the umps will consistently call BS strikes against him. :angryfire::angryfire::angryfire:

I wish I hadn't wasted my good pitchfork on Yank fans. :(

I will buy you a NEW pitchfork

Can you come to the Hangout night on July 19?:)

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